25 research outputs found


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    The necessity for the biometrical security has been increased in order to give security and safety from the theft, frauds, etc. Iris recognition acquired a considerable value amongst all the biometrics-based systems. It is utilized used for surveillance and authentication for detecting individuals and proving an individual’s identity. The present article discusses the various stages of recognizing iris images, which include acquiring, segmenting, normalizing, extracting features, and matching. The model of a typical iris recognition system of the eye is described and the results of its work are presented. The present study will investigate the comparative performances from various methods on the feature extraction for the accuracy of the iris recognition

    Integrated production and distribution scheduling in a dental prosthetics supply chain under additive manufacturing environment

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    In a competitive world, one of the most crucial ways to enhance the supply chain performance of manufacturing companies is through integrated scheduling of production and distribution activities. Two significant concerns for dentists and patients include delayed denture deliveries and the multiple production and correction processes for dentures. This research addresses these concerns by developing a mixed-integer linear programming model for solving the integrated production and distribution scheduling problem in a fixed denture supply chain operating under an additive manufacturing environment. The objective functions of this model aim to minimize the cost of production and distribution orders while reducing weighted delays. The Augmented Epsilon Constraint Method is employed to identify Pareto-optimal solutions. To validate the mathematical model, a numerical example and a case study are presented, and various sensitivity analyses are conducted on key model parameters. The numerical results demonstrate substantial improvements in total costs and customer satisfaction levels.IntroductionA supply chain (SC) comprises several interconnected echelons and processes, where an integrated perspective can lead to optimal overall SC performance. Simply improving an organization's internal processes is insufficient for competitiveness in the market; establishing effective relationships with suppliers, distributors, and other SC stakeholders is essential. Achieving maximum value along the SC involves focusing on cost reduction through cost-effective decision-making. In the past decade, the rising adoption of 3-D printing and additive manufacturing technologies in SCs, as a prominent disruptive technology in the Industry 4.0 era, has created numerous opportunities for improving manufacturing SCs compared to traditional production methods. These opportunities include reduced setup and production times, lower safety stock levels, and fewer processing steps. Additive manufacturing has found applications in various fields, particularly in denture production. This research addresses two primary concerns in the field: timely denture delivery and the multiple production and correction processes associated with dentures. A novel mathematical model is developed to tackle these issues, aiming to solve the integrated production and distribution scheduling problem in a fixed denture supply chain operating within an additive manufacturing environment. The objective functions of this model aim to minimize the costs associated with production and order distribution while minimizing the weighted total delays.Materials and MethodsA mixed-integer linear programming model is devised to address the problem outlined in this paper. The Augmented Epsilon Constraint Method is applied to identify Pareto-optimal solutions. To validate the mathematical model, a numerical example and a case study are presented, and several sensitivity analyses are conducted on key model parameters to elucidate their critical roles in the final solutions.Discussion and ResultsA case study is provided to demonstrate the practical applicability of the developed model. Sensitivity analyses on demand data highlight the substantial impact of demand management on final solutions. This research presents a two-objective optimization model to address the simultaneous scheduling of production and order delivery in a three-tier dental prosthesis supply chain. The first tier comprises a dental prosthesis production laboratory, while the second and third tiers include distributors and dentists (final customers). The objective functions include the minimization of total order delivery costs and the average weighted lateness of delivered products from a fixed dental prosthesis production laboratory. Constraints encompass delivery time delays, order allocation to customers, capacity limitations, calculations of time to reach each customer, and vehicle routing. Given that this research problem falls into the category of multi-objective problems, the Augmented Epsilon Constraint Method is employed to obtain Pareto-optimal solutions. To investigate and implement the proposed model, a fixed dental prosthesis production laboratory in Neka City is examined. The numerical results indicate the existence of a trade-off between the problem's objectives.ConclusionsThis paper presents a bi-objective model to address the integrated production and distribution scheduling problem in a three-tier dentures supply chain, aiming to minimize total delivery costs and the average weighted tardiness. The first tier includes a dentures production laboratory, while the second and third tiers comprise distributors and dentists, respectively. Numerical results based on a real case study demonstrate the practical applicability of the model. Several avenues for future research include considering uncertainty in input data and developing efficient meta-heuristic algorithms for solving large-scale instances

    Numerical Runge- Kutta (4, 4) Method to determine the Initial Configurations of the Jupitar Proto Planet Formed Via Disk Instability

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    Numerical computational technique(s) with simulation tool is one of the most important difficult tasks in order to carry out real time scientific astronomical and other sophisticated problems. The main focus and highlight of this paper is concerned with the introduction of a method Runge-Kutta (4, 4) technique to determine the distribution of thermodynamic variables inside protoplanets during pre-collapse stage, formed by gravitational instability, for protoplanetary masses between 0.3 to 10 Jupiter. The case of convection is a significant concern for transference of heat inside the protoplanets and the graphical solution demonstrates positively better performance by the RK (4, 4) algorithm for any length of time. A viable quantitative analysis has been carried out to clearly visualize the goodness and robustness of the Runge-Kutta (4, 4) algorithm

    The EMAS and Its Role in the ESL Instruction to Immigrants in England

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    This chapter presents the results of a quantitative research carried out through the administration of a questionnaire to the Multilingual Education Assistants who are part of the Ethnic Minority Achievement Service (EMAS) at the Coventry City Council (UK). Authors investigate the importance and impact the EMAS service has in the reception of foreign students newly arrived in England. In particular, the strategies implemented to promote students’ integration within the new socio-cultural context are analysed. A revision of the most important theories related to the teaching-learning process of an L2 is carried out. An overview of migration in the 21st century and how intercultural education can foster the coexistence of cultures, ethnic groups, and languages is provided. This chapter concludes that Multilingual Education Assistants can help to encourage dialogue between individuals, promoting the overcoming of linguistic obstacles and developing the linguistic competence of foreign children who have just arrived in England.2019-2

    Fisiologi tumbuhan (1)

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    Effect of Plant Density and Nitrogen Fertilizeron Morphological Traits, Seed and Essential Oil Yield and Essential Oil Content of Ajowan (Carum copticum L.)

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    Introduction: Ajowan (Carum copticum Benth. & Hook.) is an annual herbaceous essential oil bearing plant belonging to the Apiaceae family, which grows in India, Iran, and Egypt. Ajowan seeds have essential oil as an active substance, which is used in pharmaceutical industry as a diuretic, antivomiting, analgesic, antiasthma, antispasmodic and a carminative. Nitrogen is a part of all living cells and is a necessary part of all proteins, enzymes and metabolic processes involved in the synthesis and transfer of energy. Also, nitrogen is a part of chlorophyll, the green pigment of the plant that is responsible for photosynthesis. Generally, proper agronomic management including suitable plant density has a high influence on growth and yield of medicinal plants. In this regard, Kloss et al., (2012) highlighted the need for strategies to improve crop growth, make irrigation more efficient and sustainable and conserve farmlands. In addition, yield is influenced by inter-row spacing and sowing density. Ghilavizadeh et al., (2013) have reported that application of suitable amount of nitrogen fertilizer and plant density of 25 plan/m2 increased seed yield, essential oil yield and essential oil content of ajowan. In another research, Borumand Rezazadeh et al., (2009) reported that the plant density of 50 plant/m2 have produced the highest seed yield, essential oil yield and essential oil content. Generally, with regard to importance of medicinal plants and the necessity of understanding their crop and the impact of plant density and nitrogen fertilizer on the performance of these plants, this study was conducted to investigate the impact of these factors on some traits of ajowan. Materials and Methods: In order to evaluate the effect of plant density and nitrogen fertilizer on different traits of ajowan (Carum copticum L.), an experiment was conducted using factorial based on randomized complete block design with three replications at Agricultural and Natural Resources Research Center of Yazd in 2012 growing season. Treatments included three levels of plant density (60, 120 and 180 plant per m2) and three levels of nitrogen fertilizer (60, 90 and 120 kg/ha). The geographical location of the experimental station was 55°52´ S and 29°52´ N with the altitude of 1120 m. Each experimental plot was 6 m long and 2 m wide with the spacing of 30 cm between the rows. Ajowan seeds were directly sown by hand on 3 April, 2012. To measure the characteristics of number of umbel per plant, flowering branches and diameter of top of plant with respect to the margin effect, 10 plants were randomly selected from two central rows of each plot and mentioned traits were measured and the means of each traits in each plot were used in the analysis. For evaluating seed yield, essential oil yield and content, 1 meter of each plot was harvested. For statistical analysis, MSTAT-C software was used to compare means at the 5% probability level by Duncan's multiple range test. Results and Discussion: The results showed that the highest number of flowers per plant (25/27), number of flowering branches (7/77), diameter of top of plant (32 cm), seed yield (301/4 kg/ha) and essential oil yield (12/45 kg/ha) were obtained from 60 plant per m2 and 120 kg/ha nitrogen. Among the treatments, only the effect of nitrogen fertilizer was significant on essential oil content, so that, application of 120 kg/ha nitrogen produced the highest essential oil content (4/07). Our results are in agreement with the findings of Borumand Rezazadeh et al., (2009) who reported that, the highest traits of ajowan was obtained in plant density of 50 plant/m2. Seed yield had positive and significant correlation with plant height, number of umbel per plant and number of flowering branches. Conclusion: Generally, it is concluded that, increasing the plant density with enhancing the interspecific competition for light, nutrients, water and other resources, had negative effect on traits of ajowan. Furthermore, the findings of this research indicated that ajowan had high requirement for nitrogen to produce a reasonable yield. So, more researches at different conditions are necessary to evaluate the effect of intercropping, rotation, bio-fertilizers and composts on different traits of ajowan. Generally, it seems that more researches are needed for investigating the effect of different plant densities and nitrogen fertilizers on qualitative and quantitative traits of ajowan

    Pesantren dan Dakwah Lingkungan (Studi Pemikiran dan Gerakan TGH. Muhammad Sibawaihi Mutawalli Pimpinan Pesantren Darul Yatama wal Masakin Jerowaru Lombok Timur)

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    This study aims to determine the thinking and movement of TGH. Muhammad Sibawaihii Mutawalli Yahya Al-Kalimi, the leader of the Darul Yatama wal Masakin Islamic Boarding School, Jerowaru, East Lombok, regarding environmental issues as stated in his teaching points, works, as well as sustainable activities or movements and is contained in the educational curriculum in the Islamic boarding school environment. This research is a field research as a form of qualitative research with an interdisciplinary approach that is adapted. Collecting data through field observations, documentation, literature studies and interviews with related parties within the Islamic Boarding School, both families, educators, students, communities, and figures who are directly involved. This study concludes: first, environmental da'wah has become a movement as a result of TGH's thinking. Muhammad Sibawaihi Mutawalli Yahya Al-Kalimi. Second, reforestation, conservation, cultivation, animal husbandry and fisheries bring Islamic boarding schools into the category of environmental-based boarding schools. Third, environmental activities involve students and the community, so that it can be categorized as a participatory-based Islamic boarding school tradition

    Clarifying Salafism Related Threats on National Security of The Islamic Republic of Iran in both terms of Hard and Soft Dimensions

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    This study tries to study the security threats of the Pakistani Salafists for national security of The Islamic Republic of Iran. The main question of this paper is: regarding Deobandi and Wahhabi ideas of Pakistani Salafists which are basically anti- Shiite, what the threats of Salafist groups of Pakistan are for the national security of The Islamic Republic of Iran? And what aspects of the Islamic Republic of Iran's national security will be influenced by the threats of Pakistan's Salafist groups? The hypothesis of the research is: Salafism in Pakistan can pose threats to both hard and soft macro dimensions of national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Methodology in this article is descriptive-analytic

    Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP-ASI) pada Bayi Usia 6-24 Bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Mamboro: Factors Associated with Providing Complementary Food for Breast Milk (MP-ASI) to Babies Aged 6-24 Months in the Mamboro Health Center Working Area

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    Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI (MP-ASI) akan berkontribusi pada perkembangan optimal seorang anak bila dilakukan secara baik dan tepat. Ada beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi ibu memberi makanan tambahan antara lain faktor kesehatan ibu, faktor kesehatan bayi, faktor pengetahuan, faktor dukungan tenaga kesehatan dan faktor dukungan keluarga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemberian makanan pendamping ASI (MP-ASI). Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Populasi adalah semua ibu yang memiliki bayi usia 6-24 bulan. Sampel berjumlah 33 orang, diambil dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan  kuesioner. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah analisis univariat distribusi frekuensi dan analisis bivariat chi-square. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara Faktor pengetahuan dengan p value : 0,010 faktor dukungan tenaga kesehatan denganp value : 0,024 faktor dukungan keluarga denganp value : 0,027 pemberian makanan pendamping ASI (MP-ASI). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara faktor pengetahuan, faktor dukungan tenaga kesehatan, faktor dukungan keluarga dengan pemberian makanan pendamping ASI (MP-ASI) pada bayi usia 6-24 bulan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Mamboro. Saran kepada semua tenaga kesehatan memberikan informasi yang terbaru kepada ibu secara rutin sehingga ibu memiliki informasi yang jelas tentang pemberian MP-ASI. &nbsp