1,732 research outputs found

    Vimentin downregulation is an inherent feature of murine erythropoiesis and occurs independently of lineage

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    In mammalian erythropoiesis, the mature cells of the primitive lineage remain nucleated while those of the definitive lineage are anuclear. One of the molecular and structural changes that precedes enucleation in cells of the definitive lineage is the cessation in the expression of the gene for the intermediate filament (IF) protein vimentin and the removal of all vimentin filaments from the cytoplasm. We show here that in immature primitive cells vimentin is synthesized and forms a cytoplasmic network of IFs. As differentiation proceeds in vivo, vimentin gene expression is downregulated in these cells; this is accompanied by the loss of vimentin filaments from the cytoplasm. This loss temporally coincides with the nucleus becoming freely mobile within the cytoplasm, suggesting that, while IF removal is not directly linked to the physical process of enucleation, it may be a prerequisite for the initiation of nuclear mobility in both lineages. These changes are also observed in early primitive cells cultured in vitro, suggesting that they constitute an intrinsic part of the murine erythroid differentiation program independent of lineage and hematopoietic microenvironment

    Link Workers in Social Prescribing for Young People work: a case study from Sheffield

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    Introduction: Social Prescribing has an established recognition regarding the benefits provided to the health-related social needs of adults, but little is known about how the intervention addresses young people’s needs. There is optimism regarding the central role of two core mechanisms that allows social prescribing to be effective, such as the empathetic role of Link Workers and the connection with community resources. This paper aims to describe the role played by Link Workers working a Social Prescribing intervention targeting young people. Description: This paper adopts a case study methodology to describe the role of Link Workers addressing young people’s needs and implementing Social Prescribing scheme in Sheffield (UK). Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with four of the seven link workers of one organisation based in Sheffield. Data were analysed through an inductive approach for emerging themes. Discussion: We provided a description of the profiles and background of Link Workers and described the three models of referral pathways into the intervention. The paper also shows how Link Workers identify young people's needs and how they connect with the community. Conclusion: Based on the insights and the internationally accepted definition of Social Prescribing, we provide a visual representation of the Social Prescribing model and discuss challenges. The paper highlights lessons learned and future directions regarding the role of Link Workers from the case stud

    Causality and replication in concurrent processes

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    The replication operator was introduced by Milner for obtaining a simplified description of recursive processes. The standard interleaving semantics denotes the replication of a process P, written !P, a shorthand for its unbound parallel composition, operationally equivalent to the process P | P | …, with P repeated as many times as needed. Albeit the replication mechanism has become increasingly popular, investigations on its causal semantics has been scarce. In fact, the correspondence between replication and unbound parallelism makes it difficult to recover basic properties usually associated with these semantics, such as the so-called concurrency diamond. In this paper we consider the interleaving semantics for the operator proposed by Sangiorgi and Walker, and we show how to refine it in order to capture causality. Furthermore, we prove it coincident with the standard causal semantics for recursive process studied in the literature, for processes defined by means of constant invocations

    On the relative expressiveness of higher-order session processes

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    By integrating constructs from the λ-calculus and the π-calculus, in higher-order process calculi exchanged values may contain processes. This paper studies the relative expressiveness of HOπ, the higher-order π-calculus in which communications are governed by session types. Our main discovery is that HO, a subcalculus of HOπ which lacks name-passing and recursion, can serve as a new core calculus for session-typed higher-order concurrency. By exploring a new bisimulation for HO, we show that HO can encode HOπ fully abstractly (up to typed contextual equivalence) more precisely and efficiently than the first-order session π-calculus (π). Overall, under session types, HOπ, HO, and π are equally expressive; however, HOπ and HO are more tightly related than HOπ and π

    On bisimulations for the asynchronous π-calculus

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    AbstractThe asynchronous π-calculus is a variant of the π-calculus where message emission is non-blocking. Honda and Tokoro have studied a semantics for this calculus based on bisimulation. Their bisimulation relies on a modified transition system where, at any moment, a process can perform any input action.In this paper we propose a new notion of bisimulation for the asynchronous π-calculus, defined on top of the standard labelled transition system. We give several characterizations of this equivalence including one in terms of Honda and Tokoro's bisimulation, and one in terms of barbed equivalence. We show that this bisimulation is preserved by name substitutions, hence by input prefix. Finally, we give a complete axiomatization of the (strong) bisimulation for finite terms

    Modular coinduction up-to for higher-order languages via first-order transition systems

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    The bisimulation proof method can be enhanced by employing ‘bisimulations up-to’ techniques. A comprehensive theory of such enhancements has been developed for first-order (i.e., CCS-like) labelled transition systems (LTSs) and bisimilarity, based on abstract fixed-point theory and compatible functions. We transport this theory onto languages whose bisimilarity and LTS go beyond those of first-order models. The approach consists in exhibiting fully abstract translations of the more sophisticated LTSs and bisimilarities onto the first-order ones. This allows us to reuse directly the large corpus of up-to techniques that are available on first-order LTSs. The only ingredient that has to be manually supplied is the compatibility of basic up-to techniques that are specific to the new languages. We investigate the method on the π-calculus, the λ-calculus, and a (call-by-value) λ-calculus with references

    Fresh-Register Automata

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    What is a basic automata-theoretic model of computation with names and fresh-name generation? We introduce Fresh-Register Automata (FRA), a new class of automata which operate on an infinite alphabet of names and use a finite number of registers to store fresh names, and to compare incoming names with previously stored ones. These finite machines extend Kaminski and Francez’s Finite-Memory Automata by being able to recognise globally fresh inputs, that is, names fresh in the whole current run. We exam-ine the expressivity of FRA’s both from the aspect of accepted languages and of bisimulation equivalence. We establish primary properties and connections between automata of this kind, and an-swer key decidability questions. As a demonstrating example, we express the theory of the pi-calculus in FRA’s and characterise bisimulation equivalence by an appropriate, and decidable in the finitary case, notion in these automata

    On Bisimilarity and Substitution in Presence of Replication

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    International audienceWe prove a new congruence result for the pi-calculus: bisimilarity is a congruence in the sub-calculus that does not include restriction nor sum, and features top-level replications. Our proof relies on algebraic properties of replication, and on a new syntactic characterisation of bisimilarity. We obtain this characterisation using a rewriting system rather than a purely equational axiomatisation. We then deduce substitution closure, and hence, congruence. Whether bisimilarity is a congruence when replications are unrestricted remains open

    The Paths to Choreography Extraction

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    Choreographies are global descriptions of interactions among concurrent components, most notably used in the settings of verification (e.g., Multiparty Session Types) and synthesis of correct-by-construction software (Choreographic Programming). They require a top-down approach: programmers first write choreographies, and then use them to verify or synthesize their programs. However, most existing software does not come with choreographies yet, which prevents their application. To attack this problem, we propose a novel methodology (called choreography extraction) that, given a set of programs or protocol specifications, automatically constructs a choreography that describes their behavior. The key to our extraction is identifying a set of paths in a graph that represents the symbolic execution of the programs of interest. Our method improves on previous work in several directions: we can now deal with programs that are equipped with a state and internal computation capabilities; time complexity is dramatically better; we capture programs that are correct but not necessarily synchronizable, i.e., they work because they exploit asynchronous communication