484 research outputs found

    Exact solutions of Dirac equation on a 2D gravitational background

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    We obtain classes of two dimensional static Lorentzian manifolds, which through the supersymmetric formalism of quantum mechanics admit the exact solvability of Dirac equation on these curved backgrounds. Specially in the case of a modified supersymmetric harmonic oscillator the wave function and energy spectrum of Dirac equation is given explicitly.Comment: 10 pages, title changed, content reduced, some references removed, To be published in PL

    Equivalence of model space techniques and the renormalization group for a separable model problem

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    Lee-Suzuki similarity transformations and Krencigowa-Kuo folded diagrams are two common methods used to derive energy independent model space effective interactions for nuclear many-body systems. We demonstrate that these methods are equivalent to a Renormalization Group (RG) analysis of a separable potential model. The effective low-momentum potentials V_{eff} are shown to give the same scaling equation that RG arguments predict. We find the new result that the different model space techniques considered in this paper yield a unique low-momentum V_{eff} when applied to the toy model problem.Comment: 10 pages. Minor content and stylistic change

    Model-independent low momentum nucleon interaction from phase shift equivalence

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    We present detailed results for the model-independent low momentum nucleon-nucleon interaction V_{low k}. By introducing a cutoff in momentum space, we separate the Hilbert space into a low momentum and a high momentum part. The renormalization group is used to construct the effective interaction V_{low k} in the low momentum space, starting from various high precision potential models commonly used in nuclear many-body calculations. With a cutoff in the range of Λ 2.1fm1\Lambda ~ 2.1 fm^{-1}, the new potential V_{low k} is independent of the input model, and reproduces the experimental phase shift data for corresponding laboratory energies below Elab 350MeVE_{lab} ~ 350 MeV, as well as the deuteron binding energy with similar accuracy as the realistic input potentials. The model independence of V_{low k} demonstrates that the physics of nucleons interacting at low momenta does not depend on details of the high momentum dynamics assumed in conventional potential models. V_{low k} does not have momentum components larger than the cutoff, and as a consequence is considerably softer than the high precision potentials. Therefore, when V_{low k} is used as microscopic input in the many-body problem, the high momentum effects in the particle-particle channel do not have to be addressed by performing a Brueckner ladder resummation or short-range correlation methods. By varying the cutoff, we study how the model independence of V_{low k} is reached in different partial waves. This provides numerical evidence for the separation of scales in the nuclear problem, and physical insight into the nature of the low momentum interaction.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figure

    Weinberg Eigenvalues and Pairing with Low-Momentum Potentials

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    The nonperturbative nature of nucleon-nucleon interactions evolved to low momentum has recently been investigated in free space and at finite density using Weinberg eigenvalues as a diagnostic. This analysis is extended here to the in-medium eigenvalues near the Fermi surface to study pairing. For a fixed value of density and cutoff Lambda, the eigenvalues increase arbitrarily in magnitude close to the Fermi surface, signaling the pairing instability. When using normal-phase propagators, the Weinberg analysis with complex energies becomes a form of stability analysis and the pairing gap can be estimated from the largest attractive eigenvalue. With Nambu-Gorkov Green's functions, the largest attractive eigenvalue goes to unity close to the Fermi surface, indicating the presence of bound states (Cooper pairs), and the corresponding eigenvector leads to the self-consistent gap function.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figure

    Convergence of the Born Series with Low-Momentum Interactions

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    The nonperturbative nature of nucleon-nucleon interactions as a function of a momentum cutoff is studied using Weinberg eigenvalues as a diagnostic. This investigation extends an earlier study of the perturbative convergence of the Born series to partial waves beyond the 3S1-3D1 channel and to positive energies. As the cutoff is lowered using renormalization-group or model-space techniques, the evolution of nonperturbative features at large cutoffs from strong short-range repulsion and the iterated tensor interaction are monitored via the complex Weinberg eigenvalues. When all eigenvalues lie within the unit circle, the expansion of the scattering amplitude in terms of the interaction is perturbative, with the magnitude of the largest eigenvalue setting the rate of convergence. Major decreases in the magnitudes of repulsive eigenvalues are observed as the Argonne v18, CD-Bonn or Nijmegen potentials are evolved to low momentum, even though two-body observables are unchanged. For chiral EFT potentials, running the cutoff lower tames the impact of the tensor force and of new nonperturbative features entering at N3LO. The efficacy of separable approximations to nuclear interactions derived from the Weinberg analysis is studied as a function of cutoff, and the connection to inverse scattering is demonstrated.Comment: 21 pages, 15 figures, minor additions, to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Is nuclear matter perturbative with low-momentum interactions?

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    The nonperturbative nature of inter-nucleon interactions is explored by varying the momentum cutoff of a two-nucleon potential. Conventional force models, which have large cutoffs, are nonperturbative because of strong short-range repulsion, the iterated tensor interaction, and the presence of bound or nearly-bound states. But for low-momentum interactions with cutoffs around 2 fm^{-1}, the softened potential combined with Pauli blocking leads to corrections in nuclear matter in the particle-particle channel that are well converged at second order in the potential, suggesting that perturbation theory can be used in place of Brueckner resummations. Calculations of nuclear matter using the low-momentum two-nucleon force V_{low k} with a corresponding leading-order three-nucleon (3N) force from chiral effective field theory (EFT) exhibit nuclear binding in the Hartree-Fock approximation, and become less cutoff dependent with the inclusion of the dominant second-order contributions. The role of the 3N force is essential to obtain saturation, and the contribution to the total potential energy is compatible with EFT power-counting estimates.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures, references and attractive c4 contribution added, figures updated, conclusions unchanged; minor additions, to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Low-momentum interactions with smooth cutoffs

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    Nucleon-nucleon potentials evolved to low momentum, which show great promise in few- and many-body calculations, have generally been formulated with a sharp cutoff on relative momenta. However, a sharp cutoff has technical disadvantages and can cause convergence problems at the 10-100 keV level in the deuteron and triton. This motivates using smooth momentum-space regulators as an alternative. We generate low-momentum interactions with smooth cutoffs both through energy-independent renormalization group methods and using a multi-step process based on the Bloch-Horowitz approach. We find greatly improved convergence for calculations of the deuteron and triton binding energies in a harmonic oscillator basis compared to results with a sharp cutoff. Even a slight evolution of chiral effective field theory interactions to lower momenta is beneficial. The renormalization group preserves the long-range part of the interaction, and consequently the renormalization of long-range operators, such as the quadrupole moment, the radius and 1/r, is small. This demonstrates that low-energy observables in the deuteron are reproduced without short-range correlations in the wave function.Comment: 29 pages, 19 figure

    Topological Vector Symmetry of BRSTQFT and Construction of Maximal Supersymmetry

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    The scalar and vector topological Yang-Mills symmetries determine a closed and consistent sector of Yang-Mills supersymmetry. We provide a geometrical construction of these symmetries, based on a horizontality condition on reducible manifolds. This yields globally well-defined scalar and vector topological BRST operators. These operators generate a subalgebra of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, which is small enough to be closed off-shell with a finite set of auxiliary fields and large enough to determine the Yang-Mills supersymmetric theory. Poincar\'e supersymmetry is reached in the limit of flat manifolds. The arbitrariness of the gauge functions in BRSTQFTs is thus removed by the requirement of scalar and vector topological symmetry, which also determines the complete supersymmetry transformations in a twisted way. Provided additional Killing vectors exist on the manifold, an equivariant extension of our geometrical framework is provided, and the resulting "equivariant topological field theory" corresponds to the twist of super Yang-Mills theory on Omega backgrounds.Comment: 50 page

    Field dependent nilpotent symmetry for gauge theories

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    We construct the field dependent mixed BRST (combination of BRST and anti-BRST) transformations for pure gauge theories. These are shown to be an exact nilpotent symmetry of both the effective action as well as the generating functional for certain choices of the field dependent parameters. We show that the Jacobian contributions for path integral measure in the definition of generating functional arising from BRST and anti-BRST part compensate each other. The field dependent mixed BRST transformations are also considered in field/antifield formulation to show that the solutions of quantum master equation remain invariant under these. Our results are supported by several explicit examples.Comment: 25 pages, No figures, Revte

    String Theoretic Bounds on Lorentz-Violating Warped Compactification

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    We consider warped compactifications that solve the 10 dimensional supergravity equations of motion at a point, stabilize the position of a D3-brane world, and admit a warp factor that violates Lorentz invariance along the brane. This gives a string embedding of ``asymmetrically warped'' models which we use to calculate stringy (\alpha') corrections to standard model dispersion relations, paying attention to the maximum speeds for different particles. We find, from the dispersion relations, limits on gravitational Lorentz violation in these models, improving on current limits on the speed of graviton propagation, including those derived from field theoretic loops. We comment on the viability of models that use asymmetric warping for self-tuning of the brane cosmological constant.Comment: 20pg, JHEP3; v2 additional references, slight change to intro; v3. added referenc