767 research outputs found

    Photon Frequency Entanglement Swapping

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    We propose a simple non-linear crystal based optical scheme for experimental realization of the frequency entanglement swapping between the photons belonging to two independent biphotons.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to Phys.Lett.

    Mice Lacking Dad1, the Defender against Apoptotic Death-1, Express Abnormal N-Linked Glycoproteins and Undergo Increased Embryonic Apoptosis

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    AbstractDad1 has been shown to play a role in preventing apoptotic cell death and in regulating levels of N-linked glycosylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the BHK hamster cell line. To address the in vivo role of Dad1 in these processes during multicellular development, we have analyzed mice carrying a null allele for Dad1. Embryos homozygous for this mutation express abnormal N-glycosylated proteins and are developmentally delayed by embryonic day 7.5. Such mutants exhibit aberrant morphology, impaired mesodermal development, and increased levels of apoptosis in specific tissues. These defects culminate in homozygous embryos failing to turn the posterior axis and subsequent lethality by embryonic day 10.5. Thus, Dad1 is required for proper processing of N-linked glycoproteins and for certain cell survival in the mouse

    Charmonium states in QCD-inspired quark potential model using Gaussian expansion method

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    We investigate the mass spectrum and electromagnetic processes of charmonium system with the nonperturbative treatment for the spin-dependent potentials, comparing the pure scalar and scalar-vector mixing linear confining potentials. It is revealed that the scalar-vector mixing confinement would be important for reproducing the mass spectrum and decay widths, and therein the vector component is predicted to be around 22%. With the state wave functions obtained via the full-potential Hamiltonian, the long-standing discrepancy in M1 radiative transitions of J/ψJ/\psi and ψ\psi^{\prime} are alleviated spontaneously. This work also intends to provide an inspection and suggestion for the possible ccˉc\bar{c} among the copious higher charmonium-like states. Particularly, the newly observed X(4160) and X(4350) are found in the charmonium family mass spectrum as M(21D2)=4164.9M(2^1D_2)= 4164.9 MeV and M(33P2)=4352.4M(3^3P_2)= 4352.4 MeV, which strongly favor the JPC=2+,2++J^{PC}=2^{-+}, 2^{++} assignments respectively. The corresponding radiative transitions, leptonic and two-photon decay widths have been also predicted theoretically for the further experimental search.Comment: 16 pages,3 figure

    Nonequilibrium transitions in complex networks: a model of social interaction

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    We analyze the non-equilibrium order-disorder transition of Axelrod's model of social interaction in several complex networks. In a small world network, we find a transition between an ordered homogeneous state and a disordered state. The transition point is shifted by the degree of spatial disorder of the underlying network, the network disorder favoring ordered configurations. In random scale-free networks the transition is only observed for finite size systems, showing system size scaling, while in the thermodynamic limit only ordered configurations are always obtained. Thus in the thermodynamic limit the transition disappears. However, in structured scale-free networks, the phase transition between an ordered and a disordered phase is restored.Comment: 7 pages revtex4, 10 figures, related material at http://www.imedea.uib.es/PhysDept/Nonlinear/research_topics/Social

    Correspondence principle for a brane in Minkowski space and vector mesons

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    We consider a 3-brane of positive cosmological constant (de Sitter) in D-dimensional Minkowski space. We show that the Poincare algebra in the bulk yields a SO(4,2) algebra when restricted to the brane. In the limit of zero cosmological constant (flat brane), this algebra turns into the conformal algebra on the brane. We derive a correspondence principle for Minkowski space analogous to the AdS/CFT correspondence. We discuss explicitly the cases of scalar and gravitational fields. For a 3-brane of finite thickness in the transverse directions, we obtain a spectrum for vector gravitational perturbations which correspond to vector mesons. The spectrum agrees with the one obtained in truncated AdS space by de Teramond and Brodsky provided D=10 and the bulk mass scale M is of order the geometric mean of the Planck mass (Mˉ\bar M) on the brane and ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} (M(MˉΛQCD)1/2109M \sim (\bar M \Lambda_{QCD})^{1/2} \sim 10^9 GeV).Comment: 8 pages in two-column ReVTeX

    Vector lattice model for stresses in granular materials

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    A vector lattice model for stresses in granular materials is proposed. A two dimensional pile built by pouring from a point is constructed numerically according to this model. Remarkably, the pile violates the Mohr Coulomb stability criterion for granular matter, probably because of the inherent anisotropy of such poured piles. The numerical results are also compared to the earlier continuum FPA model and the (scalar) lattice qq-model

    Checkpoint kinase 2-mediated phosphorylation of BRCA1 regulates the fidelity of nonhomologous end-joining

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    The tumor suppressor gene BRCA1 maintains genomic integrity by protecting cells from the deleterious effects of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Through its interactions with the checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) kinase and Rad51, BRCA1 promotes homologous recombination, which is typically an error-free repair process. In addition, accumulating evidence implicates BRCA1 in the regulation of nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ), which may involve precise religation of the DSB ends if they are compatible (i.e., error-free repair) or sequence alteration upon rejoining (i.e., error-prone or mutagenic repair). However, the precise role of BRCA1 in regulating these different subtypes of NHEJ is not clear. We provide here the genetic and biochemical evidence to show that BRCA1 promotes error-free rejoining of DSBs in human breast carcinoma cells while suppressing microhomology-mediated error-prone end-joining and restricting sequence deletion at the break junction during repair. The repair spectrum in BRCA1-deficient cells was characterized by an increase in the formation of >2 kb deletions and in the usage of long microhomologies distal to the break site, compared with wild-type (WT) cells. This error-prone repair phenotype could also be revealed by disruption of the Chk2 phosphorylation site of BRCA1, or by expression of a dominant-negative kinase-dead Chk2 mutant in cells with WT BRCA1. We suggest that the differential control of NHEJ subprocesses by BRCA1, in concert with Chk2, reduces the mutagenic potential of NHEJ, thereby contributing to the prevention of familial breast cancers

    Comparative transcriptome analysis identified candidate genes for late leaf spot resistance and cause of defoliation in groundnut

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    Late leaf spot (LLS) caused by fungus Nothopassalora personata in groundnut is responsible for up to 50% yield loss. To dissect the complex nature of LLS resistance, comparative transcriptome analysis was performed using resistant (GPBD 4), susceptible (TAG 24) and a resistant introgression line (ICGV 13208) and identified a total of 12,164 and 9954 DEGs (differentially expressed genes) respectively in A- and B-subgenomes of tetraploid groundnut. There were 135 and 136 unique pathways triggered in A- and B-subgenomes, respectively, upon N. personata infection. Highly upregulated putative disease resistance genes, an RPP-13 like (Aradu.P20JR) and a NBS-LRR (Aradu.Z87JB) were identified on chromosome A02 and A03, respectively, for LLS resistance. Mildew resistance Locus (MLOs)-like proteins, heavy metal transport proteins, and ubiquitin protein ligase showed trend of upregulation in susceptible genotypes, while tetratricopeptide repeats (TPR), pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR), chitinases, glutathione S-transferases, purple acid phosphatases showed upregulation in resistant genotypes. However, the highly expressed ethylene responsive factor (ERF) and ethylene responsive nuclear protein (ERF2), and early responsive dehydration gene (ERD) might be related to the possible causes of defoliation in susceptible genotypes. The identified disease resistance genes can be deployed in genomics-assisted breeding for development of LLS resistant cultivars to reduce the yield loss in groundnut

    Relativistic close coupling calculations for photoionization and recombination of Ne-like Fe XVII

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    Relativistic and channel coupling effects in photoionization and unified electronic recombination of Fe XVII are demonstrated with an extensive 60-level close coupling calculation using the Breit-Pauli R-matrix method. Photoionization and (e + ion) recombination calculations are carried out for the total and the level-specific cross sections, including the ground and several hundred excited bound levels of Fe XVII (up to fine structure levels with n = 10). The unified (e + ion) recombination calculations for (e + Fe XVIII --> Fe XVII) include both the non-resonant and resonant recombination (`radiative' and `dielectronic recombination' -- RR and DR). The low-energy and the high energy cross sections are compared from: (i) a 3-level calculation with 2s^2p^5 (^2P^o_{1/2,3/2}) and 2s2p^6 (^2S_{1/2}), and (ii) the first 60-level calculation with \Delta n > 0 coupled channels with spectroscopic 2s^2p^5, 2s2p^6, 2s^22p^4 3s, 3p, 3d, configurations, and a number of correlation configurations. Strong channel coupling effects are demonstrated throughout the energy ranges considered, in particular via giant photoexcitation-of-core (PEC) resonances due to L-M shell dipole transition arrays 2p^5 --> 2p^4 3s, 3d in Fe XIII that enhance effective cross sections by orders of magnitude. Comparison is made with previous theoretical and experimental works on photoionization and recombination that considered the relatively small low-energy region (i), and the weaker \Delta n = 0 couplings. While the 3-level results are inadequate, the present 60-level results should provide reasonably complete and accurate datasets for both photoionization and (e + ion) recombination of Fe~XVII in laboratory and astrophysical plasmas.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, Phys. Rev. A (submitted

    A New Biology: A Modern Perspective on the Challenge of Closing the Gap between the Islands of Knowledge

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    This paper discusses the rebirth of the old quest for the principles of biology along the discourse line of machine-organism disanalogy and within the context of biocomputation from a modern perspective. It reviews some new attempts to revise the existing body of research and enhance it with new developments in some promising fields of mathematics and computation. The major challenge is that the latter are expected to also answer the need for a new framework, a new language and a new methodology capable of closing the existing gap between the different levels of complex system organization