990 research outputs found

    Bæredygtighedsvurdering af Samsø år 2011:med udgangspunkt i arbejdsenergi og kulstofbalance

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    The role of avatars in e-government interfaces

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    This paper investigates the use of avatars to communicate live message in e-government interfaces. A comparative study is presented that evaluates the contribution of multimodal metaphors (including avatars) to the usability of interfaces for e-government and user trust. The communication metaphors evaluated included text, earcons, recorded speech and avatars. The experimental platform used for the experiment involved two interface versions with a sample of 30 users. The results demonstrated that the use of multimodal metaphors in an e-government interface can significantly contribute to enhancing the usability and increase trust of users to the e-government interface. A set of design guidelines, for the use of multimodal metaphors in e-government interfaces, was also produced

    Catch crop strategy and nitrate leaching following grazed grass-clover

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    Cultivation of grassland presents a high risk of nitrate leaching. This study aimed to determine if leaching could be reduced by growing spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) as a green crop for silage with undersown Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) compared with barley grown to maturity with or without an undersown conventional catch crop of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). All treatments received 0,60 or 120 kg of ammonium-N ha-1 in cattle slurry. In spring 2003, two grass-clover fields (3 and 5 years old, respectively, with different management histories) were ploughed. The effects of the treatments on yield and nitrate leaching were determined in the first year, while the residual effects of the treatments were determined in the second year in a crop of spring barley⁄perennial ryegrass. Nitrate leaching was estimated in selected treatments using soil water samples from ceramic cups. The experiment showed that compared with treatments without catch crop, green barley⁄Italian ryegrass reduced leaching by 163–320 kg Nha-1, corresponding to 95–99%, and the perennial ryegrass reduced leaching to between 34 and 86 kg Nha-1, corresponding to a reduction of 80 and 66%. Also, in the second growing season, leaching following catchcrops was reduced compared with the bare soil treatment. It was concluded that the green barley⁄Italian ryegrass offers advantages not only for the environment but also for farmers, for whom it provides a fodder high in roughage and avoids the difficulties with clover fatigue increasingly experienced by Danish farmers

    Three-body recombination rates near a Feshbach resonance within a two-channel contact interaction model

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    We calculate the three-body recombination rate into a shallow dimer in a gas of cold bosonic atoms near a Feshbach resonance using a two-channel contact interaction model. The two-channel model naturally describes the variation of the scattering length through the Feshbach resonance and has a finite effective range. We confront the theory with the available experimental data and show that the two-channel model is able to quantitatively describe the existing data. The finite effective range leads to a reduction of the scaling factor between the recombination minima from the universal value of 22.7. The reduction is larger for larger effective ranges or, correspondingly, for narrower Feshbach resonances.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure