1,850 research outputs found

    L’impatto della diagnosi di sterilità e dei trattamenti di PMA sull’uomo: una rassegna della letteratura

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    Questo contributo prende in esame i vissuti e l adattamento dell uomo a seguito della diagnosi di sterilità, nonché il suo approccio ai percorsi di PMA e le principali differenze con l esperienza femminile. In realtà, il principale focus di interesse della maggior parte degli studi risulta essere la componente femminile della coppia mentre è ormai noto come la genitorialità risulti essenziale anche per l identità maschile e la mancata transizione ad essa possa determinare nell uomo gravi ricadute in termini di bassa autostima, alterazione dell immagine corporea, percezione della propria mascolinità. Il lavoro è orientato ad identificare quali componenti psicologiche giocano un ruolo nell eziologia e nell adattamento alla sterilità, nonché gli aspetti legati alla necessaria attività di counseling e psicoterapia della coppia sterile o di supporto nel caso della scelta di intraprendere un percorso di procreazione medicalmente assistita (PMA)

    Emotional and Sexual Development in Adolescence: From Puberty to the Formation of Emotional Bonds

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    The physiological processes, which occur during adolescence and often so abruptly, can threaten the continuity of the previously constructed sense of identity. They do this by questioning the patterns and representations that had previously governed the relations of the teenager with regards to his body and his relational systems. Although puberty is not just about sexual transformations, definitions centered mainly on this aspect can be found in literature. In fact, pubertal development is the acquisition disclosure index of the adult reproductive capacity. The aim of this task is to explore the process of increasing involvement of the adolescent in an emotional and sexual relationship with a partner. Moreover, it will try to understand this process from a relational and ecological perspective, taking into account the mediation of individual and contextual factors that may have an influence. From examinations performed, it is clear that it is important to consider the multitude of issues that come into play in the process of psycho-social adaptation of the adolescent, by interacting with one another over time, by strengthening one another or by eliminating protective or risk factors. In particular, romantic relationships, if they go well, can pose a factor for growth for the teenager and play an important role in the developmental tasks of this stage of life

    Twins. Similarities, differences and individuality

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    This study aims to investigate the self-differentiating perceptions and the separation-individuation’s process in emerging adulthood twins. A group of 40 Italian pairs of twins (21 couples dizygotic-DZ and 19 monozygotic-MZ) aged 20-30 years, were evaluated using the test of graphic projection Family Life Space (DSSVF) and thought a specific questionnaire ad hoc constructed for this research. The research hypothesis focus on Zazzo’s test of parallel testimony and provide to give empirical evidence about the capacity of MZ Twins to use more internal resources of the couple than DZ Twins, causing the split slowdown on identification. The data show that there are no difference between not bisexual MZ and DZ couple. Moreover, there is a less strong reciprocal relation in the sex opposite DZ couple than in the others

    Adolescent Sexual and Emotional Development: The Role of Romantic Relationships

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    The physiological processes occurring during adolescence, often so abrupt, threaten the permanence of the previously constructed sense of identity, questioning the patterns and representations that had governed the relations of the teenager with his body and with his relational systems. Although puberty is not only reduced to sexual transformations, definitions centered mainly on this aspect can be found in the literature. In fact, pubertal development is the acquisition disclosure index of adult reproductive capacity

    A Psychological Confrontation of Adolescents on Mass Media and Religious Practices, in Tamil Nadu, South India

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    India is an ancient, multi-cultural-religious country. The younger generations are much influenced by Mass Media in their expression of freedom, morality and religious practices, posing a challenge to combat. The question is: whether mass media always takes the Adolescents away from religious practices or does it contribute for its betterment? Hence, we intend to verify “the Psychological confrontation of the Adolescents of Tamil Nadu on mass media and religious practices” From the results of the data analysis we are given to know that the Adolescents in Tamil Nadu counterpoise European and American Experiments in the use of Mass Media

    Functional interaction of reverse gyrase with single-strand binding protein of the archaeon Sulfolobus

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    Reverse gyrase is a unique hyperthermophile-specific DNA topoisomerase that induces positive supercoiling. It is a modular enzyme composed of a topoisomerase IA and a helicase domain, which cooperate in the ATP-dependent positive supercoiling reaction. Although its physiological function has not been determined, it can be hypothesized that, like the topoisomerase–helicase complexes found in every organism, reverse gyrase might participate in different DNA transactions mediated by multiprotein complexes. Here, we show that reverse gyrase activity is stimulated by the single-strand binding protein (SSB) from the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Using a combination of in vitro assays we analysed each step of the complex reverse gyrase reaction. SSB stimulates all the steps of the reaction: binding to DNA, DNA cleavage, strand passage and ligation. By co-immunoprecipitation of cell extracts we show that reverse gyrase and SSB assemble a complex in the presence of DNA, but do not make stable protein–protein interactions. In addition, SSB stimulates reverse gyrase positive supercoiling activity on DNA templates associated with the chromatin protein Sul7d. Furthermore, SSB enhances binding and cleavage of UV-irradiated substrates by reverse gyrase. The results shown here suggest that these functional interactions may have biological relevance and that the interplay of different DNA binding proteins might modulate reverse gyrase activity in DNA metabolic pathways

    Efeito do exercício calistênico na dor e capacidade cardiorrespiratória de idosos com Doença Arterial Obstrutiva Periférica

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    Introdução: A Doença Arterial Obstrutiva Periférica (DAOP) é uma doença vascular que provoca diminuição ou obstrução dos vasos que conduzem o sangue. O tratamento fisioterapêutico é apontado como o primeiro procedimento a ser adotado no combate da DAOP e seus sintomas clínicos, uma vez pode ser aplicado a todos os indivíduos, pela sua facilidade de aplicabilidade. Objetivo: Verificar o efeito de um programa de exercício fisioterapêutico de curto prazo em idosos com DAOP. Materiais e métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo do tipo relato de caso no qual participaram três idosos, estes foram submetidos a avaliação fisioterapêutica com a utilização da escala de claudicação de Edimburg (1983), escala de Borg, escala visual analógica do dor (EVA) e teste de caminhada de 6 min, após submetidos a um protocolo de exercícios de 10 intervenções consecutivas  Conclusão: Com a análise dos resultados pode-se verificar que intervenção fisioterapêutica precoce em indivíduos com DAOP há menos de três meses, gerou boas respostas em curto período de tempo, Evidenciou-se na variável EVA a qual demonstrou melhores resultados, diminuindo de 07 para 0. Na Distância Prevista obtiva–se maiores resultados quando comparado à avaliação inicial e final. Houve modificações significativas também na PAS e FC quando comparado avaliação final e inicial.