68 research outputs found

    Tracking the impact of depression in a perspective-taking task

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    Research has identified impairments in Theory of Mind (ToM) abilities in depressed patients, particularly in relation to tasks involving empathetic responses and belief reasoning. We aimed to build on this research by exploring the relationship between depressed mood and cognitive ToM, specifically visual perspective-taking ability. High and low depressed participants were eye-tracked as they completed a perspective-taking task, in which they followed the instructions of a ‘director’ to move target objects (e.g. a “teapot with spots on”) around a grid, in the presence of a temporarily-ambiguous competitor object (e.g. a “teapot with stars on”). Importantly, some of the objects in the grid were occluded from the director’s (but not the participant’s) view. Results revealed no group-based difference in participants’ ability to use perspective cues to identify the target object. All participants were faster to select the target object when the competitor was only available to the participant, compared to when the competitor was mutually available to the participant and director. Eye-tracking measures supported this pattern, revealing that perspective directed participants’ visual search immediately upon hearing the ambiguous object’s name (e.g. “teapot”). We discuss how these results fit with previous studies that have shown a negative relationship between depression and ToM

    The Neural Basis of Decision-Making and Reward Processing in Adults with Euthymic Bipolar Disorder or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and bipolar disorder (BD) share DSM-IV criteria in adults and cause problems in decision-making. Nevertheless, no previous report has assessed a decision-making task that includes the examination of the neural correlates of reward and gambling in adults with ADHD and those with BD

    Het nemen van beslissingen door volwassenen met ADHD:Een systematisch literatuuronderzoek

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    Personen met aandachtstekortstoornis met hyperactiviteit (ADHD) hebben een grotere kans om minder goede (levens)beslissingen te nemen en om risicovolle activiteiten te ondernemen dan personen zonder ADHD. Mogelijk komt dit doordat de kenmerken van ADHD van invloed zijn op het besluitvormingsproces. Hoewel beslissingsproblematiek reeds uitgebreid is onderzocht bij kinderen en adolescenten met ADHD, is er nog relatief weinig bekend over de besluitvorming van volwassenen met ADHD. Om die reden was het doel van dit literatuuronderzoek de aard en omvang van eventuele tekorten in het besluitvormingsproces van volwassenen met ADHD vast te stellen. Hiertoe is de bestaande literatuur, waarin de prestatie van volwassenen met ADHD op beslissingstaken werd vergeleken met de prestatie van een gezonde controlegroep, systematisch doorzocht, waartoe de databases PsycINFO, MEDLINE en PubMed zijn geraadpleegd. In totaal werden er 31 studies geïncludeerd. In de meerderheid van de studies (i.e. 55 %) weken de prestaties van volwassenen met ADHD af op een of meer van de gebruikte beslissingstaken in vergelijking met de controlegroep(en). Dit literatuuronderzoek levert daarmee voorzichtig bewijs voor het bestaan van verschillen in het besluitvormingsproces tussen gezonde individuen en volwassenen met ADHD. De grote inconsistentie in de bevindingen wordt deels verklaard door de verscheidenheid aan domeinen van besluitvorming die werden onderzocht, de comorbide stoornissen van de participanten en het medicatiegebruik in de ADHD-groepen. Het literatuuronderzoek besluit met een bespreking van de implicaties die de bevindingen hebben voor theorieën over de onderliggende mechanismen van ADHD


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    maps, interaction In order to act in urban environments an individual access various types of knowledge, such as memories, spatial strategies and also information from the environment in order to develop plans and make decisions. This paper will investigate the nature of spatial knowledge acquisition by comparing performance in a task where the subjects learnt the environment using spatial assistance; either from a map or from a mobile map. It outlines the early results of an empirical experiment which evaluated subjects spatial knowledge acquisition in a large scale environmental setting for orientation and distance estimation tasks. The initial findings of the experiment highlight the fact that mobile map subjects performed worse in distance estimation tasks than map subjects, and that their errors for complex routes were high. We will conclude by analyzing the results of this experiment in terms of the specific types of knowledge afforded by mobile maps and the implications for spatial learning in urban environments.

    ERG rearrangement in small cell prostatic and lung cancer

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    AIMS: Small cell prostatic cancer is a rare but aggressive disease. Currently, its histogenetic origin is unclear and its distinction from metastatic small cell lung cancer is challenging. The aim of our study was to determine whether the ERG rearrangement commonly observed in acinar prostatic cancer can distinguish small cell prostatic cancer from small cell lung cancer samples. METHODS AND RESULTS: We assessed 15 small cell prostatic cancers and 22 small cell lung cancers for ERG rearrangement using fluorescence in situ hybridization. Commonly used and novel immunohistochemical markers (i.e. androgen receptor, calcium activated nucleotidase 1, Golgi phosphoprotein 2, prostate-specific antigen, prostate-specific membrane antigen, CD56, epithelial membrane antigen, thyroid transcription factor 1, chromogranin A, synaptophysin and Ki67) were further studied. ERG rearrangement occurred in 86% of small cell prostatic cancers but in none of the small cell lung cancers and was the best marker to differentiate between both tumours (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: The ERG rearrangement is commonly observed in small cell prostatic cancer, supporting the hypothesis that ERG rearrangement occurs in aggressive prostatic cancers. Furthermore, the ERG rearrangement is the most significant marker to differentiate between small cell prostatic cancer and small cell lung cancer. Moreover, our data suggest that small cell prostatic cancer is not a tumour entity on its own, but a dedifferentiated variant of common acinar prostatic cancer