1,007 research outputs found

    Traveling wave solutions for a predator-prey system with Sigmoidal response function

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    We study the existence of traveling wave solutions for a diffusive predator-prey system. The system considered in this paper is governed by a Sigmoidal response function which is more general than those studied previously. Our method is an improvement to the original method introduced in the work of Dunbar \cite{Dunbar1,Dunbar2}. A bounded Wazewski set is used in this work while unbounded Wazewski sets were used in \cite{Dunbar1,Dunbar2}. The existence of traveling wave solutions connecting two equilibria is established by using the original Wazewski's theorem which is much simpler than the extended version in Dunbar's work

    Black holes from high-energy beam--beam collisions

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    Using a recent technique, proposed by Eardley and Giddings, we extend their results to the high-energy collision of two beams of massless particles, i.e. of two finite-front shock waves. Closed (marginally) trapped surfaces can be determined analytically in several cases even for collisions at non-vanishing impact parameter in D\ge 4 space-time dimensions. We are able to confirm and extend earlier conjectures by Yurtsever, and to deal with arbitrary axisymmetric profiles, including an amusing case of ``fractal'' beams. We finally discuss some implications of our results in high-energy experiments and in cosmology.Comment: 17 pages Revtex, 1 figure, references adde

    Three-dimensional flux states as a model for the pseudogap phase of transition metal oxides

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    We propose that the pseudogap state observed in the transition metal oxides can be explained by a three-dimensional flux state, which exhibits spontaneously generated currents in its ground state due to electron-electron correlations. We compare the energy of the flux state to other classes of mean field states, and find that it is stabilized over a wide range of tt and ÎŽ\delta. The signature of the state will be peaks in the neutron diffraction spectra, the location and intensity of which are presented. The dependence of the pseudogap in the optical conductivity is calculated based on the parameters in the model.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. B on January 8, 200

    Superconductivity and single crystal growth of Ni0:05TaS2

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    Superconductivity was discovered in a Ni0:05TaS2 single crystal. A Ni0:05TaS2 single crystal was successfully grown via the NaCl/KCl flux method. The obtained lattice constant c of Ni0:05TaS2 is 1.1999 nm, which is significantly smaller than that of 2H-TaS2 (1.208 nm). Electrical resistivity and magnetization measurements reveal that the superconductivity transition temperature of Ni0:05TaS2 is enhanced from 0.8 K (2H-TaS2) to 3.9 K. The charge-density-wave transition of the matrix compound 2H-TaS2 is suppressed in Ni0:05TaS2. The success of Ni0:05TaS2 single crystal growth via a NaCl/KCl flux demonstrates that NaCl/KCl flux method will be a feasible method for single crystal growth of the layered transition metal dichalcogenides.Comment: 13pages, 6 figures, Published in SS

    Current and Spin-Torque in Double Tunnel Barrier Ferromagnet - Superconductor - Ferromagnet Systems

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    We calculate the current and the spin-torque in small symmetric double tunnel barrier ferromagnet - superconductor - ferromagnet (F-S-F) systems. Spin-accumulation on the superconductor governs the transport properties when the spin-flip relaxation time is longer than the transport dwell time. In the elastic transport regime, it is demonstrated that the relative change in the current (spin-torque) for F-S-F systems equals the relative change in the current (spin-torque) for F-N-F systems upon changing the relative magnetization direction of the two ferromagnets. This differs from the results in the inelastic transport regime where spin-accumulation suppresses the superconducting gap and dramatically changes the magnetoresistance [S. Takahashi, H. Imamura, and S. Maekawa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3911 (1999)]. The experimental relevance of the elastic and inelastic transport regimes, respectively, as well as the reasons for the change in the transport properties are discussed.Comment: 7 page

    Some Applications of the Extended Bendixson-Dulac Theorem

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    During the last years the authors have studied the number of limit cycles of several families of planar vector fields. The common tool has been the use of an extended version of the celebrated Bendixson-Dulac Theorem. The aim of this work is to present an unified approach of some of these results, together with their corresponding proofs. We also provide several applications.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figure

    An Inflationary Model in String Theory

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    We construct a model of inflation in string theory after carefully taking into account moduli stabilization. The setting is a warped compactification of Type IIB string theory in the presence of D3 and anti-D3-branes. The inflaton is the position of a D3-brane in the internal space. By suitably adjusting fluxes and the location of symmetrically placed anti-D3-branes, we show that at a point of enhanced symmetry, the inflaton potential V can have a broad maximum, satisfying the condition V''/V << 1 in Planck units. On starting close to the top of this potential the slow-roll conditions can be met. Observational constraints impose significant restrictions. As a first pass we show that these can be satisfied and determine the important scales in the compactification to within an order of magnitude. One robust feature is that the scale of inflation is low, H = O(10^{10}) GeV. Removing the observational constraints makes it much easier to construct a slow-roll inflationary model. Generalizations and consequences including the possibility of eternal inflation are also discussed. A more careful study, including explicit constructions of the model in string theory, is left for the future.Comment: 27 pages, LaTeX, 1 eps figure. v2: references adde

    Black Hole Production in Particle Collisions and Higher Curvature Gravity

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    The problem of black hole production in transplanckian particle collisions is revisited, in the context of large extra dimensions scenarios of TeV-scale gravity. The validity of the standard description of this process (two colliding Aichelburg-Sexl shock waves in classical Einstein gravity) is questioned. It is observed that the classical spacetime has large curvature along the transverse collision plane, as signaled by the curvature invariant (R_ijkl)^2. Thus quantum gravity effects, and in particular higher curvature corrections to the Einstein gravity, cannot be ignored. To give a specific example of what may happen, the collision is re-analyzed in the Einstein-Lanczos-Lovelock gravity theory, which modifies the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian by adding a particular `Gauss-Bonnet' combination of curvature squared terms. The analysis uses a series of approximations, which reduce the field equations to a tractable second order nonlinear PDE of the Monge-Ampere type. It is found that the resulting spacetime is significantly different from the pure Einstein case in the future of the transverse collision plane. These considerations cast serious doubts on the geometric cross section estimate, which is based on the classical Einstein gravity description of the black hole production process.Comment: 36 pp, v2: quantum wavelength limit on particle size and shock width included; curvature estimate lowered but still well above Planck value; small modifications throughout; conclusions unchange

    Inflation with improved D3-brane potential and the fine tunings associated with the model

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    We investigate brane-antibrane inflation in a warped deformed conifold background that includes contributions to the potential arising from imaginary anti-self-dual (IASD) fluxes including the term with irrational scaling dimension discovered recently. We find that the model can give rise to required number of e-foldings; observational constraint on COBE normalization is easily satisfied and low value of the tensor to scalar ratio of perturbations is achieved. We observe that these corrections to the effective potential help in relaxing the severe fine tunings associated with the earlier analysis.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; typos corrected, minor clarifications and new refs added, to appear in epj
