26,075 research outputs found

    Throughput Optimization in High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA)

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    In this paper, we investigate throughput optimization in High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA). Specifically, we propose offline and online algorithms for adjusting the Channel Quality Indicator (CQI) used by the network to schedule data transmission. In the offline algorithm, a given target BLER is achieved by adjusting CQI based on ACK/NAK history. By sweeping through different target BLERs, we can find the throughput optimal BLER offline. This algorithm could be used not only to optimize throughput but also to enable fair resource allocation among mobile users in HSDPA. In the online algorithm, the CQI offset is adapted using an estimated short term throughput gradient without specifying a target BLER. An adaptive stepsize mechanism is proposed to track temporal variation of the environment. We investigate convergence behavior of both algorithms. Simulation results show that the proposed offline algorithm can achieve the given target BLER with good accuracy. Both algorithms yield up to 30% HSDPA throughput improvement over that with 10% target BLER

    Dynamics of the two-dimensional S=1/2 dimer system (C5H6N2F)2CuCl4

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    Inelastic neutron scattering was used to study a quantum S=1/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg system-Bis(2-amino-5-fluoropyridinium) Tetrachlorocuprate(II). The magnetic excitation spectrum was shown to be dominated by long-lived excitations with an energy gap as 1.07(3) meV. The measured dispersion relation is consistent with a simple two-dimensional square lattice of weakly-coupled spin dimers. Comparing the data to a random phase approximation treatment of this model gives the intra-dimer and inter-dimer exchange constants J=1.45(2) meV and J'=0.31(3) meV, respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spectroscopy of reflection-asymmetric nuclei with relativistic energy density functionals

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    Quadrupole and octupole deformation energy surfaces, low-energy excitation spectra and transition rates in fourteen isotopic chains: Xe, Ba, Ce, Nd, Sm, Gd, Rn, Ra, Th, U, Pu, Cm, Cf, and Fm, are systematically analyzed using a theoretical framework based on a quadrupole-octupole collective Hamiltonian (QOCH), with parameters determined by constrained reflection-asymmetric and axially-symmetric relativistic mean-field calculations. The microscopic QOCH model based on the PC-PK1 energy density functional and δ\delta-interaction pairing is shown to accurately describe the empirical trend of low-energy quadrupole and octupole collective states, and predicted spectroscopic properties are consistent with recent microscopic calculations based on both relativistic and non-relativistic energy density functionals. Low-energy negative-parity bands, average octupole deformations, and transition rates show evidence for octupole collectivity in both mass regions, for which a microscopic mechanism is discussed in terms of evolution of single-nucleon orbitals with deformation.Comment: 36 pages, 21 figures, Accepted for Publication in Physical Review

    Catastrophic Photo-z Errors and the Dark Energy Parameter Estimates with Cosmic Shear

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    We study the impact of catastrophic errors occurring in the photometric redshifts of galaxies on cosmological parameter estimates with cosmic shear tomography. We consider a fiducial survey with 9-filter set and perform photo-z measurement simulations. It is found that a fraction of 1% galaxies at z_{spec}~0.4 is misidentified to be at z_{phot}~3.5. We then employ both chi^2 fitting method and the extension of Fisher matrix formalism to evaluate the bias on the equation of state parameters of dark energy, w_0 and w_a, induced by those catastrophic outliers. By comparing the results from both methods, we verify that the estimation of w_0 and w_a from the fiducial 5-bin tomographic analyses can be significantly biased. To minimize the impact of this bias, two strategies can be followed: (A) the cosmic shear analysis is restricted to 0.5<z<2.5 where catastrophic redshift errors are expected to be insignificant; (B) a spectroscopic survey is conducted for galaxies with 3<z_{phot}<4. We find that the number of spectroscopic redshifts needed scales as N_{spec} \propto f_{cata}\times A where f_{cata}=1% is the fraction of catastrophic redshift errors (assuming a 9-filter photometric survey) and A is the survey area. For A=1000 {deg}^2, we find that N_{spec}>320 and 860 respectively in order to reduce the joint bias in (w_0,w_a) to be smaller than 2\sigma and 1\sigma. This spectroscopic survey (option B) will improve the Figure of Merit of option A by a factor \times 1.5 thus making such a survey strongly desirable.Comment: 25 pages, 9 figures. Revised version, as accepted for publication in Ap

    Selection and Mid-infrared Spectroscopy of Ultraluminous Star-Forming Galaxies at z~2

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    Starting from a sample of 24 \micron\ sources in the Extended Groth Strip, we use 3.6 to 8 \micron\ color criteria to select ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) at z2z\sim2. Spectroscopy from 20-38 \micron\ of 14 objects verifies their nature and gives their redshifts. Multi-wavelength data for these objects imply stellar masses >1011{>}10^{11} \Msun\ and star formation rates \ge410 \Msun yr1^{-1}. Four objects of this sample observed at 1.6 \micron\ (rest-frame visible) with {\it HST}/WFC3 show diverse morphologies, suggesting that multiple formation processes create ULIRGs. Four of the 14 objects show signs of active galactic nuclei, but the luminosity appears to be dominated by star formation in all cases.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, accepted by Ap

    An Implication on the Pion Distribution Amplitude from the Pion-Photon Transition Form Factor with the New BABAR Data

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    The new BABAR data on the pion-photon transition form factor arouses people's new interests on the determination of pion distribution amplitude. To explain the data, we take both the leading valence quark state's and the non-valence quark states' contributions into consideration, where the valence quark part up to next-to-leading order is presented and the non-valence quark part is estimated by a phenomenological model based on its limiting behavior at both Q20Q^2\to 0 and Q2Q^2\to\infty. Our results show that to be consistent with the new BABAR data at large Q2Q^2 region, a broader other than the asymptotic-like pion distribution amplitude should be adopted. The broadness of the pion distribution amplitude is controlled by a parameter BB. It has been found that the new BABAR data at low and high energy regions can be explained simultaneously by setting BB to be around 0.60, in which the pion distribution amplitude is closed to the Chernyak-Zhitnitsky form.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables. Slightly changed, references updated. To be published in Phys.Rev.

    Characterizing entanglement by momentum-jump in the frustrated Heisenberg ring at quantum phase transition

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    We study the pairwise concurrences, a measure of entanglement, of the ground states for the frustrated Heisenberg ring to explore the relation between entanglement and quantum phase transition associated with the momentum jump. The groundstate concurrences between any two sites are obtained analytically and numerically. It shows that the summation of all possible pairwise concurrences is an appropriate candidate to depict the phase transition. We also investigate the role that the momentum takes in the jump of concurrence at the critical points. We find that an abrupt momentum change rusults in the maximal concurrence difference of two degenerate ground states.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Small ball probability, Inverse theorems, and applications

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    Let ξ\xi be a real random variable with mean zero and variance one and A=a1,...,anA={a_1,...,a_n} be a multi-set in Rd\R^d. The random sum SA:=a1ξ1+...+anξnS_A := a_1 \xi_1 + ... + a_n \xi_n where ξi\xi_i are iid copies of ξ\xi is of fundamental importance in probability and its applications. We discuss the small ball problem, the aim of which is to estimate the maximum probability that SAS_A belongs to a ball with given small radius, following the discovery made by Littlewood-Offord and Erdos almost 70 years ago. We will mainly focus on recent developments that characterize the structure of those sets AA where the small ball probability is relatively large. Applications of these results include full solutions or significant progresses of many open problems in different areas.Comment: 47 page

    Self-organized Boolean game on networks

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    A model of Boolean game with only one free parameter pp that denotes the strength of herd behavior is proposed where each agent acts according to the information obtained from his neighbors in network and those in the minority are rewarded. The simulation results indicate that the dynamic of system is sensitive to network topology, where the network of larger degree variance, i.e. the system of greater information heterogeneity, leads to less system profit. The system can self-organize to a stable state and perform better than random choice game, although only the local information is available to the agents. In addition, in heterogeneity networks, the agents with more information gain more than those with less information for a wide extent of herd strength pp.Comment: 5 pages, 5 eps figure