18 research outputs found

    Kernel Mode Linux: Toward an operating system protected by a type theory

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    Abstract. Traditional operating systems protect themselves from user programs with a privilege level facility of CPUs. One problem of the protection-by-hardware approach is that system calls become very slow because heavy operations are required to safely switch the privilege levels of user programs. To solve the problem, we design an operating system that protects itself with a type theory. In our approach, user programs are written in a typed assembly language and the kernel performs typechecking before executing the programs. Then, the user programs can be executed in the kernel mode, because the kernel knows that the typechecked programs do not violate safety of the kernel. Thus, system calls become mere function calls and can be invoked very quickly. We implemented Kernel Mode Linux (KML) that realizes our approach. Several benchmarks show effectiveness of KML.

    Runtime Verification of C Memory Safety

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    C is the most widely used imperative system's implementation language. While C provides types and high-level abstractions, its design goal has been to provide highest performance which often requires low-level access to memory. As a consequence C supports arbitrary pointer arithmetic, casting, and explicit allocation and deallocation. These operations are difficult to use, resulting in programs that often have software bugs like buffer overflows and dangling pointers that cause security vulnerabilities. We say a C program is memory safe, if at runtime it never goes wrong with such a memory access error. Based on standards for writing "good" C code, this paper proposes strong memory safety as the least restrictive formal definition of memory safety amenable for runtime verification. We show that although verification of memory safety is in general undecidable, even when restricted to closed, terminating programs, runtime verification of strong memory safety is a decision procedure for this class of programs. We verify strong memory safety of a program by executing the program using a symbolic, deterministic definition of the dynamic semantics. A prototype implementation of these ideas shows the feasibility of this approach

    Dynamic instruction reuse

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    Dynamic instruction reuse

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    C-—: A Portable Assembly Language that Supports Garbage Collection

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    For a compiler writer, generating good machine code for a variety of platforms is hard work. One might try to reuse a retargetable code generator, but code generators are complex and difficult to use, and they limit one's choice of implementation language. One might try to use C as a portable assembly language, but C limits the compiler writer's flexibility and the performance of the resulting code. The wide use of C, despite these drawbacks, argues for a portable assembly language. C-- is a new language designed expressly for this purpose. The us

    Economics of education: Disappointments and potential

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