8 research outputs found

    Optical symmetries and anisotropic transport in high-Tc superconductors

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    A simple symmetry analysis of in-plane and out-of-plane transport in a family of high temperature superconductors is presented. It is shown that generalized scaling relations exist between the low frequency electronic Raman response and the low frequency in-plane and out-of-plane conductivities in both the normal and superconducting states of the cuprates. Specifically, for both the normal and superconducting state, the temperature dependence of the low frequency B1gB_{1g} Raman slope scales with the c−c-axis conductivity, while the B2gB_{2g} Raman slope scales with the in-plane conductivity. Comparison with experiments in the normal state of Bi-2212 and Y-123 imply that the nodal transport is largely doping independent and metallic, while transport near the BZ axes is governed by a quantum critical point near doping p∼0.22p\sim 0.22 holes per CuO2_{2} plaquette. Important differences for La-214 are discussed. It is also shown that the c−c- axis conductivity rise for T≪TcT\ll T_{c} is a consequence of partial conservation of in-plane momentum for out-of-plane transport.Comment: 16 pages, 8 Figures (3 pages added, new discussion on pseudogap and charge ordering in La214

    Interlayer tunneling spectroscopy of layered CDW materials

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    We have measured intrinsic tunneling spectra of charge density wave (CDW) materials NbSe3_3 and o-TaS3_3 in sub-micron scale mesa structures. Beyond the interband tunneling across the CDW gap, 2Δ2\Delta, we observe intragap states at the voltage V≈2Δ/3V\approx 2\Delta/3 which we associate with creation of the amplitude soliton. The onset of the tunneling occurs only above a threshold voltage Vt≈0.1ΔV_t\approx 0.1\Delta followed by a quasi-periodic staircase spectrum. We interpret that behavior as the CDW phase decoupling between neighboring layers via the formation of a grid of dislocation lines. In NbSe3_3, the application of a high magnetic field (up to 27 T) yields a strong suppression of the tunneling density of states within the CDW gap indicating a possible field induced metal-insulator transition