51 research outputs found

    HPC Enhanced Large Urban Area Evacuation Simulations with Vision based Autonomously Navigating Multi Agents

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    AbstractAn evacuation simulation code based on Multi Agent Systems (MAS), with moderately complex agents in 2D grid envi- ronments, is developed. The main objective of this code is to estimate the effectiveness of the measures taken to smoothen and speedup the evacuation process of a large urban area, in time critical events like tsunami. A vision based autonomous navigation algorithm, which enables the agents to move through an urban environment and reach a far visible destination, is implemented. This simple algorithm enables a visitor agent to navigate through urban area and reach a destination which is several kilometers away. The navigation algorithm is verified comparing the simulated evacuation time and the paths taken by individual agents with those of theoretical. Further, a parallel computing extension is developed for studying mass evacuation of large areas; vision based autonomous navigation is computationally intensive. Several strategies like communication hiding, dynamic load balancing, etc. are implemented to attain high parallel scalability. Preliminary tests on the K-computer attained strong scalability above 94% at least up to 2048 CPU cores, with 2 million agents

    Quality of Municipal Solid Waste Compost Produced in Sri Lanka

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    Rapid urbanization has made solid waste management a serious problem for local authorities in Sri Lanka. The compost production with Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and good quality assurance of compost produced by such is crucial in utilizing these problematic wastes as an agriculturally important product. This study was focused on evaluating the overall quality of Municipal Solid Waste Compost (MSWC) in Sri Lanka. Primary and secondary data of compost physicochemical and biological characters covering 45 composting sites representing 88% of functioning Pilisaru composting sites of SL were used for the study. A large set of secondary data on MSWC quality parameters were collected from well reputed government laboratories with the approval of the Central Environmental Authority (CEA). Inadequate data were analyzed. Box plots were developed using data on color, moisture, odor, sand content, particle size, PH, conductivity, organic carbon, C:N ratio, total nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Zinc, Fecal coliform and Salmonella in MSWC samples. Central tendency, data distribution and deviations of each parameter were identified after eliminating outliers. The conformity percentage to Sri Lankan Standards (SLS) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) were calculated. The heavy metal contents were compared with Portugal, France and Italy standards for MSWC in addition to SLS and BIS. Normal probability plots of the residual were designed in order to identify the data distribution pattern. Spatial variability of data in each individual parameter was analyzed in district basis. Mean and median value of moisture content, sand content, MgO, Hg content and fecal coli form was not conformant with SLS and BIS. Although the mean value of particle size conformant with BIS it has exceeded the levels in SLS. Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni contents showed 100% conformity with SLS, BIS, France, Italy and Portugal standards. Cr and Pb contents showed more than 90% conformity to all the standards. Colour, odour, pH, organic carbon, total N, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn and salmonella resulted in more than 75% conformity to SLS. Sand content is the most deviated parameter from SLS. Significant special variability was reported for particular districts with regard to sand content, pH, total N, P2O5 and K2O. Thus, MSWC quality in SL could be improved via giving the emphasis on the parameters which are not conformant with the standards.Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste Compost (MSWC), Sri Lankan Standard (SLS), Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS

    Quality of Municipal Solid Waste Compost Produced in Sri Lanka

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    Rapid urbanization has made solid waste management a serious problem for local authorities in Sri Lanka. The compost production with Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and good quality assurance of compost produced by such is crucial in utilizing these problematic wastes as an agriculturally important product. This study was focused on evaluating the overall quality of Municipal Solid Waste Compost (MSWC) in Sri Lanka. Primary and secondary data of compost physicochemical and biological characters covering 45 composting sites representing 88% of functioning Pilisaru composting sites of SL were used for the study. A large set of secondary data on MSWC quality parameters were collected from well reputed government laboratories with the approval of the Central Environmental Authority (CEA). Inadequate data were analyzed. Box plots were developed using data on color, moisture, odor, sand content, particle size, PH, conductivity, organic carbon, C:N ratio, total nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Zinc, Fecal coliform and Salmonella in MSWC samples. Central tendency, data distribution and deviations of each parameter were identified after eliminating outliers. The conformity percentage to Sri Lankan Standards (SLS) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) were calculated. The heavy metal contents were compared with Portugal, France and Italy standards for MSWC in addition to SLS and BIS. Normal probability plots of the residual were designed in order to identify the data distribution pattern. Spatial variability of data in each individual parameter was analyzed in district basis. Mean and median value of moisture content, sand content, MgO, Hg content and fecal coli form was not conformant with SLS and BIS. Although the mean value of particle size conformant with BIS it has exceeded the levels in SLS. Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni contents showed 100% conformity with SLS, BIS, France, Italy and Portugal standards. Cr and Pb contents showed more than 90% conformity to all the standards. Colour, odour, pH, organic carbon, total N, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn and salmonella resulted in more than 75% conformity to SLS. Sand content is the most deviated parameter from SLS. Significant special variability was reported for particular districts with regard to sand content, pH, total N, P2O5 and K2O. Thus, MSWC quality in SL could be improved via giving the emphasis on the parameters which are not conformant with the standards.Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste Compost (MSWC), Sri Lankan Standard (SLS), Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS

    Expectations versus reality in chronic venous ulceration; a quality of life assessment study

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    Introduction: Chronic venous ulceration is a common problem worldwide with a significant effect onQuality of Life (QoL).Objectives: Our objective was to assess Sri Lankan patients’ perspective with regard to this scenario.Methods: We involved 141 consenting patients presenting to the OPD, National Hospital with a venousulcer lasting one month or more. Data was collected using an interviewer administered questionnaire, aclinical interview and a lower limb duplex scan. Short form 36 questionnaire was used for QoLassessment.Results: The majority were elderly (median age 53 years) men (n=9[69.5%]). Fifty four (38.3%) wereunemployed at the time of the study and 28 (19.9%) directly attributed the ulcer as the cause forunemployment. Median duration of ulcer was 10[1-360] months and mean Venous Clinical SeverityScore (VCSS) was 13.85(4-24). Family history (44[31.2%]), previous limb trauma or non-venoussurgery (24[17.0%]), smoking among men (57 [58.2%]) and history of pregnancy among females(34[79.1%]) were identified as risk factors. Role limitation due to physical health (28.4[SD 42.8]) androle emotional problems (40.9 [SD 46.7]) had a mean SF 36 score below 50. Factors such as pain,duration of ulcer, older age and higher BMI significantly affected many domains of QoL (p<0.05). Sixtysix (46.8%) patients continue to have ulcers despite having had surgical treatment for varicose veins.Conclusions: Venous ulcers have a considerable impact on the quality of life in Sri Lankan patientswith venous ulcer. The need for providing preventive and rapid healing methods together with socialsupport must be emphasized

    Utility of WIfI foot assessment tool in a Sri Lankan setting; an initial experience

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    Introduction: Potential for limb salvage and wound healing in a lower limb ulcer depends on degreeof ischemia, wound grade and superadded foot infection.Objectives: Our objective was to assess the feasibility of applying WIfI classification system to stratifypatients presenting with limb ulceration according to risk of undergoing amputation and benefit ofrevascularization.Methods: Fifty four consecutive patients with ulcerated limbs presenting over two months to theUniversity unit at the National Hospital were staged according to the Society for Vascular Surgery(SVS)Wound, Ischemia, and Foot Infection (WIfI) classification system.Results: The median age was 64 (39-93), and 42 (79%) patients were males. Diabetes (87%),hypertension (53%), ischemic heart disease (14%), cerebrovascular disease (13%), chronic renal disease(13%) were identified risk factors. Smoking was reported among 35%. Median Anterior TibialArtery(ATA), Posterior Tibial Artery(PTA), Toe pressures, Ankle Brachial Index, Pole test values ofthe affected side lower limbs were 114.5mmHg, 107.5mmHg, 41mmHg, 0.87 and 85cm respectively.Values for the contralateral limb were 140mmHg, 120mmHg, 74mmHg, 1.0 and 85cm respectively.84% of ATA and 90 % of PTA pulses were not palpable on the affected side. Grades of ischemia were;none (23.3%), mild (27.9%), moderate (18.6%), severe (30.2%), grades of infection were none (20.9%),mild (37.2%), moderate (39.5%), severe (2.3%), and wound grades were 0(0%), 1(20%.9), 2(39.5%),3(39.5%). Estimated risk of amputation were high (65.1%), moderate (11.6%), low (11.6%), very low(11.6%) and estimated benefit of revascularization were high (46.5%) moderate (23.3%), low (7.0%),very low (23.3%).Conclusions: Application of WIfI system was useful to prioritize patients with eminent limb loss forurgent intervention. Toe pressure assessment for diabetic foot ulcer stratification should become acommon practice

    Microfluidic affinity selection of active SARS-CoV-2 virus particles

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    We report a microfluidic assay to select active severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) viral particles (VPs), which were defined as intact particles with an accessible angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor binding domain (RBD) on the spike (S) protein, from clinical samples. Affinity selection of SARS-CoV-2 particles was carried out using injection molded microfluidic chips, which allow for high-scale production to accommodate large-scale screening. The microfluidic contained a surface-bound aptamer directed against the virus’s S protein RBD to affinity select SARS-CoV-2 VPs. Following selection (~94% recovery), the VPs were released from the chip’s surface using a blue light light-emitting diode (89% efficiency). Selected SARS-CoV-2 VP enumeration was carried out using reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction. The VP selection assay successfully identified healthy donors (clinical specificity = 100%) and 19 of 20 patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (95% sensitivity). In 15 patients with COVID-19, the presence of active SARS-CoV-2 VPs was found. The chip can be reprogrammed for any VP or exosomes by simply changing the affinity agent

    Perspectives on tracking data reuse across biodata resources

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    c The Author(s) 2024. Published by Oxford University Press.Motivation: Data reuse is a common and vital practice in molecular biology and enables the knowledge gathered over recent decades to drive discovery and innovation in the life sciences. Much of this knowledge has been collated into molecular biology databases, such as UniProtKB, and these resources derive enormous value from sharing data among themselves. However, quantifying and documenting this kind of data reuse remains a challenge. Results: The article reports on a one-day virtual workshop hosted by the UniProt Consortium in March 2023, attended by representatives from biodata resources, experts in data management, and NIH program managers. Workshop discussions focused on strategies for tracking data reuse, best practices for reusing data, and the challenges associated with data reuse and tracking. Surveys and discussions showed that data reuse is widespread, but critical information for reproducibility is sometimes lacking. Challenges include costs of tracking data reuse, tensions between tracking data and open sharing, restrictive licenses, and difficulties in tracking commercial data use. Recommendations that emerged from the discussion include: development of standardized formats for documenting data reuse, education about the obstacles posed by restrictive licenses, and continued recognition by funding agencies that data management is a critical activity that requires dedicated resources

    Recent Innovations & Daily Problems. A new prosthesis in inguinal hernia repair:preliminary results of a pilot study.

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    Introduction: Elective surgery for inguinal hernia is affected by very low mortality « 1 per 10000 operation); in contrast, when surgery is carried out for complicated inguinal hernia, risks of postoperative complication are higher. TAPP is a world-wide accepted surgical practice in the treatment of elective bilateral or recurrent inguinal hernia, above all in young patients. Few exploratory studies were published on laparoscopic approach in the treatment of urgent complicated inguinal hernia. Aim of this study was to analyze feasibility (operative time, conversion rate), safety (postoperative morbidity, length of hospital stay) and quality of life (acute and chronic pain, return to work) of trans-abdominal pre-peritoneal laparoscopic hernia repair in acute incarcerated inguinal hernia. Rationale of laparoscopic trans-abdominal approach is the easier hernia reduction under vision and a better exploration of the abdominal cavity. Methods: from September 2012 to September 2013, 15 consecutive patients admitted in emergency at the Division of General Surgery of University "Sapienza", Polo Pontino, for acute incarcerated inguinal hernia were submitted to TAPP using 3 trocars (1 of 10 mm and 2 of 5mm) and polyester prosthesis fixed by fibrin glue. Exclusion criteria for laparoscopic approach were age III, previous abdominal surgery, signs of strangulated hernia. All of them were evaluated for operative time, conversion rate, postoperative morbidity, organ resection or other surgery required. All patients were scored for pain by Visual Analogic Scale (VAS) during postoperative in hospital stay at 7 days, 1,6 and 12 months after surgery. Results: median follow-up was 16 months and 12 as minimum. In all cases reduction of hernia was always possible and none conversion to open surgery was recorded, median operative time was 89 minutes (55-137 as range), omental resection was carried out in one patient (6,6%), no other organ resections needed, whereas contralateral hernia was diagnosed and repaired at the same time in 4 patients (26,6%). No major complications were observed, median blood loss was 100 ml, minor morbidity was contained to 18% represented by fever and wound infection of surgical umbilical scar. Median in hospital stay was 1,5 days with 1-5 days as range. Postoperative median acute pain, measured by visual analogic scale (VAS), was 2 (range:0-4), none patient referred any pain during follow-up. Median time of return to work was 6,5 days, ranged between 3 to 15 days. Patients' compliance to treatment and to follow-up was complete as well their satisfaction. Conclusions: In centres skilled for laparoscopy in emergency, TAPP could be considered a feasible and safe technique. In well-selected patients (especially if emolled in controlled clinical trial) TAPP could represent an alternative surgical approach for complicated incarcerated inguinal hernia to conventional open surgery even in urgency. The main advantages of laparoscopic approach are the ability to perform surgical hernia reduction under vision, a better exploration and evaluation of abdominal cavity and diagnosis and treatment of eventual contralateral defect of wall, otherwise often missed. Finally, the good control of acute and chronic pain, faster return to normal activity and work, better aesthetic results contributed to total satisfaction and compliance of the patients

    Quality of Municipal Solid Waste Compost Produced in Sri Lanka

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    Rapid urbanization has made solid waste management a serious problem for local authorities in Sri Lanka. The compost production with Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and good quality assurance of compost produced by such is crucial in utilizing these problematic wastes as an agriculturally important product. This study was focused on evaluating the overall quality of Municipal Solid Waste Compost (MSWC) in Sri Lanka. Primary and secondary data of compost physicochemical and biological characters covering 45 composting sites representing 88% of functioning Pilisaru composting sites of SL were used for the study. A large set of secondary data on MSWC quality parameters were collected from well reputed government laboratories with the approval of the Central Environmental Authority (CEA). Inadequate data were analyzed. Box plots were developed using data on color, moisture, odor, sand content, particle size, PH, conductivity, organic carbon, C:N ratio, total nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, Calcium, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Zinc, Fecal coliform and Salmonella in MSWC samples. Central tendency, data distribution and deviations of each parameter were identified after eliminating outliers. The conformity percentage to Sri Lankan Standards (SLS) and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) were calculated. The heavy metal contents were compared with Portugal, France and Italy standards for MSWC in addition to SLS and BIS. Normal probability plots of the residual were designed in order to identify the data distribution pattern. Spatial variability of data in each individual parameter was analyzed in district basis. Mean and median value of moisture content, sand content, MgO, Hg content and fecal coli form was not conformant with SLS and BIS. Although the mean value of particle size conformant with BIS it has exceeded the levels in SLS. Cd, Cu, Zn and Ni contents showed 100% conformity with SLS, BIS, France, Italy and Portugal standards. Cr and Pb contents showed more than 90% conformity to all the standards. Colour, odour, pH, organic carbon, total N, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, Ni, Zn and salmonella resulted in more than 75% conformity to SLS. Sand content is the most deviated parameter from SLS. Significant special variability was reported for particular districts with regard to sand content, pH, total N, P2O5 and K2O. Thus, MSWC quality in SL could be improved via giving the emphasis on the parameters which are not conformant with the standards.Keywords: Municipal Solid Waste Compost (MSWC), Sri Lankan Standard (SLS), Bureau of Indian Standard (BIS

    Determination of the Potential of Meteotsunami in the West Coast of Sri Lanka

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    Meteotsunami are tsunami-like waves of meteorological origin than of seismic origin. This study is done as the first determination of Meteotsunami around the Sri Lankan coast. Sea level data were used from permanent tide gauge stations establish Colombo, Trincomalee, Kirinda interconnected to the global sea level monitoring network establish by the inter-governmental oceanographicnbspnbsp commission. Using high frequency readings, specific events were identified and further analyzed to remove tidal constituents and to obtain residual sea level variations. Residual sea level height was fast filtered and high frequency detected to identify Tsunami waves as same as seismic tsunami waves. The atmospheric pressure gradient was 1008-1011milibar hours while the wind speed increase from 14.21 to 31.90 mph in during same period. The amplitudenbspnbsp of isolated meteotsunami event was higher than four time of residualrsquos STD (sigma). Meteotsunami event was identified during low tide with wave height gt 0.3 m