7 research outputs found

    Conocimientos sobre el uso pesticidas y el consumo de frutas y legumbres en agricultores y consumidores en la provincia de Nador, Marruecos. Resultados de una encuesta.

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    Introduction: Pesticides are increasingly used in agriculture to protect crops against diseases, insect pests, weeds, etc. Pesticides leave residues and chemical active material, which can affect the health of consumers. Several epidemiological studies have demonstrated a link between pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables and disease infestations in humans and problems related to sterility, allergies, and even carcinogenic diseases. Consumer awareness and the application of strict legislation about the application of pesticides in agriculture remain as a good alternative to face this issue. Methods: This survey was carried out in the region of Nador, North-East of Morocco. It is a quantitative study of a representative sample made up of 100 consumers and 50 farmers in relation to fruit and vegetables and the use of pesticides. Results: Most consumers are not aware of the danger of pesticides and residues in fruits and vegetables. In addition, the survey revealed that potato, tomato, apples, and bananas are the most consumed. These foods are usually characterized by a high rate of application of pesticides and with a higher rate of pesticides residues. In addition, surveys carried out in farmers, revealed that they consider the economic and agronomic interest of the application of these pesticides without considering the residual effects on health. Moreover, a high rate of sterility was observed among these surveyed farmers (31%). Conclusions: The consumers are less aware of the danger of pesticides. The choices of farmers are only accentuated on the aspect of economic use of these products and not on the health and environment.Introducci贸n: Los pesticidas se usan cada vez m谩s en la agricultura para proteger los cultivos contra enfermedades, plagas de insectos, malezas, etc. Varios estudios epidemiol贸gicos han demostrado una relaci贸n directa entre los residuos de plaguicidas en frutas y verduras y la contracci贸n de enfermedades en humanos, siendo las m谩s frecuentes las asociadas con problemas relacionados con la esterilidad, las alergias e incluso las enfermedades carcinog茅nicas. La concientizaci贸n del consumidor y la aplicaci贸n de una legislaci贸n estricta sobre la aplicaci贸n de pesticidas en la agricultura siguen siendo una buena alternativa para enfrentar este problema. Metodolog铆a: Esta encuesta se llev贸 a cabo en la regi贸n de Nador, al noreste de Marruecos. Se trata de un estudio cuantitativo de una muestra representativa formada por 100 consumidores y 50 agricultores, en relaci贸n con las frutas y hortalizas y el uso de plaguicidas. Resultados: La mayor铆a de los consumidores no son conscientes del peligro de los pesticidas y residuos en frutas y verduras. Adem谩s, la encuesta revel贸 que la papa, el tomate, la manzana y el pl谩tano son los m谩s consumidos. Estos alimentos suelen caracterizarse por una alta tasa de aplicaci贸n de plaguicidas y con una mayor tasa de residuos. Adem谩s, las encuestas realizadas a los agricultores revelaron que estos 煤ltimos tienen en cuenta el inter茅s econ贸mico y agron贸mico de la aplicaci贸n de estos plaguicidas, pero no sus efectos residuales sobre la salud. Asimismo, se observ贸 un alto nivel de esterilidad entre estos agricultores encuestados (31%). Conclusiones: Los consumidores son menos concienciados respecto al peligro de estos plaguicidas. Las opciones de los agricultores s贸lo se acent煤an en el aspecto del uso econ贸mico de estos productos y no en la salud y el medio ambiente

    A numerical modeling of a profile velocity and Shear stress in transient flow applied in industrial technology

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    This research is devoted to theoretical and numerical models of transient shear stress in a transient laminar flow over the pipe wall. This work is an elementary method of the model Prado et al, which the base is on the expansion of velocity profiles ofthe flow in polynomial series of a radial space at acroass the right section of pipe. The set equations is derived from mass and momentum conservation laws. The system partial derivatives equations obtained is hyperbolique and suitable by the method of characteristics. This model is approved with the experimental results of Holmboe et al, and, Vardy et al. This digital code can be possible to join it in any tools, to simulateand to controle water hammer in pipe

    Validation of two-fluid model for water hammer in elastic pipes

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    In this article, the two-phase water hammer theoretical and numerical simulation are provided. A mathematical formulation is presented to describe the transient one-dimensional flow of bubbly gas-liquid mixtures without phase change in an horizontal pipe. The features of the two-fluid model for simulating water hammer flows are investigated. The governing equations were obtained from mass and momentum conservation laws combined with interfacial interaction correlations. The obtained system of equations for steady-state is solved through the Runge-Kutta method. On the other hand, the transient flow equation solutions are provided by the Newton-Raphson methods. A laborious calculation was carried out to determine the common pressure of the two phases. In order to improve the robustness and efficiency of the Richtmeyer-Lax-Wendroff method in solving the two-fluid model, a flux corrected transport technique was proposed. The results obtained by the proposed model are compared successfully to the corresponding homogeneous equilibrium model and the experimental ones provided by the literature


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    This paper presents a Multiple Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (MANFIS)-based method for regulating the handling force of a common object. The foundation of this method is the prediction of the inverse dynamics of a cooperative robotic system made up of two 3-DOF robotic manipulators. Considering the no slip in contact between the tool and the object, an object is moved. to create and feed the MANFIS database, the inverse kinematics and dynamic equations of motion for the closed chain of motion for both arms are established in Matlab. Results from a SimMechanic simulation are given to demonstrate how well the suggested ANFIS controller works. Several manipulated object movements covering the shared workspace of the two manipulator arms are used to test the proposed control strategy

    Validation of two-fluid model for water hammer in elastic pipes

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    In this article, the two-phase water hammer theoretical and numerical simulation are provided. A mathematical formulation is presented to describe the transient one-dimensional flow of bubbly gas-liquid mixtures without phase change in an horizontal pipe. The features of the two-fluid model for simulating water hammer flows are investigated. The governing equations were obtained from mass and momentum conservation laws combined with interfacial interaction correlations. The obtained system of equations for steady-state is solved through the Runge-Kutta method. On the other hand, the transient flow equation solutions are provided by the Newton-Raphson methods. A laborious calculation was carried out to determine the common pressure of the two phases. In order to improve the robustness and efficiency of the Richtmeyer-Lax-Wendroff method in solving the two-fluid model, a flux corrected transport technique was proposed. The results obtained by the proposed model are compared successfully to the corresponding homogeneous equilibrium model and the experimental ones provided by the literature