191 research outputs found

    Estimation of sexual behavior in the 18-to-24-years-old Iranian youth based on a crosswise model study

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    Background: In many countries, negative social attitude towards sensitive issues such as sexual behavior has resulted in false and invalid data concerning this issue.This is an analytical cross-sectional study, in which a total number of 1500 single students from universities of Shahroud City were sampled using a multi stage technique. The students were assured that their information disclosed for the researcher will be treated as private and confidential. The results were analyzed using crosswise model, Crosswise Regression, T-test and Chi-square tests. Findings. It seems that the prevalence of sexual behavior among Iranian youth is 41% (CI = 36-53). Conclusion: Findings showed that estimation sexual relationship in Iranian single youth is high. Thus, devising training models according to the Islamic-Iranian culture is necessary in order to prevent risky sexual behavior. © 2014 Vakilian et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Assessment of questionnaires measuring quality of life in infertile couples: A systematic review

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    Background: Infertility has potentially inappropriate effects on quality of life in infertile couples. Various general and specific questionnaires have been structured for assessing different aspects of quality of life in infertile men, women, or couples. The present systematic review was designed to assess these questionnaires and also identify different factors affecting infertile couples based on the aforesaid questionnaires. Methods: The research strategy involved general and specific terms in relation to couples's infertility and their quality of life. A review was done for studies published from 1982 to 2012 that were indexed in Medline, ISI Web of Science and Scopus as well as abstract books on this subject. We also corresponded with the authors of the references in related studies for introducing more resources and references. Results: In all reviewed studies, different aspects of the quality of life in couples were evaluated including sexual, psychological, social, communicational, environmental, occupational, medical, as well as economical ones. In total, after initial screening of all studies, 10 general and 2 specific questionnaires were retrieved. Although no meta-analysis was found in the review, infertility had a negative effect on quality of life in couples. Conclusion: This study revealed that some general questionnaires such as SF-36 and WHO-QOL were mostly used for assessing quality of life in infertile couples and some specific questionnaires such as FERTI-QoL and Fertility Problem Inventory were rarely used. Thus, it seems that the evaluation of quality of life in infertile couples needs valid instruments for measurement

    Prediction of labour based on psychological hardiness, social support and resiliency in Bushehr nulliparous women

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    Background and aims: Delivery in addition to being stressful situations for a pregnant person, it is an important phenomenon in the life of the mother and pain result from it, is unavoidable and is also more severe and longer in nulliparous women. Due to unfavorable labor, to investigate the factors influencing is important. Methods: This research is a correlation study that for the implementation among nulliparous women referred for delivery to Bushehr Persian Gulf Martyrs Hospital, a sample of 120 subjects was selected by convenience sampling in the period between February 2016 and June 2016. Samples were evaluated using Percent Behavioral Intensity (PBI), Visual Analogue Scale (VAS), Ahvaz hardiness inventory (AHI), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) and Philips Social Support Inventory (PSSI). The data were analyzed using linear regression analysis with enter and stepwise method by SPSS. Results: The results showed that psychological hardiness, social support and resiliency are able to predict the severity of visual and behavioral changes of feeling labor pains in nulliparous women, So that these variables have a positive effect on labor in nulliparous women. Conclusion: According to research findings, it seems to promote resiliency, hardiness and social support in a pregnant woman can be effective in pain management and by overcoming on negative emotions and fear is provided a pleasure experience for women. It affects to prefer a normal delivery compared to cesarean section

    Morphometric analysis of the common carp, (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758) in Anzali Lagoon, south west Caspian Sea

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    We used electroshocker, cast net and gillnet twice a week in four areas of Anzali Lagoon from April to September 2001 to sample common carp (Cyprinus carpio). Specimens were subjected to biometric measurments in the lab. In all, eighteen morphometric and seven meristic measurements were done on the samples. We determined the equation for the fish total fork length and body weight for males and females. Also, Van Bertalanffy growth model was applied to the male and female fish

    The effect of monsoon on fish larva assemblage changes in Gowatr Bay, North Oman Sea

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    The study and research of abundance and diversity variation of fish larva (Ichthyoplankton stages) was done in Gowatr Bay during autumn 2006 - summer 2007. Five stations were selected for sampling, and Bongo-Net with 300µ mesh size was towing from bottom to surface. During of survey, totally 531 larvae belong to 11 families were collected and identified. The mean abundance estimated 12.17 larvae per 10 m^2, in which three fish larva family including: Gobiidae, Clupeidae and Engraulidae were dominant (86% of relative abundance). The result showed that there was significant differences between pre and post-monsoon fish larvae abundances (p.05). In pre-monsoon 4 families were identified of which Clupeidae introduced as indicator group, whereas in post-monsoon 10 families were identified and Gobiidae was indicator family, accompany with increase of diversity. PCA result was shown, temperature as the main factor affected on fish larvae assemblage was found with a significant decrease of 11.9 °C after monsoon phenomenon

    Content validity of national post marriage educational program using mixed methods

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    Background: Although the validity of content of program is mostly conducted with qualitative methods, this study used both qualitative and quantitative methods for the validation of content of post marriage training program provid-ed for newly married couples. Content validity is a preliminary step of obtaining authorization required to install the program in country's health care system. Methods: This mixed methodological content validation study carried out in four steps with forming three expert panels. Altogether 24 expert panelists were involved in 3 qualitative and quantitative panels; 6 in the first item devel-opment one; 12 in the reduction kind, 4 of them were common with the first panel, and 10 executive experts in the last one organized to evaluate psychometric properties of CVR and CVI and Face validity of 57 educational objectives. Results: The raw data of post marriage program had been written by professional experts of Ministry of Health, using qualitative expert panel, the content was more developed by generating 3 topics and refining one topic and its respec-tive content. In the second panel, totally six other objectives were deleted, three for being out of agreement cut of point and three on experts' consensus. The validity of all items was above 0.8 and their content validity indices (0.8-1) were completely appropriate in quantitative assessment. Conclusion: This study provided a good evidence for validation and accreditation of national post marriage program planned for newly married couples in health centers of the country in the near future. © 2015, Iranian Journal of Public Health. All right reserved

    Measuring surface potential changes on leaves.

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    We provide here a detailed protocol for studying the changes in electrical surface potential of leaves. This method has been developed over the years by plant physiologists and is currently used in different variants in many laboratories. The protocol records surface potential changes to measure long-distance electrical signals induced by diverse stimuli such as leaf wounding or current injection. This technique can be used to determine signaling speeds, to measure the connectivity between different plant organs and-by exploiting mutant plants-to identify transporters and ion channels involved in electrical signaling. The approach can be combined with the analysis of mRNA expression and of metabolite concentrations to correlate electrical signaling to specific physiological events. We describe how to use this protocol on Arabidopsis, looking at the effects of leaf wounding; however, it is broadly applicable to other plants and can be used to study other aspects of plant physiology. After wound infliction, surface potential recording takes ∼20 min per plant

    Fish larval daily assemblage variations in coastal waters of the Chabahar Bay

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    The survey of fish larvae assemblage variation was done in 2013 seasonally at the coastal areas of Southeastern side of Chabahar Bay. Sampling was done in 3 stations at day and night periods by a Bongo-Net with 300µ of mesh size. 29 families were identified. Clupeidae, Gobiidae and Blenniidae were dominant with more than 50% relative abundance. The PCA result was shown there were two separated groups among day and night fish larval assemblages. Blenniidae ،Scombridae and Clupeidae in day times, Clupeidae ،Gobiidae and Sparidae in night times were more dominant among different families. Station 1 had more fish larvae abundance in autumn in nights and days (54.77 and 79.67 larvae per 10 meter). The average of Shannon index was (0.54 ±0.88 and 0.63± 0.97) in days and nights respectively.Significant increase of larval abundance at station 3 in nights could be due to reduced vessel traffic