377 research outputs found

    A career perspective on solo self-employment:Examining heterogeneity, career self-management and the role of inclusive HRM in sustainable careers of the solo self-employed

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    ZZP’erschap vanuit een loopbaanperspectief Cijfers van het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) laten zien dat Nederland op dit moment meer dan 1,3 miljoen zelfstandigen zonder personeel (zzp’ers) telt. Ondanks het groeiend aantal zzp’ers, worden zij nog te vaak beschouwd als één grote groep. Het gebrek aan erkenning van de heterogeniteit van zzp’ers door de politiek en organisaties kan de duurzame inzetbaarheid van zzp’ers op de lange termijn onder druk zetten. In dit proefschrift is de heterogeniteit in de grote groep zzp’ers in kaart gebracht vanuit een loopbaanperspectief op basis van een conceptuele studie en drie empirische studies. Hierbij lag de focus op de loopbaanontwikkeling van zzp’ers en de arbeidsrelaties met opdrachtgevers. De belangrijkste conclusie van dit proefschrift is: dé zzp’er bestaat niet. Dit proefschrift heeft aangetoond dat zzp’ers verschillen in waarom zij zzp’er zijn geworden, hoe zij vervolgens hun loopbaan opbouwen en hoe zij de arbeidsrelaties met opdrachtgevers vormgeven. In de eerste empirische studie zijn er op basis van een grootschalige kwantitatieve dataset van CBS/TNO zes profielen geïdentificeerd die elk een specifieke combinatie van startmotieven weergeven. De grootste groep vertegenwoordigde de uitdagingzoekers gevolgd door de controlezoekers, gedwongen zzp’ers, rasechte zzp’ers, beroepsmatige zzp’ers en familiebedrijf zzp’ers. De onderzoeksresultaten toonden ook aan dat zzp’ers met verschillende profielen verschillen in hoe zij proactief hun loopbaan vormgeven. In de tweede empirische studie zijn meer dan 100 zzp’ers werkzaam in verschillende sectoren geïnterviewd. De zzp’ers werden bevraagd over de manier waarop zij bouwen aan hun duurzame inzetbaarheid. Oftewel, hoe zorgen zzp’ers ervoor dat zij gelukkig, gezond en productief zijn gedurende hun loopbaan? Op basis van de interviews werden vier loopbaanpatronen geïdentificeerd. Deze loopbaanpatronen lieten zien hoe zzp’ers verschillen in hun motivatie en de manier waarop zij hun loopbaan vormgeven. Zo verschillen zzp’ers in de manier waarop zij netwerken, samenwerken met andere zzp’ers en investeren in professionele ontwikkeling. Tenslotte is in dit promotieonderzoek empirisch onderzoek gedaan naar de arbeidsrelaties tussen zzp’ers en opdrachtgevers. Uit de interviews met HR-professionals en zzp’ers bleek dat organisaties zoekende zijn naar hoe de arbeidsrelaties met zzp’ers vorm te geven en dat zzp’ers verschilden in hun verwachtingen in deze arbeidsrelaties. Op basis van de onderzoeksresultaten kunnen een drietal aanbevelingen worden benoemd: (1) het is van groot belang dat zzp’ers zich bewust zijn van hoe zij hun duurzame inzetbaarheid kunnen vergroten in de specifieke context waarin zij werkzaam zijn; (2) de manier waarop de arbeidsrelaties tussen opdrachtgevers en zzp’ers wordt vormgegeven, speelt een belangrijke rol in de duurzame inzetbaarheid van zzp’ers; (3) de inzichten in de heterogeniteit van de zzp’ers op de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt zijn waardevol voor het formuleren van passende wet- en regelgeving door de overheid. Solo self-employment from a career perspective Numbers from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) show that the Netherlands currently has more than 1.3 million solo self-employed workers. Despite the growing number of the solo self-employed, they are still too often considered as one large group. The lack of recognition of the heterogeneity of the solo self-employed by the government and organizations will most likely put pressure on the sustainable employability of the solo self-employed in the long run. In this dissertation, the heterogeneity of the solo self-employed is studied from a career perspective in one conceptual study and three empirical studies. The focus was on the career development of the solo self-employed and the employment relations with organizations. This dissertation has shown that the solo self-employed differ in the reasons why they became solo self-employed, how they subsequently build up their career and how they prefer to shape the employment relations with organizations. Based on a large-scale national dataset by CBS/TNO that is used for the first empirical study, six profiles were identified, each representing a specific combination of starting motives. The largest group represented the challenge-seekers, followed by the control-seekers, the pushed by necessity, occupationally-driven, and family business-driven solo self-employed. The research results also showed that the solo self-employed with different profiles displayed different proactive behaviors in shaping their careers. In the second empirical study, interviews with more than 100 solo self-employed workers working in different sectors were conducted. The solo self-employed were asked how they build their career sustainability. In other words, how do they ensure that they are happy, healthy, and productive during their career? Based on the interviews, four career patterns were identified. These career patterns showed how the solo self-employed differed in their motivation and the way in which they shaped their careers by, for example, networking, collaborating with other solo self-employed workers, and investing in professional development. Finally, the employment relations between the solo self-employed and organizations were studied. The findings from interviews with HR-professionals and the solo self-employed showed that organizations are struggling with how to shape the employment relations with the solo self-employed and that these workers differed in their expectations regarding the employment relations. Based on the research results, three recommendations can be made: (1) it is of great importance that the solo self-employed are aware of how they can increase their career sustainability in their specific context; (2) how the employment relations between the solo self-employed and organizations are designed plays an important role in career sustainability of the solo self-employed; (3) the insights into the heterogeneity of the solo self-employed are valuable for the formulation of appropriate legislation and regulations by the government

    Huge decreases in the risk of breast cancer relapse over the last three decades

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    Introduction The aim of this study was to evaluate local and systemic breast cancer control by comparing the risk of relapse in breast cancer patients in 2003–2004 with that in 1972–1979 and in 1980–1986. Methods About 8,570 women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer in 2003–2004 were selected from the population-based Netherlands Cancer Registry and compared with 133 patients treated in 1972–1979 and 174 in 1980–1986. Five-year risk of relapse was calculated by the Kaplan–Meier method. Cox-proportional hazard models were applied to adjust for tumour size, nodal status and age at diagnosis. Results Patients diagnosed in 2003–2004 had smaller tumours and a less advanced nodal stage than patients diagnosed in 1972–1986. In 1972–1979, 1980–1986 and 2003–2004, treatment included mastectomy in 94%, 72% and 47%; postmastectomy radiotherapy in 75%, 70% and 30%; chemotherapy in 9%, 14% and 37% and hormonal therapy in 3%, 3% and 42% of patients, respectively. Five-year risk of locoregional and distant recurrence decreased from 37% and 34% to 15%, respectively. The 5-year risk of second primary breast cancer did not differ and was 1%, 4% and 2%, respectively. The improved relapse-free survival in patients diagnosed in 2003–2004 as compared with 1972–1979 hardly changed after adjustment (HR = 0.38, 95% CI = 0.28–0.52). Conclusion Over the last decades, local breast cancer therapies have become less rigorous, whereas systemic therapy use has increased. Simultaneously, the risk of breast cancer relapse has tremendously decreased. Future novel therapies may lead to such small additional decreases in relapse rates, while the long-term side effects in breast cancer survivors will increas

    The effect of oregano (Origanum vulgare) extract on prevention of S. ineae experimental infection in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

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    This study was performed in order to determine the effect of Oregano (Origanum vulgare) extract on Streptococcus ineae infection in rainbow trout. 063 rainbow trout weighing 15±1 gr were randomly allocated into three treatment groups with three repetition, including: 1) Control group, 2) Oregano extract treated group (1% of diet), 3) Felorfenicol treated group (10mg/kg fish), all feed one time a day for two weeks. At the end of the second week, 5 fish of each repetition collected and sampled from their blood and tissue of spleen and kidney. After the bleeding, all the samples injected with streptococcus ineae. After two weeks mortality rate calculated and after the bleeding, sampled from the spleen and kidney of the samples. Total cunt analysis conducted on the spleen samples in 4 logarithmic concentrations. in the second phase all the samples primarily injected with S.ineae and then treated with Oregano concentration and Felorfenicol for two weeks. After the two steps of bleeding, in sterile qualifications, the spleen of the fishes sampled for total cunt analysis. Blood cells counting and lisosym activity indicated in all blood samples. The results shown that total mortality in both of the phases of experiment in Oregano extract (OE) treatment was significantly lower comparing to control group (p<0.05). Furthermore the results of blood cells counting shown that WBC and monocyts percents were significantly higher in Oe and Felorfenicol treatment groups (p<0.05). This phenomenon was because of the effects of Oe and Felorfenicol. Nevertheless the lysozym activity degreased comparing to control group (p<0.05). But total count analysis shown that bacterial audience in spleen degreased treating Oe and felorfenicol. It was concluded that supplementation of Oe registered lower mortality and bacterial audience, and better hematological parameters in fishes, compared with control group. Therefore supplementation of Oe in fish diet would be effective in prevention and treatment of S.iniae in rainbow trout

    D2.1 Integrated Roadmap

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    Deliverable 2.1 – The Integrated Roadmap – summarises the first 18 months of requirements gathering and analysis in the TENCompetence project. The document consists of a summary description and a number of annexes with detailed results. The methodology chosen by the project is the Unified Process, supplemented with scenario-based software development techniques. On the basis of initial scenario’s and specific use cases, six high-level use cases were identified that summarise the future functionality of the TENCompetence integrated system. These high-level use cases build on the domain model that is also included. The four main components of the TENCompetence project, i.e. (a) the high-level use cases, (b) the domain model, (c) the project objectives and (d) the experimental setup of the pilots were then critically analysed in order to identify possible gaps between them. On the basis of this gap analysis, some recommendations were formulated for the next development cycles. On the basis of all the work in the four components and the gap analysis, detailed extended use cases with activity diagrams and a data model were developed and formulated, which again serve as the basis for the first version of the integrated system, the Personal Competence Manager. Finally, the document describes the future of the requirements process in the form of a research roadmap, and a detailed procedure for handling change requests to the integrated system.The work on this publication has been sponsored by the TENCompetence Integrated Project that is funded by the European Commission's 6th Framework Programme, priority IST/Technology Enhanced Learning. Contract 027087 [http://www.tencompetence.org

    Ionospheric photoelectrons at Venus: case studies and first observation in the tail

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    The presence of photoelectrons in ionospheres, including that of unmagnetised Venus, can be inferred from their characteristic spectral peaks in the electron energy spectrum. The electrons within the peaks are created by the photoionisation of neutrals in the upper atmosphere by the solar HeII 30.4 nm line. Here, we present some case studies of photoelectron spectra observed by the ASPERA-4 instrument aboard Venus Express with corresponding ion data. In the first case study, we observe photoelectron peaks in the sunlit ionosphere, indicating relatively local production. In the second case study, we observe broadened peaks in the sunlit ionosphere near the terminator, which indicate scattering processes between a more remote production region and the observation point. In the third case study, we present the first observation of ionospheric photoelectrons in the induced magnetotail of Venus, which we suggest is due to the spacecraft being located at that time on a magnetic field line connected to the dayside ionosphere at lower altitudes. Simultaneously, low energy ions are observed moving away from Venus. In common with observations at Mars and at Titan, these imply a possible role for the relatively energetic electrons in producing an ambipolar electric field which enhances ion escape
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