475 research outputs found

    Integrability of BPS equations in ABJM theory

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    We investigate BPS equations which determine the configuration of an M2-M5 bound state preserving half of the supersymmetries in the ABJM theory. We argue that the BPS equations are classically integrable, showing that they admit a Lax representation. The integrable structure of the BPS equations is closely related to that of the Nahm equations. Using this relation we formulate an efficient way of constructing solutions of the BPS equations from those of the Nahm equations. As an illustration of our method, we construct explicitly the most general solutions describing two M2-branes suspended between two parallel M5-branes as well as two semi-infinite M2-branes ending on an M5-brane. These include previously unknown new solutions. We also discuss a reduction of the BPS equations in connection with the periodic Toda chain.Comment: 23 pages. v2: a footnote and a reference added, version to appear in JHE

    Karakterisasi Film Tipis Cu-c60/mgo Akibat Penuaan(ageing)dengan Teknik Hamburan Raman

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    KARAKTERISASI FILM TIPIS Cu-C60/MgO AKIBAT PENUAAN(AGEING)DENGAN TEKNIK HAMBURAN RAMAN. Film tipis campuran antara Cu dan C60 telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan spektroskopi Raman. Campuran secara atomik dideposit pada substrat Mg(001). Pengujian topografi dengan mikroskop optik menunjukkan bahwa warna film di sebagian besar sisi luar adalah coklat muda dan berubah menjadi coklat tua pada bagian tengah film. Terjadinya Perubahan warna dapat diatributkan dengan baberapa jenis interaksi kimia antara Cu-Cu, Cu-C60, C60-C60 dan Perubahan alotrop molekul C60. Dari analisis spektroskopik Raman dapat disimpulkan bahwa ciri spektrum secara kuat berkorelasi dengan variasi warna yang bergantung pada daerah pengamatan. Pada tepi filmdengan warna coklat terang (ditunjukkan pada daerah 2 dan 3) atom-atom Cu berinteraksi secara kimia dengan fullerene (Cu-C60). Pada iteraksi ini terjadi pergeseran puncak kira-kira 6 cm-1dari puncak pristine C60 yang diamati untuk puncak-puncak Ag(2) dan Hg(8). Pada pusat film dengan warna coklat gelap (ditunjukkan pada daerah 3, daerah 4 dan daerah 5) terlihat sebagai puncak baru yanang secara tipikal seperti puncak D dan G yang secara umum berkaitan dengan formasi disordered graphite melalui konversi kimia dari C60 dibawah pengaruh oksidasi

    Pengaruh Iluminasi Laser Pada Film Campuran Emas-fullerene (Auc60) Dalam Analisis Spectroskopi Raman

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    PENGARUH ILUMINASI LASER PADA FILM CAMPURAN EMAS-FULLERENE (AUC60) DALAM ANALISIS SPECTROSKOPI RAMAN. Analisis Raman secara rinci pada campuran antara emas danfullerene (C60) telah dilakukan dengan cara mengubah intensitas laser secara sistematik untuk mempelajari pengaruh agitasi termal pada campuran. Analisis pergeseran Raman menunjukkan bahwa Perubahan secara sistematik daya laser menyebabkan pergeseran dan penyempitan puncak Raman. Kenaikan daya laser dari 0,5 miliwatt ke 3 miliwatt akan menyebabkan pergeseran-penurunan frekuensi Raman. Besarnya pergeseran frekuensi Raman kira-kira 2 cm" dan 5,4 cm", masing-masing untuk mode Ag(2) dan Hg(8). Penurunan pergeseran yang diamati berkaitan dengan beberapa macam interaksi antara atom Au dan molekul C60, seperti Au dan C60 ,,softly bound'' yang peka pada suhu sehingga kemungkinan terjadi difusi Au dalam campuran, Nano-kristal Au menunjukkan sifat kimia yang bergantung ukuran (tergantung jumlah atom Au) dan hal penting dari nano-Au adalah kemungkinan penggunaan untuk penandaan DNA, dan posisi-sensitif spektroskopi Raman memberikan kita kesempatan untuk menganalisis reaksi bio-kimia dalam ruang topologi. Kenaikan daya iluminasi menyebabkan pergeseran frekswensi teramati. Iluminasi 0,5 miliwatt dipilih sebagai satu kondisi moderat

    Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at Fe/Au(111) interface studied by M\"{o}ssbauer, x-ray absorption, and photoemission spectroscopies

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    The origin of the interfacial perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) induced in the ultrathin Fe layer on the Au(111) surface was examined using synchrotron-radiation-based M\"{o}ssbauer spectroscopy (MS), X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES). To probe the detailed interfacial electronic structure of orbital hybridization between the Fe 3dd and Au 6pp bands, we detected the interfacial proximity effect, which modulates the valence-band electronic structure of Fe, resulting in PMA. MS and XMCD measurements were used to detect the interfacial magnetic structure and anisotropy in orbital magnetic moments, respectively. InIn-situsitu ARPES also confirms the initial growth of Fe on large spin-orbit coupled surface Shockley states under Au(111) modulated electronic states in the vicinity of the Fermi level. This suggests that PMA in the Fe/Au(111) interface originates from the cooperation effects among the spin, orbital magnetic moments in Fe, and large spin-orbit coupling in Au. These findings pave the way to develop interfacial PMA using pp-dd hybridization with a large spin-orbit interaction


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    BACKGROUND: ADAMTS13 specifically cleaves the peptide bond between Y1605 and M1606 within the VWF-A2 domain. OBJECTIVE: The VWF contains ABO(H) blood group antigens, which may influence the susceptibility of VWF to ADAMTS13. METHODS: Using a unique monoclonal antibody recognizing the Y1605 residue, we have developed a sandwich ELISA to analyze the generation of a VWF-DP by ADAMTS13 quantitatively. RESULTS: Production of VWF-DP after exposure to four different degrees of high shear stress was validated in comparison to the reduction in high-molecular-weight multimers using VWF multimer analysis. In analysis of plasma from 259 healthy individuals, plasma levels of VWF antigen (VWF:Ag) were significantly lower in blood group O than in the other groups and were significantly correlated with plasma VWF-DP levels. The ratio between VWF-DP and VWF:Ag was significantly higher in blood group O than in blood groups A and AB. The ratio in blood group B was also significantly higher than those in A and AB, but did not differ from blood group O. Finally, to examine whether ABO(H) blood group antigens contributed to VWF cleavage, 82 plasma samples were exposed to high shear stress using a cone-plate shear stress inducer. The difference in the VWF-DP/VWF:Ag ratio before and after high shear stress in blood group O was significantly greater than those in groups A and AB. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that blood group antigen A on VWF was more protective against ADAMTS13 cleavage than antigens B and H.博士(医学)・乙第1440号・令和元年9月27日© 2019 International Society on Thrombosis and HaemostasisThis is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jth.14444], which has been published in final form at [https://doi.org/10.1111/jth.14444]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions

    Bayesian co-estimation of selfing rate and locus-specific mutation rates for a partially selfing population

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    We present a Bayesian method for characterizing the mating system of populations reproducing through a mixture of self-fertilization and random outcrossing. Our method uses patterns of genetic variation across the genome as a basis for inference about pure hermaphroditism, androdioecy, and gynodioecy. We extend the standard coalescence model to accommodate these mating systems, accounting explicitly for multilocus identity disequilibrium, inbreeding depression, and variation in fertility among mating types. We incorporate the Ewens Sampling Formula (ESF) under the infinite-alleles model of mutation to obtain a novel expression for the likelihood of mating system parameters. Our Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm assigns locus-specific mutation rates, drawn from a common mutation rate distribution that is itself estimated from the data using a Dirichlet Process Prior (DPP) model. Among the parameters jointly inferred are the population-wide rate of self-fertilization, locus-specific mutation rates, and the number of generations since the most recent outcrossing event for each sampled individual

    Anelasticity Study on Motions of Atoms in the Grain Boundary Regions in Nanocrystalline Gold

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    High-density nanocrystalline (n-) Au was prepared by the gas deposition method. Various anelastic and plastic creep processes associated with the grain boundary (GB) regions were observed. The vibrating reed measurements at 102 Hz with strain amplitude of 10−6 show a very broad internal friction peak near 95 K, Qp,95 K−1, and a steep increase in the anelastic strain above 200 K, εa-I,>200 K. The tensile tests show a steep increase in the anelastic strain above 200 K, εa-II,>200 K, for the stress beyond a few MPa and a linear plastic creep strain above 200 K, εpc-1, for stress range between 30 MPa and 150 MPa. The activation parameters, 1⁄τ0 of 3×1011 s−1 and E of 0.16 eV, are found for Qp,95 K−1, where τ0 and E are a pre-exponential factor and an activation energy of the relaxation time τ. We surmise that simple relaxation processes are responsible for Qp,95 K−1. The values of 1⁄τ0 and E found for εa-I,>200 K and εa-II,>200 K decrease with increasing the applied stress or the temperature, indicating that their atomic processes are the same feather. Further, E found for εpc-1 is similar to or slightly smaller than that of εa-II,>200 K. These observations indicate that the atomic motions in the GB regions of n-Au develop in scale in the order of the underlying processes for εa-I,>200 K, εa-II,>200 K and εpc-1, and are so different from those in the conventional polycrystalline Au

    Photoluminescence Enhancement of β-FeSi2 Nanocrystals Controlled by Transport of Holes in Cu-doped n-type Si Substrates

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    We have investigated PL behavior of β-FeSi2 nanocrystals controlled by transport of holes in Cu-doped n-type Si substrates. PL enhancement was observed and PCI-PL measurements revealed that PL enhancement was attributed to a transport process of holes with a larger time constant in Cu-doped n-Si substrate in which an interval trap process is controlled by Cu doping.International Conference and Summer School on Advanced Silicide Technology 2014, July 19–21, 2014, Tokyo, Japa


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    KARAKTERISASI FILM TIPIS Cu-C60/MgO AKIBAT PENUAAN(AGEING)DENGAN TEKNIK HAMBURAN RAMAN. Film tipis campuran antara Cu dan C60 telah dianalisis dengan menggunakan spektroskopi Raman. Campuran secara atomik dideposit pada substrat Mg(001). Pengujian topografi dengan mikroskop optik menunjukkan bahwa warna film di sebagian besar sisi luar adalah coklat muda dan berubah menjadi coklat tua pada bagian tengah film. Terjadinya perubahan warna dapat diatributkan dengan baberapa jenis interaksi kimia antara Cu-Cu, Cu-C60, C60-C60 dan perubahan alotrop molekul C60. Dari analisis spektroskopik Raman dapat disimpulkan bahwa ciri spektrum secara kuat berkorelasi dengan variasi warna yang bergantung pada daerah pengamatan. Pada tepi filmdengan warna coklat terang (ditunjukkan pada daerah 2 dan 3) atom-atom Cu berinteraksi secara kimia dengan fullerene (Cu-C60). Pada iteraksi ini terjadi pergeseran puncak kira-kira 6 cm-1dari puncak pristine C60 yang diamati untuk puncak-puncak Ag(2) dan Hg(8). Pada pusat film dengan warna coklat gelap (ditunjukkan pada daerah 3, daerah 4 dan daerah 5) terlihat sebagai puncak baru yanang secara tipikal seperti puncak D dan G yang secara umum berkaitan dengan formasi disordered graphite melalui konversi kimia dari C60 dibawah pengaruh oksidasi