14 research outputs found

    Unravelling the secret of seedbased gels in water: the nanoscale 3D network formation

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    Chia (Salvia hispanica) and basil (Ocimum basilicum) seeds have the intrinsic ability to form a hydrogel concomitant with moisture-retention, slow releasing capability and proposed health benefits such as curbing diabetes and obesity by delaying digestion process. However, the underlying mode of gelation at nanoscopic level is not clearly explained or explored. The present study elucidates and corroborates the hypothesis that the gelling behavior of such seeds is due to their nanoscale 3D-network formation. The preliminary study revealed the influence of several conditions like polarity, pH and hydrophilicity/ hydrophobicity on fiber extrusion from the seeds which leads to gelation. Optical microscopic analysis clearly demonstrated bundles of fibers emanating from the seed coat while in contact with water, and live growth of fibers to form 3D network. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM) studies confirmed 3D network formation with fiber diameters ranging from 20 to 50 nm

    A influência da estrutura organizacional nos controles internos de uma fundação para pesquisa, prevenção e assistência do câncer do interior paulista The influence of the organizational structure on the internal controls of a foundation for cancer research, prevention and care in the interior of the state of São Paulo, Brazil

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    O estudo centra-se na discussão de que o nível da estrutura organizacional interfere nas práticas de controle interno das organizações não governamentais (ONGs), sobretudo ligadas à saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de observar a eficiência dos testes de controle interno aplicados dentro de uma estrutura organizacional da Fundação para Pesquisa, Prevenção e Assistência do Câncer, verificando a confiabilidade nos relatórios contábeis e controles operacionais. Como metodologia, realizou-se um estudo de caso em uma organização de saúde do terceiro setor. O estudo de caso ocorreu por meio de entrevistas e análises de relatórios confidenciais. Diante de uma avaliação da estrutura organizacional (das relações entre funcionários e voluntários) e da aplicação de procedimentos de avaliação da qualidade dos controles internos, avaliou-se o quanto o nível da estrutura organizacional interfere nas práticas de controle interno do hospital. Observou-se que existem mecanismos de controle estruturados na instituição, porém a execução desses controles deixa a desejar. Pode-se constatar também que o nível da estrutura organizacional interfere, sim, nas práticas de controle interno da entidade.<br>This work focuses on a discussion about the extent to which the level of organizational structure interferes in the internal control practices of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), especially those related to health. The objective of this work was to observe the efficiency of the internal control tests applied within the organizational structure of the Foundation for Cancer Research, Prevention and Care, checking the reliability of the accounting records and operational controls. A case study in a third sector health organization was the chosen methodology. The case study involved company interviews and the analysis of confidential reports. After an evaluation of the organizational structure (of the relations between officials and volunteers) and the application of evaluation proceedings on the quality of the internal controls, the extent to which the organizational structure interferes with the internal control practices of the hospital was assessed. It was revealed that there are structured mechanisms of control in the institution, however the implementation of these controls is inadequately performed. It was further detected that the level of the organizational structure does indeed interfere in internal control practices at the entity

    Psychometric properties of the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form : A study of portuguese speaking children/youths

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    The development of measures of children and adolescents’ subjective well-being is crucial to the conceptualization and evaluation of positive mental health. The aim of this study was to investigate the factorial structure and invariance of the Mental Health ContinuumShort Form (MHC-SF—adolescents) across children and youths. Participants were from two different samples: 208 elementary school children (sample 1) and 216 middle school youths (sample 2). Results confirmed the three-dimensional structure of subjective well-being in both samples. The three sub-scales of the MHCSF yielded high internal consistency and results from the HTMT85 indicated discriminant validity. Measurement invariance testing across three different age groups (7–8, 9–10 and 11–14 years) confirmed the full metric and approximate scalar invariance of the MHC-SF. Full scalar invariance was achieved across gender. The study also compared the latent means for mental well-being in the three age groups, and found that the younger groups showed significantly higher levels of wellbeing. The present research study strongly suggests that the MHC-SF (adolescents) is an appropriate instrument to measure the positive mental health and well-being of children and pre-adolescents as multidimensional construct