18 research outputs found

    Effect of the Mechanism Transfer Function on the Positioning Law

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    Parametric synthesis of mechanical system consisting of actuator, transfer mechanism and control device is considered. Planar and spatial mechanisms with one degree of freedom can be included in the system. Mechanism structure and the type of the actuator are considered to be given preliminary.     Keywords: synthesis, mechanism, drive, contro

    Иммуногистохимический анализ экспрессии белка PRAME как прогностический фактор у больных увеальной меланомой

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    The study objective is to analyze the prognostic significance of PRAME protein expression in patients with uveal melanoma using immunohistochemical assay.Materials and methods. A total of 30 patients with uveal melanoma were examined and treated. The average age of patients at the time of treatment was 51.3 ± 11.8 years. In all cases, enucleation was performed according to the indications. A routine clinical-morphological, molecular-genetic, and immunohistochemical assay study was performed (n = 29). The immunohistochemical study was performed using antibodies to PRAME (clone 6H8, dilution 1: 50). The median follow-up period was 86.3 ± 2.9 months.Results. Of the 29 samples studied, staining was determined in 16, which was 55.2 %. Weak intensity of 1+ staining (from 10 to 20 % of tumor cells) was detected in 7 uveal melanoma samples, medium intensity of 2+ (from 10 to 20 % of tumor cells) – also in 7, and strong intensity of 3+ (30 % of tumor cells) – in 2 tumor samples. When assessing the seven-year survival, the cumulative survival rate in the group without PRAME expression was 0.857, while in the group with PRAME expression it was significantly lower and amounted to 0.357 (p = 0.0001). The PRAME protein expression was significantly correlated with the epithelioid cell type of the tumor (p = 0.041) and with the total and partial monosomy of chromosome 3 (p = 0.013).Conclusion. This paper presents the world’s first study of the prognostic significance of PRAME protein expression by immunohistochemical analysis in patients with uveal melanoma. A significant association of PRAME-positive patients with an unfavorable vital prognosis was shown.Цель исследования – анализ прогностической значимости экспрессии белка PRAME у пациентов с увеальной меланомой с помощью иммуногистохимического исследования.Материалы и методы. Были обследованы и пролечены 30 пациентов с увеальной меланомой, которым с марта по декабрь 2012 г. проведена терапия в стационаре Национального медицинского исследовательского центра глазных болезней им. Гельмгольца Минздрава России. Средний возраст больных на момент исследования составил 51,3 ± 11,8 года. Во всех случаях по показаниям выполнена энуклеация. Проведены рутинное клиникоморфологическое, молекулярно-генетическое и иммуногистохимическое исследования (n = 29). Иммуногистохимическое исследование выполнено с использованием антител к PRAME (клон 6Н8, разведение 1 : 50). Медиана наблюдения составила 86,3 ± 2,9 мес.Результаты. Из 29 исследованных образцов увеальной меланомы окрашивание определено в 16 (55,2 %). Слабая интенсивность окрашивания 1+ (от 10 до 20 % опухолевых клеток) выявлена в 7 образцах, средняя интенсивность 2+ (от 10 до 20 % опухолевых клеток) – также в 7, сильная интенсивность 3+ (30 % опухолевых клеток) – в 2 образцах. При оценке 7-летней выживаемости накопленная доля выживших в группе без экспрессии PRAME составила 0,857, в то время как в группе с наличием экспрессии PRAME она была значимо ниже и составила 0,357 (p = 0,0001). Показана значимая взаимосвязь экспрессии белка PRAME, эпителиоидноклеточного типа опухоли (p = 0,041) и полной и частичной моносомии хромосомы 3 (p = 0,013).Заключение. В настоящей работе представлено первое в мировой практике исследование прогностической значимости экспрессии белка PRAME методом иммуногистохимического анализа у пациентов с увеальной меланомой. PRAME-положительный статус опухоли значимо ассоциирован с неблагоприятным витальным прогнозом


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    Objective: to study the prognostic significance of the expression of cancer-testis (CT) genes PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 in patients with multiple myeloma (MM) and their influence on overall survival and relapse rate. To determine their effect on suсh clinical parameters as levels of lactate dehydrogenase, leucocytes, hemoglobin, calcium, albumen, creatinine, beta-2-microglobulin.Materials and methods. Real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed on complementary DNA obtained from bone marrow of 77 patients with MM. The statistical analysis was performed using the Statistica 10.0 software package. To estimate prognostic values of the CT gene expression data were analyzed by the Kaplan – Meier method.Results. The study was conducted to determine the level of expression of CT genes PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 in a group of patients with MM. The group included primary and receiving cancer treatment in MM patients. According to the log-rank criterion expression of any of the CT genes PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 exerts a significant influence on overall survival and progression-free survival/relapse. It was also determined that providing expression of some CT genes, the levels of creatinine, calcium, beta-2-microglobulin were much higher to compare with patients without expression.Цель исследования – изучить прогностическое значение экспрессии раково-тестикулярных генов (РТГ) PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 у больных множественной миеломой (ММ) и их влияние на показатели общей выживаемости и скорость возникновения рецидивов, определить их влияние на такие клинические показатели, как уровни лактатдегидрогеназы, лейкоцитов, гемоглобина, кальция, альбумина, креатинина и бета-2-микроглобулина.Материалы и методы. Количественную полимеразную цепную реакцию в реальном времени проводили на комплементарной ДНК, полученной из образцов костного мозга 77 больных с установленным диагнозом ММ. Статистический анализ выполняли с помощью программного пакета Statistica 10.0. Для построения кривых общей выживаемости использовали метод Каплана–Майера.Результаты. Проведено исследование для определения уровня экспрессии РТГ PRAME, NY-ESO1, GAGE1, MAGE A3, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX1, SLLP1, PASD1 в группе больных ММ. В группу вошли как первичные пациенты, так и получающие лекарственную противоопухолевую терапию при ММ. Согласно log-rank-тесту существенное влияние на показатели общей выживаемости и выживаемости без прогрессирования/рецидива заболевания оказывает экспрессия любого из РТГ NY-ESO1, MAGE A6, MAGE A12, SSX11, PASD1. Также определено, что при экспрессии некоторых РТГ уровни креатинина, кальция и бета-2-микроглобулина были на порядок выше, чем у больных без экспрессии

    Translocation t(1;11)(p32;q23) with MLL-EPS15 fusion gene formation in acute leukemias: a review and 6 new case reports. Approaches to minimal residual disease monitoring

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    We performed clinical and laboratory characterization of patients with rare translocation t(1;11)(p32;q23) leading to MLL-EPS15 fusion gene formation. Study cohort consisted of 33 primary acute leukemia (AL) cases including 6 newly diagnosed and 27 patients previously described in literature. Among study group patients t(1;11)(p32;q23) was found most frequently in infant AL cases (median age 8 months). In acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) male/female ratio was 1:3, in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) it was 1:1. Additional cytogenetic aberrations in 38 % of patients were revealed. The most frequent breakpoint position in EPS15 gene was intron 1. Four different types of MLLEPS15 fusion gene transcripts were detected. Primers-probe-plasmid combination for MLL-EPS15 fusion gene transcript monitoring by realtime quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RQ-PCR) was developed and successfully applied. In 3 patients RQ-PCR was done on genomic DNA for absolute quantification of MLL-EPS15 fusion gene. High qualitative concordance rate (92 %) was noted between minimal residual disease data obtained in cDNA and genomic DNA for MLL-EPS15 fusion detection.</p

    On some general laws in drive dynamics

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    Acellbia® and Mabtera® are recognize CD20-positive cells with equal efficiency

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    In present study were compared characteristics of rituximab produced by Hoffmann–La Roche (Mabtera®) and first domestic biosimilar Acellbia® from Biocad Company. Concentration of protein was measured using Bradford, s method. According to our results, protein concentration in formulations was the same. We electrophoresed formulations in denaturing conditions. Protein from formulations was denatured into fragments. Heavy and light chains of immunoglobulin were observed in gel. Finally, we performed flow cytometry where rituximab was used as primary antibody to detect CD20-positive B-cells of patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Both Mabtera® and Acellbia® recognized the same number of cells. Thus, assays performed in vitro submitted identity of Mabtera® and Acellbia® characteristics

    Clinical and biochemical features of some intravenous iron complexes

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    Most anemia cases associated with iron deficiency. There are various therapeutic approaches to compensate iron deficiency. In some cases,a rapid restore of body iron is required, which is only possible with intravenous administration. Now a number of intravenous iron preparations are available, and each of them has not only advantages. Considering the drugs side effects, there was a need for drugs with high efficiency, low immunogenicity, and minimal toxicity. One of the decisions was to create preparations based on maltose and isomaltose. Such new intravenous iron preparations are ferric carboxymaltose and iron isomaltoside. Currently, there are no available clinical data that isomaltose and maltose preparations differ significantly with respect to adverse reactions associated with their immunogenicity. Based on study results isomaltose preparations in patients with dextran sensibilization should be used with caution. This is not completely exclude the possibility that both of these drugs can be an immune response trigger with a different specificity than the one on dextran develops. Preparations based on maltose, sucrose and gluconate were neutral in immunoprecipitation assay with dextran-reactive antibodies that determines their preference for patients with dextran sensibilisation. Other important properties of ferric carboxymaltose are: convenience of application and lack of oxidative stress that are determined by the slow iron release