8 research outputs found

    Implementation and Analysis of Reversible logic Based Arithmetic Logic Unit

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    There is a tremendous growth in fabrication from small scale integration (SSI) to giant scale integration (GSI). It however raises a question of sustainability of Moore's law due to almost intolerable levels of power consumption. Researchers have invented a lot of methods to reduce power consumption and recent technologies are switching to reversible logic. Reversible logic has various applications in fields of computer graphics, optical information processing, quantum computing, DNA computing, ultra low power CMOS design and communication. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is considered to be the basic building block of a CPU in the computing environment and portability in computing system highly demands reversible logic based ALU. Modern processors usually have a word length of 32 or 64 bits. Divide and conquer approach principle cascades n number of 1 bit ALU to implement n bit ALU. Several researchers have proposed 1-bit ALU design using various reversible logic gates. This paper aims at categorizing various ways of implementation in VHDL using Xilinx ISE design suit 14.2 tool and comparative analysis of existing 1 bit ALU designs in terms of optimization metrics like power consumption, number of gates, number of constant inputs, number of garbage outputs and quantum cost. ALU realized using carry save adder block is found to be most optimum design in terms of gate count and quantum cost

    Growth, Yield Attributes and Yield of Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) under Different Levels of Fertilizer and Vermicompost Grown under Every Furrow and Alternate Furrow Irrigation Methods

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    A field experiment was conducted during the Rabi season of 2021-22 at the Agronomy Research Farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar in a split-plot design with two vermicompost levels i.e., vermicompost @ 1.5 t ha-1 and vermicompost @ 3.0 t ha-1, two irrigation methods i.e., every furrow irrigation and alternate furrow irrigation method as the main plot treatments and three fertilizer levels at N40P20, N60P30 and N80P40 kg ha-1 as subplot treatments and replicated three times. Among the vermicompost levels, vermicompost at 3.0 t ha-1 recorded significantly higher no. of tillers; yield attributes i.e., no. of effective tillers (12.88%), spike length (14.49%), no. of grains per spike (13.85%), 1000-grain weight (10.57%) and yield i.e., grain yield (11.00%), biological yield (10.75%) than vermicompost at 1.5 t ha-1. Among methods of irrigation, every furrow irrigation recorded significantly higher in no. of tillers, yield attributes i.e., no. of effective tillers (13.68%), spike length (14.49%), no. of grains per spike (11.51%), 1000-grain weight (9.37%); yield (grain yield (17.15%), biological yield (22.08%) and economics (gross and net returns (15.52 and 25.66%) than alternate furrow irrigation. Among fertilizer level, application of N80P40 recorded significantly higher no. of tillers, spike length, no. of grains per spike, 1000-grain weight; yield (grain yield (13.02%), biological yield (15.81%), and economics (gross and net returns (13.72 and 24.49%) over other levels of fertilizer. Based on the study, it was found that vermicompost level, method of irrigation and fertilizer level has significant effect on no. of tillers, available NPK content in soil, yield attributes, yield and economics of barley

    Agro meteorological indices influenced by different sowing dates, irrigation and fertilizer levels under late sown Indian mustard in western Haryana, India

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    A field experiments was carried out during 2018-19 and 2019-20 at Agronomy Research Farm, CCS HAU, Hisar. To compute the temperature based agrometeorological indices for Indian mustard sown under different growing environments along with Split plot design. Two sowing environments imposed through different sowing dates (2nd week of November and 4th week of November) and two irrigation levels (One irrigation at flowering stage and No post-sown irrigation) in main plots and four fertilizer levels (87.5%, 100%, 112.5% and 125% RDF) in subplots and replicated thrice. Crop sown during 2nd week of November had significantly higher agrometeorological indices (GDD, HTU, Tphoto, Tnycto and TIDR) values over 4th week of November sowing. Among irrigation levels, one irrigation performed better with respect to agrometeorological indices. Among fertilizer levels, application of 125% RDF exhibited significantly higher agrometeorological indices followed by 112.5%, 100% and 87.5% RDF. The seed yield and biological yield were highly significantly co-related with the accumulated GDD ( 0.95**), HTU (0.83**) Tphoto (0.96**), Tnycto ( 0.95**) and TIDR ( 0.97**) clearly suggesting thereby the significant effect of these indices on the mustard crop. These indices can therefore very well used as indicators of crop performance, once these relationships are quantified and tested

    Cloreto de mepiquat, thidiazuron e ethephon aplicados no algodoeiro em Ponta Porã, MS Mepiquat chloride, thidiazuron and ethephon applied on cotton in Ponta Porã, MS, Brazil

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    O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes dosagens de cloreto de mepiquat, thidiazuron e ethephon, aplicadas parceladamente no algodoeiro (Gossypium hirsutum L.) na Fazenda Itamarati, Ponta Porã, MS. As dosagens de cloreto de mepiquat foram: (0; 12,5 + 12,5 + 25,0 = 50; 25 + 25 + 25 = 75; 0 + 50 + 50 = 100; 12,5 + 62,5 + 50 = 125) g ha-1, com aplicações efetuadas aos 34, 47 e 62 dias após a emergência (DAE) em 1993/94, e aos 42, 60 e 73 DAE, em 1994/95, enquanto o thidiazuron foi aplicado quando 70% dos capulhos estavam abertos, nas dosagens de 0, 45, 60 e 75 g ha-1; já o ethephon foi aplicado sete dias após o thidiazuron, quando já se observava desfolha de 85%, nas dosagens de 0, 960 e 1.440 g ha-1. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados em faixa, com subparcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. O cloreto de mepiquat proporcionou redução do número de frutos verdes, aumento do peso de 100 sementes e do peso médio de um capulho; a percentagem de desfolha aumentou com as dosagens de thidiazuron e ethephon; constatou-se que a interação cloreto de mepiquat x thidiazuron x ethephon foi significativa para percentagem de abertura de capulhos e produção de algodão em caroço.<br>The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of doses of mepiquat chloride, thidiazuron and ethephon on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.), applied in parcels, and were surveyed in Itamarati Farm at Ponta Porã county. The mepiquat chloride doses were: (0.0; 12.5 + 12.5 + 25.0 = 50.0; 25.0 + 25.0 + 25.0 = 75.0; 0.0 + 50.0 + 50.0 = 100.0; 12.5 + 62.5 + 50.0 = 125.0) g ha-1. The applications were made at 34, 47 and 63 days after emergence(DAE) in 1993/94 and at 42, 60 and 73 DAE in 1994/95. Thidiazuron was applied when 70% of bolls were opened at the doses 0.0, 45.0, 60.0 and 75.0 g ha-1. Ethephon was applied seven days after thidiazuron, when 85% defoliation was observed, in the doses of 0.0, 960.0 and 1,440.0 g ha-1. The experimental design used was strips with subdivided subparcelas. Mepiquat chloride decrease the number of unripe fruits, increased the weight of 100 seeds and the boll average weight. The defoliation percentage enhanced with increasing thidiazuron and ethephon doses. Mepiquat chloride x thidiazuron x ethephon interaction was significative to the percentage of opening bolls and production of cotton seed

    Influence of nitrogen and sulfur fertilization on quality of canola (Brassica napus L.) under rainfed conditions*

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    Field experiments were conducted at Cereal Crops Research Institute, Pirsabak, Nowshera, Pakistan, during winter 2003~2004 and 2004~2005 to evaluate the effect of nitrogen and sulfur levels and methods of nitrogen application on canola (Brassica napus L. cv. Bulbul-98) under rainfed conditions. Four levels of S (0, 10, 20, and 30 kg/ha) and three levels of N (40, 60, and 80 kg/ha) and a control treatment with both nutrients at zero level were included in the experiments. Sulfur levels were applied at sowing while N levels were applied by three methods (100% soil application, 90% soil+10% foliar application, and 80% soil +20% foliar application). The experiments were laid out in randomized complete block (RCB) design having four replications. Oil content increased significantly up to 20 kg S/ha but further increase in S level did not enhance oil content. Glucosinolate content increased from 13.6 to 24.6 μmol/g as S rate was increased from 0 to 30 kg/ha. Protein content increased from 22.4% to 23.2% as S rate was increased from 0 to 20 kg/ha. Oil content responded negatively to the increasing N levels. The highest N level resulted in the highest values for protein (23.5%) and glucosinolate (19.9 μmol/g) contents. Methods of N application had no significant impact on any parameters under study