3,977 research outputs found

    Sodium intake and hypertension

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    The close relationship between hypertension and dietary sodium intake is widely recognized and supported by several studies. A reduction in dietary sodium not only decreases the blood pressure and the incidence of hypertension, but is also associated with a reduction in morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases. Prolonged modest reduction in salt intake induces a relevant fall in blood pressure in both hypertensive and normotensive individuals, irrespective of sex and ethnic group, with larger falls in systolic blood pressure for larger reductions in dietary salt. The high sodium intake and the increase in blood pressure levels are related to water retention, increase in systemic peripheral resistance, alterations in the endothelial function, changes in the structure and function of large elastic arteries, modification in sympathetic activity, and in the autonomic neuronal modulation of the cardiovascular system. In this review, we have focused on the effects of sodium intake on vascular hemodynamics and their implication in the pathogenesis of hypertensio

    Sensitivity limits of a Raman atom interferometer as a gravity gradiometer

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    We evaluate the sensitivity of a dual cloud atom interferometer to the measurement of vertical gravity gradient. We study the influence of most relevant experimental parameters on noise and long-term drifts. Results are also applied to the case of doubly differential measurements of the gravitational signal from local source masses. We achieve a short term sensitivity of 3*10^(-9) g/Hz^(-1/2) to differential gravity acceleration, limited by the quantum projection noise of the instrument. Active control of the most critical parameters allows to reach a resolution of 5*10^(-11) g after 8000 s on the measurement of differential gravity acceleration. The long term stability is compatible with a measurement of the gravitational constant G at the level of 10^(-4) after an integration time of about 100 hours.Comment: 19 pages, 20 figure

    Atom Interferometry with the Rb Blue Transitions

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    We demonstrate a novel scheme for Raman-pulse and Bragg-pulse atom interferometry based on the 5S6P5\mathrm{S} - 6\mathrm{P} blue transitions of 87^{87}Rb that provides an increase by a factor 2\sim 2 of the interferometer phase due to accelerations with respect to the commonly used infrared transition at 780 nm. A narrow-linewidth laser system generating more than 1 W of light in the 420-422 nm range was developed for this purpose. Used as a cold-atom gravity gradiometer, our Raman interferometer attains a stability to differential acceleration measurements of 1×1081\times10^{-8} gg at 1 s and 2×10102\times 10^{-10} gg after 2000 s of integration time. When operated on first-order Bragg transitions, the interferometer shows a stability of 6×1086\times10^{-8} g at 1 s, averaging to 1×1091\times10^{-9} g after 2000 s of integration time. The instrument sensitivity, currently limited by the noise due to spontaneous emission, can be further improved by increasing the laser power and the detuning from the atomic resonance. The present scheme is attractive for high-precision experiments as, in particular, for the determination of the Newtonian gravitational constant

    Skeleton and fractal scaling in complex networks

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    We find that the fractal scaling in a class of scale-free networks originates from the underlying tree structure called skeleton, a special type of spanning tree based on the edge betweenness centrality. The fractal skeleton has the property of the critical branching tree. The original fractal networks are viewed as a fractal skeleton dressed with local shortcuts. An in-silico model with both the fractal scaling and the scale-invariance properties is also constructed. The framework of fractal networks is useful in understanding the utility and the redundancy in networked systems.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, final version published in PR

    Salicylate toxicity model of tinnitus

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    Salicylate, the active component of the common drug aspirin, has mild analgesic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory effects at moderate doses. At higher doses, however, salicylate temporarily induces moderate hearing loss and the perception of a high-pitch ringing in humans and animals. This phantom perception of sound known as tinnitus is qualitatively similar to the persistent subjective tinnitus induced by high-level noise exposure, ototoxic drugs, or aging, which affects ∼14% of the general population. For over a quarter century, auditory scientists have used the salicylate toxicity model to investigate candidate biochemical and neurophysiological mechanisms underlying phantom sound perception. In this review, we summarize some of the intriguing biochemical and physiological effects associated with salicylate-induced tinnitus, some of which occur in the periphery and others in the central nervous system. The relevance and general utility of the salicylate toxicity model in understanding phantom sound perception in general are discussed

    Testing gravity with atomic quantum sensors

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    In this article, three experiments aimed at the detection of gravitational effects with atomic sensors are reported. In the first experiment, a gradiometer is used to perform a precision measurement of the Newtonian gravitational constant G. In the second experiment, a similar apparatus is used to provide a test of the Weak Equivalence Principle for atoms in different internal states and in a coherent superposition of internal states. Finally, in the third experiment, a new kind of interferometer operating on a single-photon transition is described. This sensor is a promising candidate for the detection of low frequency gravitational waves

    Aortic dilatation in Marfan syndrome: Role of arterial stiffness and fibrillin-1 variants

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    Objective: Marfan syndrome (MFS) is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder characterized by aortic root dilation and dissection and an abnormal fibrillin-1 synthesis. In this observational study, we evaluated aortic stiffness in MFS and its association with ascending aorta diameters and fibrillin-1 genotype. Methods: A total of 116 Marfan adult patients without history of cardiovascular surgery, and 144 age, sex, blood pressure and heart rate matched controls were enrolled. All patients underwent arterial stiffness evaluation through carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity (PWV) and central blood pressure waveform analysis (PulsePen tonometer). Fibrillin-1 mutations were classified based on the effect on the protein, into 'dominant negative' and 'haploinsufficient' mutations. Results: PWV and central pulse pressure were significantly higher in MFS patients than in controls [respectively 7.31 (6.81-7.44) vs. 6.69 (6.52-6.86)m/s, P=0.0008; 41.3 (39.1-43.5) vs. 34.0 (32.7-35.3)mmHg, P<0.0001], with a higher age-related increase of PWV in MFS (β 0.062 vs. 0.036). Pressure amplification was significantly reduced in MFS [18.2 (15.9-20.5) vs. 33.4 (31.6-35.2)%, P<0.0001]. Central pressure profile was altered even in MFS patients without aortic dilatation. Multiple linear regression models showed that PWV independently predicted aortic diameters at the sinuses of Valsalva (ß=0.243, P=0.002) and at the sinotubular junction (ß=0.186, P=0.048). PWV was higher in 'dominant negative' than 'haploinsufficient' fibrillin-1 mutations [7.37 (7.04-7.70) vs. 6.60 (5.97-7.23)m/s, P=0.035], although this difference was not significant after adjustment. Conclusion: Aortic stiffness is increased in MFS, independently from fibrillin-1 genotype and is associated with diameters of ascending aorta. Alterations in central hemodynamics are present even when aortic diameter is within normal limits. Our findings suggest an accelerated arterial aging in MFS

    “Érase una montaña de violetas”: muerte, deseo, lenguaje en el Diario de la muerte de Sara de Ibáñez

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    El presente estudio pretende enfocar la obra Diario de la muerte, de la poeta uruguaya Sara de Ibáñez. Con el apoyo crítico de la semiótica y de las teorías psicoanalíticas de matriz freudiano-lacaniana, se demostrará cómo la concepción poética subyacente al libro descansa en la relación antropológica fundamental existente entre subjetividad y lenguaje. Además, se reconsiderará el motivo trasversal de la muerte en función de su inscripción dentro del marco de una poética del deseo. Tal postura teórica permitirá llegar a una descripción exhaustiva de las tácticas de representación textual de dicha relación puestas en acto en el libro.The paper aims to peruse the book Diario de la muerte by the Uruguayan poet Sara de Ibáñez. Using as a critical support semiotic and Freudian- Lacanian psychoanalytic theories, it will be demonstrated how the very deep poetical conception of the book lies in a fundamental anthropological relation between selfness and language. Moreover, the death leitmotiv will be reconsidered as a function of a poetics of desire. This theoretical approach to the text allows to achieve a thorough description of the way this relation takes form through poetry’s linguistic structures