30 research outputs found

    The multi-stream flows and the dynamics of the cosmic web

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    A new numerical technique to identify the cosmic web is proposed. It is based on locating multi-stream flows, i.e. the places where the velocity field is multi-valued. The method is local in Eulerian space, simple and computaionally efficient. This technique uses the velocities of particles and thus takes into account the dynamical information. This is in contrast with the majority of standard methods that use the coordinates of particles only. Two quantities are computed in every mesh cell: the mean and variance of the velocity field. In the cells where the velocity is single-valued the variance must be equal to zero exactly, therefore the cells with non-zero variance are identified as multi-stream flows. The technique has been tested in a N-body simulation of the \L CDM model. The preliminary analysis has shown that numerical noise does not pose a significant problem. The web identified by the new method has been compared with the web identified by the standard technique using only the particle coordinates. The comparison has shown overall similarity of two webs as expected, however they by no means are identical. For example, the isocontours of the corresponding fields have significantly different shapes and some density peaks of similar heights exhibit significant differences in the velocity variance and vice versa. This suggest that the density and velocity variance have a significant degree of independence. The shape of the two-dimensional pdf of density and velocity variance confirms this proposition. Thus, we conclude that the dynamical information probed by this technique introduces an additional dimension into analysis of the web.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Reheating and turbulence

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    We show that the ''turbulent'' particle spectra found in numerical simulations of the behavior of matter fields during reheating admit a simple interpretation in terms of hydrodynamic models of the reheating period. We predict a particle number spectrum nkkαn_{k}\propto k^{-\alpha} with α2\alpha \sim 2 for k0.k\to 0.Comment: 10 pages, one figure included in tex

    Statistical nature of non-Gaussianity from cubic order primordial perturbations: CMB map simulations and genus statistic

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    We simulate CMB maps including non-Gaussianity arising from cubic order perturbations of the primordial gravitational potential, characterized by the non-linearity parameter gNLg_{NL}. The maps are used to study the characteristic nature of the resulting non-Gaussian temperature fluctuations. We measure the genus and investigate how it deviates from Gaussian shape as a function of gNLg_{NL} and smoothing scale. We find that the deviation of the non-Gaussian genus curve from the Gaussian one has an antisymmetric, sine function like shape, implying more hot and more cold spots for gNL>0g_{NL}>0 and less of both for gNL<0g_{NL}<0. The deviation increases linearly with gNLg_{NL} and also exhibits mild increase as the smoothing scale increases. We further study other statistics derived from the genus, namely, the number of hot spots, the number of cold spots, combined number of hot and cold spots and the slope of the genus curve at mean temperature fluctuation. We find that these observables carry signatures of gNLg_{NL} that are clearly distinct from the quadratic order perturbations, encoded in the parameter fNLf_{NL}. Hence they can be very useful tools for distinguishing not only between non-Gaussian temperature fluctuations and Gaussian ones but also between gNLg_{NL} and fNLf_{NL} type non-Gaussianities.Comment: 18+1 page

    The clustering instability of inertial particles spatial distribution in turbulent flows

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    A theory of clustering of inertial particles advected by a turbulent velocity field caused by an instability of their spatial distribution is suggested. The reason for the clustering instability is a combined effect of the particles inertia and a finite correlation time of the velocity field. The crucial parameter for the clustering instability is a size of the particles. The critical size is estimated for a strong clustering (with a finite fraction of particles in clusters) associated with the growth of the mean absolute value of the particles number density and for a weak clustering associated with the growth of the second and higher moments. A new concept of compressibility of the turbulent diffusion tensor caused by a finite correlation time of an incompressible velocity field is introduced. In this model of the velocity field, the field of Lagrangian trajectories is not divergence-free. A mechanism of saturation of the clustering instability associated with the particles collisions in the clusters is suggested. Applications of the analyzed effects to the dynamics of droplets in the turbulent atmosphere are discussed. An estimated nonlinear level of the saturation of the droplets number density in clouds exceeds by the orders of magnitude their mean number density. The critical size of cloud droplets required for clusters formation is more than 20μ20 \mum.Comment: REVTeX 4, 15 pages, 2 figures(included), PRE submitte

    Renormalization group and nonequilibrium action in stochastic field theory

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    We investigate the renormalization group approach to nonequilibrium field theory. We show that it is possible to derive nontrivial renormalization group flow from iterative coarse graining of a closed-time-path action. This renormalization group is different from the usual in quantum field theory textbooks, in that it describes nontrivial noise and dissipation. We work out a specific example where the variation of the closed-time-path action leads to the so-called Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation, and show that the renormalization group obtained by coarse graining this action, agrees with the dynamical renormalization group derived by directly coarse graining the equations of motion.Comment: 33 pages, 3 figures included in the text. Revised; one reference adde

    On Dark Matter Annihilation in the Local Group

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    Under the hypothesis of a Dark Matter composed by supersymmetric particles like neutralinos, we investigate the possibility that their annihilation in the haloes of nearby galaxies could produce detectable fluxes of γ\gamma-photons. Expected fluxes depend on several, poorly known quantities such as the density profiles of Dark Matter haloes, the existence and prominence of central density cusps and the presence of a population of sub-haloes. We find that, for all reasonable choices of Dark Matter halo models, the intensity of the γ\gamma-ray flux from some of the nearest extragalactic objects, like M31, is comparable or higher than the diffuse Galactic foreground. We show that next generation ground-based experiments could have the sensitivity to reveal such fluxes which could help us unveiling the nature of Dark Matter particles.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D.; added a new paragraph on the detectability of Galactic sub-halos in our Galaxy; added a discussion on their model dependence. The relation of our results with the "CDM crisis" issue has also been adde

    Some remarks on the angular momenta of galaxies, their clusters and superclusters

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    We discuss the relation between angular momenta and masses of galaxy structures base on the Li model of the universe with global rotation. In our previous paper (God{\l}owski et al 2002) it was shown that the model predicts the presence of a minimum in this relation. In the present paper we discuss observational evidence allowing us to verify this relation. We find null angular momentum J=0 for the masses corresponding to mass of galaxy grups and non-vanishing angular momenta for other galactic structures. We check these theoretical predictions analysing Tully's galaxy grups. The existing data comparing alignment in different galactic structure are consistent with obtained theoretical relation J(M)J(M) if we interpret the groving alignment as the galactic increasing angular momenta in the galactic structure.Comment: 20 pages 1 figure. GRG accepte

    Structures in the Universe

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