2,819 research outputs found

    The spin and charge gaps of the half-filled N-leg Kondo ladders

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    In this work, we study N-leg Kondo ladders at half-filling through the density matrix renormalization group. We found non-zero spin and charge gaps for any finite number of legs and Kondo coupling J>0J>0. We also show evidence of the existence of a quantum critical point in the two dimensional Kondo lattice model, in agreement with previous works. Based on the binding energy of two holes, we did not find evidence of superconductivity in the 2D Kondo lattice model close to half-filling.Comment: 4 pages, 1 table, 3 fig

    Impurity Energy Level Within The Haldane Gap

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    An impurity bond JJ{'} in a periodic 1D antiferromagnetic, spin 1 chain with exchange JJ is considered. Using the numerical density matrix renormalization group method, we find an impurity energy level in the Haldane gap, corresponding to a bound state near the impurity bond. When J<JJ{'}<J the level changes gradually from the edge of the Haldane gap to the ground state energy as the deviation dev=(JJ)/Jdev=(J-J{'})/J changes from 0 to 1. It seems that there is no threshold. Yet, there is a threshold when J>JJ{'}>J. The impurity level appears only when the deviation dev=(JJ)/Jdev=(J{'}-J)/J{'} is greater than BcB_{c}, which is near 0.3 in our calculation.Comment: Latex file,9 pages uuencoded compressed postscript including 4 figure

    Field-induced gap in the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain: A density matrix renormalization group study

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    We study the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain in both uniform and (perpendicular) staggered magnetic fields using the density-matrix renormalization-group method. This model has been shown earlier to describe the physics of the copper benzoate materials in magnetic field. In the present work, we extend the study to more general case for a systematic investigation of the field-induced gap and related properties of the spin-1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chain. In particular, we explore the high magnetic field regime where interesting behaviors in the field-induced gap, magnetization, and spin correlation functions are found. Careful examination of the low energy properties and magnetization reveals interesting competing effects of the staggered and uniform fields. The incommensurate behavior in the spin correlation functions is demonstrated and discussed in detail. The present work reproduces earlier results in good agreement with experimental data on copper benzoate and predicts new interesting field-induced features at very high magnetic field.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Numerical renormalization group study of the 1D t-J model

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    The one-dimensional (1D) tJt-J model is investigated using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method. We report for the first time a generalization of the DMRG method to the case of arbitrary band filling and prove a theorem with respect to the reduced density matrix that accelerates the numerical computation. Lastly, using the extended DMRG method, we present the ground state electron momentum distribution, spin and charge correlation functions. The 3kF3k_F anomaly of the momentum distribution function first discussed by Ogata and Shiba is shown to disappear as JJ increases. We also argue that there exists a density-independent JcJ_c beyond which the system becomes an electron solid.Comment: Wrong set of figures were put in the orginal submissio

    Two Cell-Bound Keratinases of Trichophyton Mentagrophytes

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    Two cell-bound keratinases, II and III, of Trichophyton mentagrophytes were extracted from mycelium and purified. The purified keratinases, II and III, had a specific keratinolytic activity of 36.4 and 39.4 KU/mg respectively. The molecular weights of keratinases II and III were 440,000 and 20,300 respectively. Immunodiffusion analysis showed that these two cell-bound keratinases, II and III, were not identical to each other nor to extracellular keratinase I of the same species

    Finite Size Scaling for Low Energy Excitations in Integer Heisenberg Spin Chains

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    In this paper we study the finite size scaling for low energy excitations of S=1S=1 and S=2S=2 Heisenberg chains, using the density matrix renormalization group technique. A crossover from 1/L1/L behavior (with LL as the chain length) for medium chain length to 1/L21/L^2 scaling for long chain length is found for excitations in the continuum band as the length of the open chain increases. Topological spin S=1/2S=1/2 excitations are shown to give rise to the two lowest energy states for both open and periodic S=1S=1 chains. In periodic chains these two excitations are ``confined'' next to each other, while for open chains they are two free edge 1/2 spins. The finite size scaling of the two lowest energy excitations of open S=2S=2 chains is determined by coupling the two free edge S=1S=1 spins. The gap and correlation length for S=2S=2 open Heisenberg chains are shown to be 0.082 (in units of the exchange JJ) and 47, respectively.Comment: 4 pages (two column), PS file, to be appear as a PRB Brief Repor

    DMRG Study of Critical Behavior of the Spin-1/2 Alternating Heisenberg Chain

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    We investigate the critical behavior of the S=1/2 alternating Heisenberg chain using the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). The ground-state energy per spin and singlet-triplet energy gap are determined for a range of alternations. Our results for the approach of the ground-state energy to the uniform chain limit are well described by a power law with exponent p=1.45. The singlet-triplet gap is also well described by a power law, with a critical exponent of p=0.73, half of the ground-state energy exponent. The renormalization group predictions of power laws with logarithmic corrections can also accurately describe our data provided that a surprisingly large scale parameter is present in the logarithm.Comment: 6 pages, 4 eps-figure

    Thermodynamics of 2D string theory

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    We calculate the free energy, energy and entropy in the matrix quantum mechanical formulation of 2D string theory in a background strongly perturbed by tachyons with the imaginary Minkowskian momentum ±i/R\pm i/R (``Sine-Liouville'' theory). The system shows a thermodynamical behaviour corresponding to the temperature T=1/(2πR)T=1/(2\pi R). We show that the microscopically calculated energy of the system satisfies the usual thermodynamical relations and leads to a non-zero entropy.Comment: 13 pages, lanlmac; typos correcte

    Elucidating the backbone conformation of photoswitchable foldamers using vibrational circular dichroism

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    The backbone conformation of amphiphilic oligo(azobenzene) foldamers is investigated using vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectroscopy on a mode involving the stretching of the N=N bonds in the backbone. From denaturation experiments, we find that the VCD response in the helical conformation arises mainly from through-space interaction between the N=N-stretch transition-dipole moments, so that the coupled-oscillator model can be used to predict the VCD spectrum associated with a particular conformation. Using this approach, we elucidate the origin of the VCD signals in the folded conformation, and can assign the observed partial loss of VCD signals upon photo-induced unfolding to specific conformational changes. Our results show that the N=N-stretch VCD response provides an excellent probe of the helical conformation of the N=N bonds in this type of switchable molecular system

    Small Fermi surface in the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model

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    We study the one-dimensional Kondo lattice model through the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). Our results for the spin correlation function indicate the presence of a small Fermi surface in large portions of the phase diagram, in contrast to some previous studies that used the same technique. We argue that the discrepancy is due to the open boundary conditions, which introduce strong charge perturbations that strongly affect the spin Friedel oscillations.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figure