201 research outputs found

    The K\"ahler-Ricci flow on surfaces of positive Kodaira dimension

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    The existence of K\"ahler-Einstein metrics on a compact K\"ahler manifold has been the subject of intensive study over the last few decades, following Yau's solution to Calabi's conjecture. The Ricci flow, introduced by Richard Hamilton has become one of the most powerful tools in geometric analysis. We study the K\"ahler-Ricci flow on minimal surfaces of Kodaira dimension one and show that the flow collapses and converges to a unique canonical metric on its canonical model. Such a canonical is a generalized K\"ahler-Einstein metric. Combining the results of Cao, Tsuji, Tian and Zhang, we give a metric classification for K\"aher surfaces with a numerical effective canonical line bundle by the K\"ahler-Ricci flow. In general, we propose a program of finding canonical metrics on canonical models of projective varieties of positive Kodaira dimension

    Education in IT Security: A Case Study in Banking Industry

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    The banking industry has been changing incessantlyand facing new combination of risks. Data protection andcorporate security is now one of the major issues in bankingindustry. As the rapid changing on technologies from time totime, the industry should be aware on new technologies in orderto protect information assets and prevent fraud activities. Thispaper begins with literature study of information security issuesand followed by focused-group interviews with five participantswithin the industry and survey analysis of “The global state ofInformation Security survey 2013” which published byPriceWaterhouseCoopers (PWC). Trends and questions werediscussed as well as possible solution. The study suggests that ITsecurity education should be made to different level of staffs suchas executives, professional and general staffs. Besides, thebanking industry should increase company-wide securityawareness and the importance of corporate security which keepthe information and physical assets secure and in a proper way

    Numerical solution to the hermitian Yang-Mills equation on the Fermat quintic

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    We develop an iterative method for finding solutions to the hermitian Yang-Mills equation on stable holomorphic vector bundles, following ideas recently developed by Donaldson. As illustrations, we construct numerically the hermitian Einstein metrics on the tangent bundle and a rank three vector bundle on P^2. In addition, we find a hermitian Yang-Mills connection on a stable rank three vector bundle on the Fermat quintic.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figure

    A Spectral Bernstein Theorem

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    We study the spectrum of the Laplace operator of a complete minimal properly immersed hypersurface MM in Rn+1\R^{n+1}. (1) Under a volume growth condition on extrinsic balls and a condition on the unit normal at infinity, we prove that MM has only essential spectrum consisting of the half line [0,+)[0, +\infty). This is the case when limr~+r~κi=0\lim_{\tilde{r}\to +\infty}\tilde{r}\kappa_i=0, where r~\tilde{r} is the extrinsic distance to a point of MM and κi\kappa_i are the principal curvatures. (2) If the κi\kappa_i satisfy the decay conditions κi1/r~|\kappa_i|\leq 1/\tilde{r}, and strict inequality is achieved at some point yMy\in M, then there are no eigenvalues. We apply these results to minimal graphic and multigraphic hypersurfaces.Comment: 16 pages. v2. Final version: minor revisions, we add Proposition 3.2. Accepted for publication in the Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, on the 05/03/201

    Existence of Ricci flows of incomplete surfaces

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    We prove a general existence result for instantaneously complete Ricci flows starting at an arbitrary Riemannian surface which may be incomplete and may have unbounded curvature. We give an explicit formula for the maximal existence time, and describe the asymptotic behaviour in most cases.Comment: 20 pages; updated to reflect galley proof correction

    Manifolds with 1/4-pinched flag curvature

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    We say that a nonnegatively curved manifold (M,g)(M,g) has quarter pinched flag curvature if for any two planes which intersect in a line the ratio of their sectional curvature is bounded above by 4. We show that these manifolds have nonnegative complex sectional curvature. By combining with a theorem of Brendle and Schoen it follows that any positively curved manifold with strictly quarter pinched flag curvature must be a space form. This in turn generalizes a result of Andrews and Nguyen in dimension 4. For odd dimensional manifolds we obtain results for the case that the flag curvature is pinched with some constant below one quarter, one of which generalizes a recent work of Petersen and Tao

    Extremal Bundles on Calabi-Yau Threefolds

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    We study constructions of stable holomorphic vector bundles on Calabi–Yau threefolds, especially those with exact anomaly cancellation which we call extremal. By going through the known databases we find that such examples are rare in general and can be ruled out for the spectral cover construction for all elliptic threefolds. We then introduce a general Hartshorne–Serre construction and use it to find extremal bundles of general ranks and study their stability, as well as computing their Chern numbers. Based on both existing and our new constructions, we revisit the DRY conjecture for the existence of stable sheaves on Calabi–threefolds, and provide theoretical and numerical evidence for its correctness. Our construction can be easily generalized to bundles with no extremal conditions imposed

    On the essential spectrum of Nadirashvili-Martin-Morales minimal surfaces

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    We show that the spectrum of a complete submanifold properly immersed into a ball of a Riemannian manifold is discrete, provided the norm of the mean curvature vector is sufficiently small. In particular, the spectrum of a complete minimal surface properly immersed into a ball of R3\mathbb{R}^{3} is discrete. This gives a positive answer to a question of Yau.Comment: This article is an improvement of an earlier version titled On the spectrum of Martin-Morales minimal surfaces. 7 page

    Hyperholomorpic connections on coherent sheaves and stability

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    Let MM be a hyperkaehler manifold, and FF a torsion-free and reflexive coherent sheaf on MM. Assume that FF (outside of its singularities) admits a connection with a curvature which is invariant under the standard SU(2)-action on 2-forms. If the curvature is square-integrable, then FF is stable and its singularities are hyperkaehler subvarieties in MM. Such sheaves (called hyperholomorphic sheaves) are well understood. In the present paper, we study sheaves admitting a connection with SU(2)-invariant curvature which is not necessarily square-integrable. This situation arises often, for instance, when one deals with higher direct images of holomorphic bundles. We show that such sheaves are stable.Comment: 37 pages, version 11, reference updated, corrected many minor errors and typos found by the refere