937 research outputs found

    Eel stock assessment in the UK

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    Continuous-variable quantum teleportation of entanglement

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    Entangled coherent states can be used to determine the entanglement fidelity for a device that is designed to teleport coherent states. This entanglement fidelity is universal, in that the calculation is independent of the use of entangled coherent states and applies generally to the teleportation of entanglement using coherent states. The average fidelity is shown to be a poor indicator of the capability of teleporting entanglement; i.e., very high average fidelity for the quantum teleportation apparatus can still result in low entanglement fidelity for one mode of the two-mode entangled coherent state.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Tri-meson-mixing of π\pi-η\eta-ηâ€Č\eta' and ρ\rho-ω\omega-ϕ\phi in the light-cone quark model

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    The radiative transition form factors of the pseudoscalar mesons {π\pi, η\eta, ηâ€Č\eta'} and the vector mesons {ρ\rho, ω\omega, ϕ\phi} are restudied with π\pi-η\eta-ηâ€Č\eta' and ρ\rho-ω\omega-ϕ\phi in tri-meson-mixing pattern, which is described by tri-mixing matrices in the light-cone constituent quark model. The experimental transition decay widths are better reproduced with tri-meson-mixing than previous results in a two-mixing-angle scenario of only two-meson η\eta-ηâ€Č\eta' mixing and ω\omega-ϕ\phi mixing.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, final version to appear in EPJ

    Long-term trends in tropical cyclone tracks around Korea and Japan in late summer and early fall

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    This study investigates long-term trends in tropical cyclones (TCs) over the extratropical western North Pacific (WNP) over a period of 35 years (1982-2016). The area analyzed extended across 30-45 degrees N and 120-150 degrees E, including the regions of Korea and Japan that were seriously affected by TCs. The northward migration of TCs over the WNP to the mid-latitudes showed a sharp increase in early fall. In addition, the duration of TCs over the WNP that migrated northwards showed an increase, specifically in early to mid-September. Therefore, more recently, TC tracks have been observed to significantly extend into the mid-latitudes. The recent northward extension of TC tracks over the WNP in early fall was observed to be associated with changes in environmental conditions that were favorable for TC activities, including an increase in sea surface temperature (SST), decrease in vertical wind shear, expansion of subtropical highs, strong easterly steering winds, and an increase in relative vorticity. In contrast, northward migrations of TCs to Korea and Japan showed a decline in late August, because of the presence of unfavorable environmental conditions for TC activities. These changes in environmental conditions, such as SST and vertical wind shear, can be partially associated with the Pacific decadal oscillation

    Exploring skewed parton distributions with two body models on the light front II: covariant Bethe-Salpeter approach

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    We explore skewed parton distributions for two-body, light-front wave functions. In order to access all kinematical regimes, we adopt a covariant Bethe-Salpeter approach, which makes use of the underlying equation of motion (here the Weinberg equation) and its Green's function. Such an approach allows for the consistent treatment of the non-wave function vertex (but rules out the case of phenomenological wave functions derived from ad hoc potentials). Our investigation centers around checking internal consistency by demonstrating time-reversal invariance and continuity between valence and non-valence regimes. We derive our expressions by assuming the effective qq potential is independent of the mass squared, and verify the sum rule in a non-relativistic approximation in which the potential is energy independent. We consider bare-coupling as well as interacting skewed parton distributions and develop approximations for the Green's function which preserve the general properties of these distributions. Lastly we apply our approach to time-like form factors and find similar expressions for the related generalized distribution amplitudes.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, revised (minor changes but essential to consistency

    Orbital Kondo effect in carbon nanotubes

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    Progress in the fabrication of nanometer-scale electronic devices is opening new opportunities to uncover the deepest aspects of the Kondo effect, one of the paradigmatic phenomena in the physics of strongly correlated electrons. Artificial single-impurity Kondo systems have been realized in various nanostructures, including semiconductor quantum dots, carbon nanotubes and individual molecules. The Kondo effect is usually regarded as a spin-related phenomenon, namely the coherent exchange of the spin between a localized state and a Fermi sea of electrons. In principle, however, the role of the spin could be replaced by other degrees of freedom, such as an orbital quantum number. Here we demonstrate that the unique electronic structure of carbon nanotubes enables the observation of a purely orbital Kondo effect. We use a magnetic field to tune spin-polarized states into orbital degeneracy and conclude that the orbital quantum number is conserved during tunneling. When orbital and spin degeneracies are simultaneously present, we observe a strongly enhanced Kondo effect, with a multiple splitting of the Kondo resonance at finite field and predicted to obey a so-called SU(4) symmetry.Comment: 26 pages, including 4+2 figure

    Thermodynamics of higher dimensional topological charged AdS black branes in dilaton gravity

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    In this paper, we study topological AdS black branes of (n+1)(n+1)-dimensional Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton theory and investigate their properties. We use the area law, surface gravity and Gauss law interpretations to find entropy, temperature and electrical charge, respectively. We also employ the modified Brown and York subtraction method to calculate the quasilocal mass of the solutions. We obtain a Smarr-type formula for the mass as a function of the entropy and the charge, compute the temperature and the electric potential through the Smarr-type formula and show that these thermodynamic quantities coincide with their values which are calculated through using the geometry. Finally, we perform a stability analysis in the canonical ensemble and investigate the effects of the dilaton field and the size of black brane on the thermal stability of the solutions. We find that large black branes are stable but for small black brane, depending on the value of dilaton field and type of horizon, we encounter with some unstable phases.Comment: 21 pages, 21 figures, references updated, minor editing, accepted in EPJC (DOI: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-010-1483-3

    Limits on Cosmological Variation of Strong Interaction and Quark Masses from Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, Cosmic, Laboratory and Oklo Data

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    Recent data on cosmological variation of the electromagnetic fine structure constant from distant quasar (QSO) absorption spectra have inspired a more general discussion of possible variation of other constants. We discuss variation of strong scale and quark masses. We derive the limits on their relative change from (i) primordial Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN); (ii) Oklo natural nuclear reactor, (iii) quasar absorption spectra, and (iv) laboratory measurements of hyperfine intervals.Comment: 10 pages 2 figurs: second version have several references added and some new comment

    Long distance regularization in chiral perturbation theory with decuplet

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    We investigate the use of long distance regularization in SU(3) baryon chiral perturbation theory with decuplet fields. The one-loop decuplet contributions to the octet baryon masses, axial couplings, S-wave nonleptonic hyperon decays and magnetic moments are evaluated in a chirally consistent fashion by employing a cutoff to implement long distance regularization. The convergence of the chiral expansions of these quantities is improved compared to the dimensionally regularized version which indicates that the propagation of Goldstone bosons over distances smaller than a typical hadronic size, which is beyond the regime of chiral perturbation theory but included by dimensional regularization, is removed by use of a cutoff.Comment: 31 page
