5 research outputs found

    Clinical targets for continuous glucose monitoring data interpretation : recommendations from the international consensus on time in range

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    Improvements in sensor accuracy, greater convenience and ease of use, and expanding reimbursement have led to growing adoption of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM). However, successful utilization of CGM technology in routine clinical practice remains relatively low. This may be due in part to the lack of clear and agreed-upon glycemic targets that both diabetes teams and people with diabetes can work toward. Although unified recommendations for use of key CGM metrics have been established in three separate peer-reviewed articles, formal adoption by diabetes professional organizations and guidance in the practical application of these metrics in clinical practice have been lacking. In February 2019, the Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes (ATTD) Congress convened an international panel of physicians, researchers, and individuals with diabetes who are expert in CGM technologies to address this issue. This article summarizes the ATTD consensus recommendations for relevant aspects of CGM data utilization and reporting among the various diabetes populations

    Consensus recommendations for the use of automated insulin delivery technologies in clinical practice

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    The significant and growing global prevalence of diabetes continues to challenge people with diabetes (PwD), healthcare providers, and payers. While maintaining near-normal glucose levels has been shown to prevent or delay the progression of the long-term complications of diabetes, a significant proportion of PwD are not attaining their glycemic goals. During the past 6 years, we have seen tremendous advances in automated insulin delivery (AID) technologies. Numerous randomized controlled trials and real-world studies have shown that the use of AID systems is safe and effective in helping PwD achieve their long-term glycemic goals while reducing hypoglycemia risk. Thus, AID systems have recently become an integral part of diabetes management. However, recommendations for using AID systems in clinical settings have been lacking. Such guided recommendations are critical for AID success and acceptance. All clinicians working with PwD need to become familiar with the available systems in order to eliminate disparities in diabetes quality of care. This report provides much-needed guidance for clinicians who are interested in utilizing AIDs and presents a comprehensive listing of the evidence payers should consider when determining eligibility criteria for AID insurance coverage

    Expression of genes belonging to the IGF-system in glial tumors

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    The discrepancies arising from conflicting evidence on the results obtained by different laboratories in human gliomas are discussed. Our data highlight the importance of viewing the IGF-related proteins as a complex multifactorial system and show that changes in the expression levels of any one component of the system, in a given malignancy, should be interpreted with caution. As IGF targeting for anticancer therapy is rapidly becoming clinical reality, an understanding of this complexity is very timely.B cтaтьe oбсуждаются противоречивыe результаты, oпиcaнныe различными лабораториями для глиом. Пoлучeнныe данные демонстрируют важность рассмотрения белков семейства инсулиноподобных факторов роста как сложную мультифункциональную систему и показывают, что изменения в уровне экспрессии любого компонента системы в упомянутой опухоли должны интерпретироваться с предосторожностью. В связи с тем, что выбор членoв IGF-ceмeйcтвa в качестве мишени для противоопухолевой терапии быстро приобретает клиническую реальность, понимание сложноcти этой системы является весьма своевременным.У cтaттi oбговорюються суперечливi результати, опиcанi різними лабораторіями для гліом. Oтриманi дані демонструють важливість розгляду білків родини інсуліноподібних факторів росту як складну мультифункціональну систему і показують, що зміни рівня експресії будь-якого компонента системи у даній пухлині повинні інтерпретуватися із пересторогою. В зв’язку з тим, що вибір членiв IGF-ciмeйcтвa як мішені для протипухлинної терапії швидко набуває клінічної реальності, розуміння цієї системи є вельми своєчасним