21 research outputs found

    Impacto da adubação orgânica sobre a incidência de tripes em cebola.

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    Analisou-se a relação entre adubação orgânica e a incidência de Thrips tabaci Lind. em cebola (Allium cepa L), na EE de Ituporanga,entre agosto e dezembro de 1998. Os tratamentos foram determinados de acordo com a necessidade de N para a cultura pela análise de solo. Empregou-se como fonte orgânica diversos adubos fornecendo 75 Kg/ha de N (esterco suíno; adubo Barriga Verde proveniente de esterco de aves; composto orgânico; esterco de peru; húmus); 37,5 Kg/ha de N (metade da dose normal com esterco de suíno); as testemunhas foram adubação mineral fornecendo 30-120-60 kg/ha de N-P2O5-K2O e o dobro da dose (60-240-120 kg/ha de N-P2O5-K2O); e testemunha sem adubação. Nenhum tratamento apresentou incidência de T. tabaci superior à testemunha sem adubo. A adubação mineral em relação à orgânica não favoreceu significativamente a incidência de T. tabaci . O processo de conversão do manejo do solo da área experimental de convencional para orgânico pode ter favorecido a infestação similar do inseto entre tratamentos. No período de maior incidência de T. tabaci, a relação com nutrientes foi descrita por um modelo envolvendo K/Zn, B e N de maneira positiva. A correlação entre nutrientes e T. tabaci não foi linear na maioria das avaliações. A adubação orgânica pode substituir a adubação mineral na cultura da cebola, pois foi possível atingir níveis de produtividade similares para ambos tratamentos

    Classical nonlinear models to describe the growth curve for Murrah buffalo breed

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    With the objective of to adjust nonlinear models for the growth curves for a buffaloes herd raised in floodable lands in Rio Grande do Sul state, monthly records measured from birth to two years-old of 64 males and 63 females born between 1982 and 1989 were used. The models used were: Von Bertalanffy, Brody, Gompertz and Logistic. The parameters were estimated by NLIN procedure and the criteria used to evaluate the adjustment given by the models were: asymptotic standard deviation; coefficient of determination; average absolute deviation of residues and asymptotic index. Von Bertalanffy and Brody models overestimated the male asymptotic weight (A) in 15.9 and 171.3kg, respectively, and the Gompertz and Logistic models underestimated it in 4.5 and 13.4kg, respectively. For females, the Logistic model underestimated the asymptotic weight (-2.09kg), and Gompertz, Von Bertalanffy and Brody overestimated this parameter in 8.04, 17.7, and 280.33kg, respectively. The biggest average deviation was estimated by Brody model for both sexes, characterizing the biggest index. Considering the criteria, it is recommended the Gompertz and Logistic models for adjust females and males Murrah buffaloes breed growth curves.Com o objetivo de ajustar modelos não-lineares ao crescimento ponderal para búfalos criados em terras baixas no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, foram utilizados registros mensais mensurados do nascimento aos dois anos de idade de 64 machos e 63 fêmeas, nascidos no período de 1982 a 1989. Utilizaram-se os modelos: Von Bertalanffy, Brody, Gompertz e Logístico. Os parâmetros foram estimados usando o procedimento NLIN e os critérios utilizados para verificar o ajuste dos modelos foram: desvio padrão assintótico; coeficiente de determinação; desvio médio absoluto dos resíduos e o índice assintótico. Os modelos Von Bertalanffy e Brody superestimaram o peso assintótico (A) para os machos em 15,9 e 171,3kg, respectivamente, e os modelos Gompertz e Logístico, subestimaram em 4,5 e 13,4kg, respectivamente. Para as fêmeas, o modelo Logístico subestimou o peso assintótico (-2,09kg) e os modelos Gompertz, Von Bertalanffy e Brody superestimaram esse parâmetro em: 8,04; 17,7 e 280,33kg, respectivamente. O maior desvio médio absoluto foi estimado pelo modelo Brody para ambos os sexos, caracterizando o melhor índice. Considerando os critérios, recomenda-se o modelo Gompertz e o modelo Logístico para ajustar a curva de crescimento de fêmeas e machos da raça Murrah

    National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic

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    Changing collective behaviour and supporting non-pharmaceutical interventions is an important component in mitigating virus transmission during a pandemic. In a large international collaboration (Study 1, N = 49,968 across 67 countries), we investigated self-reported factors associated with public health behaviours (e.g., spatial distancing and stricter hygiene) and endorsed public policy interventions (e.g., closing bars and restaurants) during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic (April-May 2020). Respondents who reported identifying more strongly with their nation consistently reported greater engagement in public health behaviours and support for public health policies. Results were similar for representative and non-representative national samples. Study 2 (N = 42 countries) conceptually replicated the central finding using aggregate indices of national identity (obtained using the World Values Survey) and a measure of actual behaviour change during the pandemic (obtained from Google mobility reports). Higher levels of national identification prior to the pandemic predicted lower mobility during the early stage of the pandemic (r = −0.40). We discuss the potential implications of links between national identity, leadership, and public health for managing COVID-19 and future pandemics.publishedVersio

    Does the World Cup get the economic ball rolling? Evidence from a synthetic control approach

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    In this paper we analyze the impact of hosting the FIFA Soccer World Cup on GDP per capita in a worldwide sample of countries using a transparent statistical methodology for data-driven case studies – the synthetic control method. Using country level annual-data covering all events occurring in the period between 1978 (Argentina) and 2006 (Germany), we show that the estimated average treatment effect was either zero or negative for all but one of the countries analyzed. Our results, therefore, support the general claim that World Cups are not statistically associated to development and economic growth. JEL classification: O4, O5, C50, Keywords: Economic growth, World Cup, Synthetic control metho

    Parâmetros genéticos da taxa de maturação e do peso assintótico de fêmeas da raça Nelore Genetic parameters of maturation rate and asymptotic weight of Nelore females

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    Utilizaram-se 14.563 pesagens de 1158 fêmeas da raça Nelore, nascidas entre 1984 e 1995, pertencentes a 10 fazendas, distribuídas em sete estados do Brasil. Com o objetivo de estabelecer um padrão médio de crescimento, obter parâmetros individuais das curvas e estimar os componentes de variância, herdabilidade e correlações genéticas dos parâmetros das curvas, foram comparados os modelos de Von Bertalanffy, Brody, logístico e Gompertz. Foram utilizados o procedimento NLIN e o programa MTDFREML sob modelo animal em análise unicaráter e bicaráter. Os parâmetros médios dos pesos assintóticos (A) e das taxas de maturidade (K) foram: 515,06 e 0,071 para Von Bertalanffy; 552,77 e 0,045 para Brody; 501,11 e 0,097 para logístico, e 507,00 e 0,083 para Gompertz, respectivamente. As estimativas de herdabilidade para A e K foram de alta magnitude: 0,39 e 0,42 para Von Bertalanffy, 0,42 e 0,44 para Brody, 0,40 e 0,41 para logístico e 0,39 e 0,39 para Gompertz, respectivamente. As correlações genéticas variaram entre -0,69 e -0,49. Todos os modelos foram adequados para descrever o crescimento. A ordem de escolha do melhor modelo para descrever a curva de crescimento foi: Brody, Von Bertalanffy, logístico e Gompertz. Essas características seriam passíveis de inclusão em índice de seleção para seleção de fêmeas Nelore.<br>Data from 1158 females Nellore beef cattle, born between 1984 and 1995, at 10 breeding farms and located at seven differents States of Brazil were used to establish a growth pattern curve of beef cattle females, and to estimate variance components, heritabilities and genetic correlations between the parameters for Von Bertalanffy, Brody, logístic and Gompertz models. The NLIN procedure and the MTDFREML program under animal model were used for single and two trait analyses. The average weight (A) and growth rate (K) were 515.06 and .071 for Von Bertalanffy; 552.77 and .045 for Brody; 501.11 and .097 for logistic; and 507.00 and .083 for Gompertz, respectively. High heritabilities were estimated for A and K parameters: .39 and .42 for Von Bertalanffy; .42 and .44 for Brody; .40 and .41 for logistic; and .39 and .39 for Gompertz, respectively. All the models described adequately the growth pattern of those females. The best model to describe the growth curve based on the number of iteractions for convergence, error mean square and the coefficient of determination was Brody model, followed by Von Bertalanffy, logistic and Gompetz models. These characteristics (A and K parameters) could be included in selection index for female Nelore selection

    Crecimiento inicial de Palo de Rosa (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) en distintos ambientes de fertilidad Growth of initial Rosewood (Aniba rosaeodora Ducke) in different environnement of fertility

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    Los estudios de requerimientos nutricionales son de gran importancia para identificar aquellos más importantes en el desarrollo fisiológico y crecimiento de plántulas. Con el objetivo de evaluar las exigencias nutricionales y los efectos de la omisión de macronutrientes en el crecimiento de plántulas de Aniba rosaeodora; se realizó un experimento en el vivero del INPA-Amazonas-Brasil teniendo como substrato un suelo Podozolico Rojo de baja disponibilidad de nutrientes. Se utilizaron 8 tratamientos bajo la técnica del nutriente faltante: Control (Suelo con macronutrientes), Suelo natural, y la omisión de un macronutriente por vez (-N, -P, -K, -Ca, -Mg, -S). Se evaluaron las siguientes características: tasa de crecimiento relativo (TCR), Tasa de asimilación neta (TAN), peso de la materia seca de la parte aérea (MSPA) y de las raíces (MSR), contenido de nutrientes en las hojas, concluyendo que el N, Mg y Ca, demostraron ser limitantes al crecimiento en suelo con pequeña disponibilidad; Las plántulas de A. rosaeodora presentaron un bajo requerimiento nutricional para el P, K y S. La omisión de Ca y N perjudica TCR de la especie. Los elementos más importantes para la MSPA fueron el Ca y el Mg; actuando el Mg más en el área foliar; por otro lado la omisión de azufre favorece la absorción de macronutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg).<br>Studies of nutritional requirements are of great importance for identifying the most important nutrients in physiologic development and seedling growth. A greenhouse pot experiment was conducted at INPA to evaluate the mineral nutritional demands and the effects of macronutrient omission in the plant growth of Aniba rosaeodora Ducke. The following treatments were used: Complete (fertilization with N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B and Zn), Standard (nature soil), Complete without N, Complete without P, Complete without K, Complete without Ca, Complete without Mg, and Complete without S. An Ultisoil with low nutrient availability was used as a substratum. The following characteristics were evaluated, relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR), plant height, diameter, dry matter production of the aerial part (DMPAP) and amount of nutrient in the dry matter of leaves. We concluded from the results that: low availability of N, Ca and Mg constraints the growth of the Aniba rosaeodora plants. Seedlings of A. rosaeodora required little P, K and S. The omission of Ca and N harmed the RGR of the species. The most important elements for DMPAP were Ca and Mg; the Mg acting more in the leaf area; on the other hand, the omission of sulfur favored the macronutrient absorption (N, P, K, Ca, Mg)