12 research outputs found

    Collapsing shear-free perfect fluid spheres with heat flow

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    A global view is given upon the study of collapsing shear-free perfect fluid spheres with heat flow. We apply a compact formalism, which simplifies the isotropy condition and the condition for conformal flatness. This formalism also presents the simplest possible version of the main junction condition, demonstrated explicitly for conformally flat and geodesic solutions. It gives the right functions to disentangle this condition into well known differential equations like those of Abel, Riccati, Bernoulli and the linear one. It yields an alternative derivation of the general solution with functionally dependent metric components. We bring together the results for static and time- dependent models to describe six generating functions of the general solution to the isotropy equation. Their common features and relations between them are elucidated. A general formula for separable solutions is given, incorporating collapse to a black hole or to a naked singularity.Comment: 26 page

    Gata4 and Hnf1α are partially required for the expression of specific intestinal genes during development

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    The terminal differentiation phases of intestinal development in mice occur during cytodifferentiation and the weaning transition. Lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH), liver fatty acid binding protein (Fabp1), and sucrase-isomaltase (SI) are well-characterized markers of these transitions. With the use of gene inactivation models in mature mouse jejunum, we have previously shown that a member of the zinc finger transcription factor family (Gata4) and hepatocyte nuclear factor-1α (Hnf1α) are each indispensable for LPH and Fabp1 gene expression but are both dispensable for SI gene expression. In the present study, we used these models to test the hypothesis that Gata4 and Hnf1α regulate LPH, Fabp1, and SI gene expression during development, specifically focusing on cytodifferentiation and the weaning transition. Inactivation of Gata4 had no effect on LPH gene expression during either cytodifferentiation or suckling, whereas inactivation of Hnf1α resulted in a 50% reduction in LPH gene expression during these same time intervals. Inactivation of Gata4 or Hnf1α had a partial effect (∼50% reduction) on Fabp1 gene expression during cytodifferentiation and suckling but no effect on SI gene expression at any time during development. Throughout the suckling period, we found a surprising and dramatic reduction in Gata4 and Hnf1α protein in the nuclei of absorptive enterocytes of the jejunum despite high levels of their mRNAs. Finally, we show that neither Gata4 nor Hnf1α mediates the glucocorticoid-induced precocious maturation of the intestine but rather are downstream targets of this process. Together, these data demonstrate that specific intestinal genes have differential requirements for Gata4 and Hnf1α that are dependent on the developmental time frame in which they are expressed. Copyrigh

    Blimp1 regulates the transition of neonatal to adult intestinal epithelium

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    In many mammalian species, the intestinal epithelium undergoes major changes that allow a dietary transition from mother's milk to the adult diet at the end of the suckling period. These complex developmental changes are the result of a genetic programme intrinsic to the gut tube, but its regulators have not been identified. Here we show that transcriptional repressor B lymphocyte-induced maturation protein 1 (Blimp1) is highly expressed in the developing and postnatal intestinal epithelium until the suckling to weaning transition. Intestine-specific deletion of Blimp1 results in growth retardation and excessive neonatal mortality. Mutant mice lack all of the typical epithelial features of the suckling period and are born with features of an adult-like intestine. We conclude that the suckling to weaning transition is regulated by a single transcriptional repressor that delays epithelial maturation