5 research outputs found

    Formas Plurais De Governança: Uma Análise Das Transações De Suprimento Entre Frigoríficos E Pecuaristas

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    This work examined the existence of plural forms in the transaction between slaughterhouses and beef cattle farmers, analyzing the determinants of companies' choice of governance structures. Three slaughterhouses were studied, using the literature of plural forms of governance as theoretical framework. It was found that only one of the slaughterhouses adopts plural forms to coordinate their beef cattle purchase transactions, and the other two companies obtained all of their live cattle supply through spot market trades. The determinants of plural forms adoption were aligned with the theoretical model. Ambiguity, complexity and strategic behavior variables determine the choice of the governance structure. For the other two companies, we noted little or no ambiguity and complexity in the transactions, and the absence of strategic motivations for the use of plural forms. Principal advantages of this strategy of coordination were: (i) reduction of information asymmetry; (ii) advantages of scale and greater bargaining power in the spot market; (iii) flexibility to supply different distribution channels and (iv) cross-learning effects.524761782(2012) Quantidade de abate estadual por ano/espécies: bovinos, , http://sigsif.agricultura.gov.br/sigsif_cons/!ap_abate_estaduais_cons?p_select=SIM, Disponível em, Acesso em: 25 fev. 2013(2011) Cadeia produtiva da carne bovina(2011) Perfil da pecuária brasileiraAffuso, L., An empirical study on contractual heterogeneity within the firm: the 'vertical integrationfranchise contracts' mix (2002) Applied Economics, 34 (8), pp. 931-944. , LondonAllen, D.W., Lueck, D., Agriculture contracts (2008) Handbook of New Institutional Economics, pp. 465-490. , MÉNARD, C. e SHIRLEY, M. 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    Uma Análise Da Gestão De Risco De Preço Por Parte Dos Produtores De Café Arábica No Brasil

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    Brazilian coffee farmers use future markets in a very restricted way, which does not follow the high optimal hedge ratio observed in minimum variance models. Reasons for the low use are associated to producers and their business characteristics, their preferences about risk management tool and behavioral attitudes. In this context, the aim of this study was to examine the main factors which influence derivatives use among Brazilian coffee growers. Initially, the optimal hedge ratio was calculated with Myers and Thompson (1989) method, considering BM&FBOVESPA and ICE Futures (New York) markets. The ratio had values higher than 50%. After that, through surveys with 373 coffee farmers, it was observed that only 12.9% of the sample reported knowing and using futures as a way to manage the price risk. The hedge ratio adopted by farmers, on average, was below 50%. In a third step, a logit model was applied for data. Most important factors which explain the use of future contracts by coffee growers were risk aversion, size of production, level of understanding about future contracts and the level which farmers understand that future contracts enable the decrease of revenue fluctuation.503397410Andrade, E.A.P., (2004) Mercados futuros: custos de transação associados à tributação, margem, ajustes e estrutura financeira, p. 132. , Dissertação de mestrado em Economia Aplicada - Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz", Universidade de São Paulo, PiracicabaBaillie, R.T., Myers, R.J., Bivariate GARCH estimation of the optimal commodity futures hedge (1991) Journal of Applied Econometrics, 6 (2), pp. 109-124(2011) Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e, Futuros, , www.bmf.com.br/bmfbovespa/pages/boletim1/VolumeGeral/VolumeGeral.asp, BM&FBOVESPA. Volume Geral. 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    Riscos e Retornos da Cafeicultura em Minas Gerais: uma análise de custos e diferenciação

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar, comparativamente, o desempenho dos produtores de café do Cerrado mineiro e do sudoeste do estado, de acordo com o retorno obtido e o nível de risco. Dadas as opções estratégicas adotadas nessas duas regiões, a diferenciação e os custos foram enfatizados. As margens e os potenciais de perda dos dois grupos de cafeicultores foram mensurados, o que permitiu apresentar uma relação entre risco e retorno. Os retornos foram estimados por um índice que relaciona custos e preços - margem operacional -, e a análise de riscos foi realizada a partir das estimativas do Value at Risk. Os resultados indicaram que os produtores do Cerrado, além de terem obtido melhores retornos, apresentaram menores perdas potencias que os do sudoeste. Os resultados favoráveis aos cafeicultores do Cerrado foram relacionados às diferenças dos custos produtivos e da qualidade do café. Incrementos na qualidade do produto e melhorias na gestão do processo produtivo foram os aspectos considerados relevantes para melhorar o desempenho do produtor do sudoeste. Já em relação à cafeicultura do Cerrado, destacou-se a importância de manter os esforços ligados à diferenciação e à produtividade.<br>This paper aimed to analyze the comparative performance from the Minas Gerais "Cerrado" coffee producers and the south-western conventional coffee producers, according to the returns and the risk level. Differentiation and costs were emphasized because they were the strategic options adopted by the grower in these two regions The margins and potential loss of these two producer groups were measured, in a way that a relation between risks and returns could be presented. The returns were estimated by an index that relates costs and prices - operational margin -, and risk analysis was conducted based on Value at Risk estimates. The results indicated that, besides obtaining better returns, the Minas Gerais "Cerrado" producers had smaller loss potential than those from the south-west. The favorable results obtained by the Minas Gerais "Cerrado" coffee producers were related to the differences in productive costs and coffee quality. Improved product quality and productive management were the most relevant aspects found to enhance the performance of the south-western coffee producer. As for the "Cerrado" coffee production, the importance of maintaining the efforts related to differentiation and to the productivity was pointed out