7 research outputs found

    Publisher Correction: An open-access volume electron microscopy atlas of whole cells and tissues.

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    In the version of this Article initially published, there were processing errors in the Supplementary and Extended Data. Specifically, for Supplementary Video 2, the file was damaged and would not render. For Extended Data Fig. 2, the “x–z, y–z, x–y” labels in the lower left of each panel were divergent to the format of similar panels in main text Fig. 2. The changes have been corrected in the online version of the Article

    An open-access volume electron microscopy atlas of whole cells and tissues.

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    Understanding cellular architecture is essential for understanding biology. Electron microscopy (EM) uniquely visualizes cellular structures with nanometre resolution. However, traditional methods, such as thin-section EM or EM tomography, have limitations in that they visualize only a single slice or a relatively small volume of the cell, respectively. Focused ion beam-scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) has demonstrated the ability to image small volumes of cellular samples with 4-nm isotropic voxels1. Owing to advances in the precision and stability of FIB milling, together with enhanced signal detection and faster SEM scanning, we have increased the volume that can be imaged with 4-nm voxels by two orders of magnitude. Here we present a volume EM atlas at such resolution comprising ten three-dimensional datasets for whole cells and tissues, including cancer cells, immune cells, mouse pancreatic islets and Drosophila neural tissues. These open access data (via OpenOrganelle2) represent the foundation of a field of high-resolution whole-cell volume EM and subsequent analyses, and we invite researchers to explore this atlas and pose questions

    Rational design of FRET-based sensor proteins

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    Real-time imaging of molecular events inside living cells is important for understanding the basis of physiological processes and diseases. Genetically encoded sensors that use fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between two fluorescent proteins are attractive in this respect because they do not require cell-invasive procedures, can be targeted to different locations in the cell and are easily adapted through mutagenesis and directed evolution approaches. Most FRET sensors developed so far show a relatively small difference in emission ratio upon activation, which severely limits their application in high throughput cell-based screening applications. In our work, we try to develop strategies that allow design of FRET-based sensors with intrinsically large ratiometric changes. This rational design approach requires a better understanding and quantitative description of the conformational changes in these fusion proteins. In this chapter, I first discuss some of the key factors and strategies that determine the ratiometric response of FRET sensors, followed by an overview of our recent work in this area. Important concepts that will be discussed are (1) the conformational behavior of flexible peptide linkers to quantitatively describe the dependence of energy transfer on linker length and (2) the control of intramolecular domain interactions using the concept of effective molecular concentration

    Rational design of FRET-based sensor proteins

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    Real-time imaging of molecular events inside living cells is important for understanding the basis of physiological processes and diseases. Genetically encoded sensors that use fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between two fluorescent proteins are attractive in this respect because they do not require cell-invasive procedures, can be targeted to different locations in the cell and are easily adapted through mutagenesis and directed evolution approaches. Most FRET sensors developed so far show a relatively small difference in emission ratio upon activation, which severely limits their application in high throughput cell-based screening applications. In our work, we try to develop strategies that allow design of FRET-based sensors with intrinsically large ratiometric changes. This rational design approach requires a better understanding and quantitative description of the conformational changes in these fusion proteins. In this chapter, I first discuss some of the key factors and strategies that determine the ratiometric response of FRET sensors, followed by an overview of our recent work in this area. Important concepts that will be discussed are (1) the conformational behavior of flexible peptide linkers to quantitatively describe the dependence of energy transfer on linker length and (2) the control of intramolecular domain interactions using the concept of effective molecular concentration

    Field evaluation of safety during gestation and horizontal spread of a recombinant differential bovine herpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) vaccine Avaliação a campo da segurança para vacas prenhes e capacidade de disseminação horizontal de uma vacina diferencial recombinante contra o Herpes-vírus Bovino tipo 1 (BoHV-1)

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    Bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BoHV-1) is recognized as a major cause of respiratory, reproductive disease and abortion in cattle. Vaccination is widely applied to minimize losses induced by BoHV-1 infections; however, vaccination of dams during pregnancy with modified live virus (MLV) vaccines has been occasionally associated to abortions. We have previously reported the development of a BoHV-1 recombinant virus, constructed with basis on a Brazilian BoHV-1 (Franco et al. 2002a) from which the gene coding for glycoprotein E (gE) was deleted (gE-) by genetic manipulation. Such recombinant has been previously evaluated in its potential as a differential vaccine (gE- vaccine) that allows differentiation between vaccinated and infected animals. Here, in the first part of the present study, the safety of the gE- vaccine during pregnancy was evaluated by the intramuscular inoculation of 10(7.4) tissue culture 50 % infective doses (TCID50) of the virus into 22 pregnant dams (14 BoHV-1 seronegative; 8 seropositive), at different stages of gestation. Other 15 pregnant dams were kept as non-vaccinated controls. No abortions, stillbirths or fetal abnormalities were seen after vaccination. Seroconversion was observed in both groups of previously seronegative vaccinated animals. In the second part of the study, the potential of the gE- vaccine virus to spread among beef cattle under field conditions was examined. Four heifers were inoculated intranasally with a larger amount (10(7,6) TCID50) of the gE- vaccine (to increase chances of transmission) and mixed with other sixteen animals at the same age and body condition, in the same grazing area, at a population density equal to the average cattle farming density within the region (one cattle head per 10,000 m²), for 180 days. All animals were monitored daily for clinical signs. Serum samples were collected on days 0, 30, 60 and 180 post-vaccination. Seroconversion was observed only in vaccinated heifers. These results indicate that, under the conditions of the present study, the gE- vaccine virus did not cause any noticeable harmful effect on pregnant dams and on its offspring and did not spread horizontally among cattle.<br>Infecções pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 (BoHV-1) são importantes causas de doença respiratória, reprodutiva e abortos em bovinos. A vacinação é freqüentemente empregada para minimizar as perdas produzidas pela infecção. Todavia, a imunização de vacas durante a prenhez com algumas vacinas contendo vírus vivo modificado (MLV) pode ocasionalmente causar abortos. Em trabalho prévio, nosso grupo desenvolveu uma vacina recombinante de BoHV-1 construída a partir de um isolado brasileiro de BoHV-1 (Franco et al., 2002a) do qual o gene que codifica para a glicoproteína E (gE) foi artificialmente deletado. Tal recombinante (gE-) vem sendo avaliado como vacina diferencial, isto é, capaz de permitir a diferenciação entre animais vacinados e infectados. No presente estudo, o potencial de disseminação do vírus recombinante foi avaliado em um rebanho de gado de corte, em condições de campo. Para tanto, a segurança da vacina gE- quando aplicada durante a prenhez foi avaliada pela inoculação intramuscular de 10(7,4) doses infectantes para 50% dos cultivos celulares (DICC50) do vírus em 22 fêmeas prenhes (14 previamente soronegativas e 8 previamente soropositivas para BoHV-1) em diferentes fases da gestação. Outras 15 vacas prenhes foram mantidas como controles não-vacinados. Não ocorreram abortos, natimortos ou anormalidades fetais em nenhum dos grupos. Soroconversão foi observada nas fêmeas vacinadas previamente soronegativas. Em um segundo experimento, 4 novilhas foram inoculadas pela via intranasal com 10(7,6) DICC50 do vírus recombinante, sendo mantidos em contato com 16 novilhas em uma área de campo, a uma densidade de 1 animal por hectare. Os animais foram monitorados quanto à presença de sinais clínicos; amostras de soro foram coletadas nos dias 0, 30, 60 e 180 após a vacinação. Soroconversão foi observada apenas nos animais vacinados e não nos contatos. Estes resultados indicam que, nas condições do presente estudo, a vacina gE- não tem efeitos deletérios para fêmeas gestantes nem para seus fetos e não se dissemina horizontalmente no rebanho

    Antigenic Properties of the Human Immunodeficiency Virus Envelope Glycoprotein Gp120 on Virions Bound to Target Cells

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    Body mass index and complications following major gastrointestinal surgery: A prospective, international cohort study and meta-analysis

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    Aim Previous studies reported conflicting evidence on the effects of obesity on outcomes after gastrointestinal surgery. The aims of this study were to explore the relationship of obesity with major postoperative complications in an international cohort and to present a metaanalysis of all available prospective data. Methods This prospective, multicentre study included adults undergoing both elective and emergency gastrointestinal resection, reversal of stoma or formation of stoma. The primary end-point was 30-day major complications (Clavien–Dindo Grades III–V). A systematic search was undertaken for studies assessing the relationship between obesity and major complications after gastrointestinal surgery. Individual patient meta-analysis was used to analyse pooled results. Results This study included 2519 patients across 127 centres, of whom 560 (22.2%) were obese. Unadjusted major complication rates were lower in obese vs normal weight patients (13.0% vs 16.2%, respectively), but this did not reach statistical significance (P = 0.863) on multivariate analysis for patients having surgery for either malignant or benign conditions. Individual patient meta-analysis demonstrated that obese patients undergoing surgery formalignancy were at increased risk of major complications (OR 2.10, 95% CI 1.49–2.96, P < 0.001), whereas obese patients undergoing surgery for benign indications were at decreased risk (OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.46–0.75, P < 0.001) compared to normal weight patients. Conclusions In our international data, obesity was not found to be associated with major complications following gastrointestinal surgery. Meta-analysis of available prospective data made a novel finding of obesity being associated with different outcomes depending on whether patients were undergoing surgery for benign or malignant disease