18 research outputs found

    Satisfacción laboral y éxito agrícola de procesadores de arroz a pequeña escala beneficiarios de microfinanzas en el estado de Jigawa, Nigeria

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    Limitation of research information on job satisfaction and enterprise success-remunerative business going concern of rice value chain actors especially the processors has been a challenge to the sustainability of the supportive policy driven rice value chain in the study area. Therefore, this necessitates research so as to identify the possible pitfalls alongside proffer viable scientific remedies that will enhance the sustainability of the entire rice value chain in the study area. Using a cross-sectional data obtained from a total of 133 and 67 par-boilers and millers respectively, through a well-structured questionnaire and interview schedule, the job satisfaction and agripreneurial success of micro-finance benefitted rice processors in Nigeria’s Jigawa state were investigated. Unlike the millers, it was established that majority of the par-boilers were not satisfied with the job and it owes majorly to poor job security and disincentive attitude of the supportive institutions. However, across the study target groups, despite the few hitches, majority of the enterprises were found to be successful and mutually owes to remunerative turnover ratio of the enterprise among others. Nonetheless, vulnerable household’s composition which exacerbates the pressure on the limited resources with negative consequence on the income capital base affected job satisfaction and agripreneurial success of the processors.  Therefore, the study advises the policymakers to strength the macro-economic policies so as to enhance the sustainability of the entire rice value chain in the study area. Also, concerned stakeholders involved in policymaking need to intensify their campaign on the importance of sustainable livelihood by encouraging most of the actors to maintain a fair household size.La escasa investigación sobre la satisfacción laboral y el éxito agroempresarial en la rentabilidad de los actores de la cadena de valor del arroz, especialmente de los procesadores, ha sido un reto para la sostenibilidad de la cadena de valor del arroz, impulsada por políticas de apoyo en la zona de estudio. Por lo tanto, es necesaria una investigación que identifique las posibles dificultades, para ofrecer soluciones científicas viables que mejoren la sostenibilidad de toda la cadena de valor del arroz en la zona estudiada. Utilizando datos transversales obtenidos de un total de 133 trabajadores que escaldan el arroz y 67 piladores, mediante un cuestionario estructurado y un programa de entrevistas, se investigó la satisfacción laboral y el éxito agroempresarial de los procesadores de arroz beneficiados por la microfinanciación en el estado nigeriano de Jigawa. A diferencia de los piladores, se comprobó que la mayoría de los trabajadores que escaldan el arroz no estaban satisfechos con su trabajo, debido sobre todo a la escasa seguridad laboral y a la actitud desincentivadora de las instituciones de apoyo. Sin embargo, en todos los grupos destinatarios del estudio, a pesar de algunos problemas, la mayoría de las empresas tuvieron éxito, lo que se debe, entre otras cosas, al índice de retorno de inversión de la empresa. No obstante, la composición vulnerable de los hogares, que agrava la presión sobre los limitados recursos con consecuencias negativas sobre la base del capital de ingresos, afectó la satisfacción laboral y al éxito agroempresarial de los procesadores de arroz.  Por tanto, el presente estudio aconseja reforzar las políticas macroeconómicas para mejorar la sostenibilidad de toda la cadena de valor del arroz en la zona estudiada. Asimismo, las partes interesadas que intervienen en la formulación de políticas deben intensificar su campaña sobre la importancia de la sostenibilidad de los medios de vida, animando a la mayoría de los agentes a mantener un tamaño de familia adecuado

    Profit efficiency of small-scale farmers participating in USAID markets II in Kano state of Nigeria

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    The present research determined the profit efficiency of smallholder farmers participating in USAID MARKETS II in Nigeria’s Kano State using undated data collected from 189 farmers drawn through a multi-stage sampling technique. Data elicitations were done through a well-structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule and both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The empirical evidence showed an improvement in women folk participation in the program despite strong advocacy of gender stereotype viz. religious and cultural barriers in the studied area. However, this progress owes to the tacit focus of the program on women and youths. Furthermore, it was established that none of the farmer is profit efficient and it majorly owes to extension gap. On the average, a technical unit gained 58.47% of its potential profit, thus lost a profit of N123008 due to inefficient resource mix. Besides, an average farm unit still has the potential to increase his profit efficiency by 41.53%, thus bridging its discrepancy from the frontier surface. Therefore, the study calls on the program promoters to enhance their extension services delivery structure thereby addressing the problem of extension gap that inhibit profit efficiency given its multifaceted influence on risks associated with farmers socio-economic characteristics. Keywords: Profit efficiency, USAID MARKETS II, Small-scale, Rice farmers, Nigeri

    Navigating Fish Food Insecurity by Simultaneous Household and Marketed Surplus-Led Productions in Kogi State of Nigeria

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    The study determined the factors influencing simultaneously household and marketed surplus-led fish production in Nigeria’s Kogi State using cross-sectional data collected from 105 fish farmers. The sample size was achieved using a multi-stage sampling technique and the collected data were elicited viz. structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to achieve the conceptualized objectives. Empirical evidence showed that marketed surplus-led fish production was affected by less risky non-farm incomes with high-income turnover and capital paucity. However, marketable surplus-led production was enhanced by enlarged income, readily available demand that matches the supply, and entrepreneurship zeal among the youthful population in the studied area. In view of the foregoing, the research recommends the need to strengthen the value chain of fish marketing so as to contain any challenge viz. market imperfection which in the long run will jeopardize market-orientation of fish farming which is nascent among most of the farmers in the studied area. In addition, there is a need to address gender inequality in order to arrest poverty vulnerability among women folk viz. budget gender mainstreaming so as to achieve growth and development which are pre-requisite for globalization.Keywords: Food security; Marketable surplus; Purpose; Fish farming; Kogi State; Nigeri

    Eficiencia en el uso de la mano de obra de los arroceros de la región Centro-Norte de Nigeria

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    A cross sectional data collected through a structured questionnaire coupled with an interview schedule from 360 rice farmers selected via multi-stage sampling technique was used to determine the labour efficiency of rice farmers in Nigeria’s North-Central region. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the 2020 cropping season data. The empirical evidences showed a farming population that is gender bias due to stereotypes, that affected women access to and control over productive resources. Besides, economic-productive people that explored pecuniary advantages in order to achieve economies of scale engaged in cultivation of thinly uneconomic holdings. The poor economic status of the farm families made most of the farmers to rely on family labour for farm operations, thus keeping most of their children and young ones out of school. Furthermore, most of the farmers were fairly efficient in the use of labour with little technical support required to enable them achieve optimum labour efficiency level (frontier point). However, the empirical evidences showed competition for labour demand between farm and off-farm activities and conservative and complacency attitudes due to longevity in the enterprise to be the factors that affected labour efficiency. Therefore, the study calls for gender mainstreaming in agricultural budget to overcome women’s challenge on productive resources; incentivized the enterprise viz., credit provision; adoption of bottom-to-top approach in research and practical demonstration approach in transfer of innovative rice technologies.Para determinar la eficiencia de la mano de obra de los arroceros de la región Centro-Norte de Nigeria se utilizaron datos transversales recogidos mediante un cuestionario estructurado y un programa de entrevistas a 360 arroceros, quienes fueron seleccionados mediante un muestreo por conglomerados multietápico. Los datos obtenidos de la época de cultivo 2020 fueron analizados mediante estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales. Las evidencias empíricas mostraron una población agrícola sesgada por el estereotipo de género, que afectó al acceso y control de los recursos productivos por parte de las mujeres. También, se encontró que los agentes económicamente productivos que exploraban las ventajas financieras para alcanzar economías de escala se dedicaban a cultivar explotaciones poco rentables. La mala situación económica de las familias agricultoras hizo que la mayoría de los agricultores dependieran de la mano de obra familiar para las operaciones agrícolas, manteniendo así a la mayoría de sus niños y jóvenes fuera del sistema educativo. Además, la mayoría de los agricultores eran bastante eficientes en el uso de la mano de obra, y apenas necesitaban apoyo técnico para poder alcanzar un nivel óptimo de eficiencia laboral (punto límite o frontera). Sin embargo, las pruebas empíricas mostraron que los factores que afectaban a la eficiencia de la mano de obra eran la competencia por la demanda de mano de obra entre las actividades agrícolas y las no agrícolas y las actitudes conservadoras y de complacencia a causa de la longevidad en la empresa. Por tanto, el estudio aboga por la integración de la perspectiva de género en el presupuesto agrícola para superar el desafío existente para las mujeres en cuanto a los recursos productivos; por el estímulo a las empresas mediante la concesión de créditos; y, por la adopción de un enfoque de abajo hacia arriba en la investigación y de un enfoque de demostración práctica en la transferencia de tecnologías innovadoras del arroz

    Cost efficiency status of rice farmers participating in IFAD-VCD programme in Niger state of Nigeria

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    This research empirically determined the cost efficiency of the farmers that participated in the IFAD/VCD programme in Niger State of Nigeria. The study elicited cross-sectional data of 2018 cropping season from a structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule from a sample size of 110 respondents selected through a multi-stage sampling technique. The sampled data were analyzed using the stochastic cost frontier model. The empirical evidence showed that none of the farmers were on the cost frontier surface i.e. inability to attain optimal minimum cost in the cultivation of rice in the studied area. The identified significant idiosyncratic variables militating against cost efficiency were poor health status of the farm family, which led to extra cost incurred in labor substitution and diseconomies of scale due to their small-scale mode of operation. Therefore, the study recommends that the policy makers should sensitize the farmers on the importance of health preventive measures and should endeavor to improve on the existing basic health centers in both human capital and logistics. In addition, the farmers should be encouraged to explore co-operative marketing so as to take advantage of bulk discount in input purchase and have bargaining power in marketing of their output, thus tackling the problem of diseconomies of scale in their farm operations. Keywords: Cost efficiency, Stochastic, Frontier, IFAD, Rice, Nigeri

    Impact of farmers-herders conflict on livelihoods of farming households in Nigeria’s middle-belt region

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    This research determined the impact of farmers-herders conflict on the livelihoods of farming households in Nigeria’s middle belt region using field survey data elicited from 290 respondents chosen through a multi-stage sampling technique. Inferential statistic was used to analyze the collected data. The empirical evidences showed that conflict has affected the livelihoods of highly conflict-prone households both in the short and long runs, thus hampering the rural economy and the national economy in general. Besides, the negative impact of the conflict is more pronounced on the farm income, which owes to farmland invasion by the nomads, thus affecting the income that accrues from the marketable surplus. Furthermore, the extent of conflict has induced discrimination into the various kinds of income earned vis-à-vis highly and less conflict-prone households. Likewise, the income gap due to conflict was more pronounced on farm income, accounting for 79.34% as against the non-farm income which is 55.51%. Generally, it can be inferred that farmers-herders conflict has affected the rural economy in particular and the economy in general. Therefore, the study advise all the concerned stakeholders viz. states and local governments, crop farmers, pastoralists/nomads and communities to accept and embrace the federal government initiatives aimed at finding lasting solutions to farmers-herders conflict in the studied area. This singular act will enhance the food security of the area, avert wanton and incessant bloodbath and loss of properties, contain growth of destitute and enhance harmonious peaceful coexistence in the studied area.  Keywords: Farmers; Herders; Conflict; Income; Nigeri

    Determinants of Total Factor Productivity (TFP) Among Sugarcane Farmers in Kwara State of Nigeria

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    The competing demand for land for other purposes and the consequence of climate change is shrinking the available arable land, thus threatening the food security and livelihood of the farmers and the nation. Therefore, the present research empirically determined the factors influencing Total factor productivity (TFP) of sugarcane producers in Kwara State of Nigeria. The 2017/2018 sugarcane cropping season field survey data obtained through administration of structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule on 105 sugarcane farmers selected via multi-stage sampling technique was used. The collected data were analyzed using conventional TFP index and censored regression model. From the empirical findings, it was observed that inefficiency in the allocation of working capitals; capital consumption and health-related challenges decrease TFP of sugarcane farmers in the studied area. However, the study advised the extension agents to educate farmers to be rational in resource allocation in order to optimize their productivity in sugarcane production. In addition, the study advised farmers to adopt health precautious measures in order not to predispose their family members to tropical diseases and should imbibe savings and investment cultures. Keywords: TFP, Sugarcane, Farmers, Kwara State, Nigeria

    Factors Determining Choice of Conventional Labour Among Yam Producers in Benue State of Nigeria

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    The present research empirically determined the factors that influenced the choice of combined labour for efficient yam marketable surplus in Benue State of Nigeria. 2016 cropping season cross-sectional data elicited by structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule from a total of 120 farmers chosen through a multi-stage sampling technique was used. The instruments used for data analysis were descriptive and inferential statistics. The empirical evidences showed that decision for choice of efficiently combined labour that is supplemented by paid labour for efficient yam marketable surplus was affected by low yam productivity and low income which largely owed to poor proceeds from product marketing. Gender stereotype due to culture and religious barriers affected women access and control to productive access, thus hinders women active involved in yam entrepreneurship as they cannot carter for paid labour. Thus, it can be inferred that utilization of combined labour was affected by poor yield, gender stereotype and poor economic capital. Therefore, for farmers to be able to harness combined labour efficiently for a good marketable surplus, thus a better wellbeing for farmers, farmers need technical guided on potential yield; provision of buffer stocks for a remunerative price normalization; and, breaking the jinx of gender inequality through tacit sensitization in the studied area

    Assessment of the Agro-Input Supply Sector in Kogi State, Nigeria

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    Most farmers are experiencing challenges and constraints in accessing agricultural inputs, thus leading to poor and underutilization of agro-inputs and consequently low agricultural productivity in most part of sub-Saharan Africa. This study aimed to assess the agro-input supply sector in Kogi state. A total of 157 input dealers were randomly selected across the twenty-one local government areas in the state. Data were collected using well-structured questionnaire complemented with interview schedule and were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics. Findings reveal that agro-chemicals, fertilizer and feed were the major inputs supplied by most of the retailers and wholesalers that hardly engage in activities that create awareness about their products. Input prices were the most important preference and consideration factor in the purchase of agro-input by customers and form the basis for competition. Casual, family and child labors that proved to be cheaper, commonly accessible and do not require signing of formal employment contract with workers dominated both the retail and wholesale sectors. Poor government support, poor business condition in addition to poor capital base, high transportation cost, price fluctuations, adulteration were the identified major constraints affecting the agripreneurs. The study recommends capacity development on new marketing strategies, registration of businesses with relevant agencies, provision of credit and financial services; formation of formidable, strong and mutual-trust co-operative societies for input supply actors so as to enhance efficiency and effectiveness of the agricultural inputs supply sector in the state

    Food Demand Projection and Consumption Patterns of Urban Households in Nigeria’s Kano State

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    Changes in population and income are essential components for altering the pattern of food demand. In light of the importance of food demand analysis, this study set out to ascertain urban household consumption trends in Nigeria’s Kano State in order to forecast future demand levels for certain food items. This research contributes to becoming a basis for policymakers to increase food productivity. A household’s cross-sectional survey data elicited through a well-structured questionnaire complemented with an interview schedule from a total of 144 households chosen via a multi-stage sampling procedure was used for the study. The collected data were analyzed using both Linear Approximate/ Almost Ideal Demand System (LA/AIDS) and factor analysis models. Based on empirical evidence, households’ poor purchasing power is owed to high food inflation, which causes them to have low dietary diversity. Besides, the necessary and luxury goods, respectively, were rice, beans, spaghetti, and meat; and millet, yam, Irish potatoes, semovita, fish and groundnut. Meanwhile, maze, garri, and palm oil were established to be inferior commodities. Besides rice and semovita being everyday goods, they demand high price-sensitive commodities. Consequently, to maintain the status quo in the households’ welfare, the onus lies on policymakers to compensate consumers if there is a rise in the prices of local rice, indomie and groundnut oil. The study advises policymakers to increase the productivity of those food items projected to witness the steep-to-gentle rise in demand, and government should endeavour to adopt macro-economic policies with human-face so as to cushion/soften households’ economic hardship in the study area