10,376 research outputs found

    Possible, alternative explanations of the T2K observation of the nu_e appearance from an initial nu_mu

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    An alternative explanation to the emergence of sin^2(2 theta_13) > 0 is discussed. It is pointed out that the recorded T2K events might have been due to some other new physics in the neutrino sector, related to the LSND/MiniBooNE sterile neutrino anomalies, for which there is nowadays a growing evidence. The presently running ICARUS detector with the CNGS beam will be able to distinguish between these two possible sources of the effectComment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Quantum radiation from superluminal refractive index perturbations

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    We analyze in detail photon production induced by a superluminal refractive index perturbation in realistic experimental operating conditions. The interaction between the refractive index perturbation and the quantum vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field leads to the production of photon pairs.Comment: 4 page

    An Optimal Decision Procedure for MPNL over the Integers

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    Interval temporal logics provide a natural framework for qualitative and quantitative temporal reason- ing over interval structures, where the truth of formulae is defined over intervals rather than points. In this paper, we study the complexity of the satisfiability problem for Metric Propositional Neigh- borhood Logic (MPNL). MPNL features two modalities to access intervals "to the left" and "to the right" of the current one, respectively, plus an infinite set of length constraints. MPNL, interpreted over the naturals, has been recently shown to be decidable by a doubly exponential procedure. We improve such a result by proving that MPNL is actually EXPSPACE-complete (even when length constraints are encoded in binary), when interpreted over finite structures, the naturals, and the in- tegers, by developing an EXPSPACE decision procedure for MPNL over the integers, which can be easily tailored to finite linear orders and the naturals (EXPSPACE-hardness was already known).Comment: In Proceedings GandALF 2011, arXiv:1106.081

    Variación espacial de la carga de sedimentos en la cuenca del rio Tordera en condiciones de estiaje

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    Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en el examen de la cantidad de sedimento en disolución y suspensión, recogido a lo largo de algunos puntos de la red de drenaje de la cuenca del rio Tordera durante el verano de 1984. El muestreo de estas aguas se llev6 a cabo Lithoen base a las principales unidades litológicas del Area, a fin de comprobar la contribución de cada una de ellas a la carga fluvial. Los resultados confirman la importancia atribuida al sustrato y muestran el grado de meteorización de las diferentes rocas: mínimo en las pizarras, algo mayor en la granodiorita, y elevado en los sedimentos no consolidados. Se aprecia la distorsión provocada por los asentamientos humanos, fundamentalmente en el caso del área sedimentaria. Las tasas de remoción de sedimento que se han hallado son bajas, en relación a la Época de bajo caudal fluvial en que se llevó a cabo el muestreo, pero son siri embargo similares a la media producida por los rios de las islas Británicas, lo cual hace pensar en la posibilidad de que las medias para el Tordera sean superiores a las medias de paises más humedos.De ser así podria concluirse que en la meteorización el factor temperatura seria más importante que el factor precipitación

    Theoretical description of two ultracold atoms in finite 3D optical lattices using realistic interatomic interaction potentials

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    A theoretical approach is described for an exact numerical treatment of a pair of ultracold atoms interacting via a central potential that are trapped in a finite three-dimensional optical lattice. The coupling of center-of-mass and relative-motion coordinates is treated using an exact diagonalization (configuration-interaction) approach. The orthorhombic symmetry of an optical lattice with three different but orthogonal lattice vectors is explicitly considered as is the Fermionic or Bosonic symmetry in the case of indistinguishable particles.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure