34,263 research outputs found

    Vapor-liquid phase separator studies

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    A study of porous plug use for vapor-liquid phase seperation in spaceborne cryogenic systems was conducted. The three main topics addressed were: (1) the usefulness of porous media in designs that call for variable areas and flow rates; (2) the possibility of prediction of main parameters of porous plugs for a given material; and (3) prediction of all parameters of the plug, including secondary parameters

    Spectrum of low-lying s3QQˉs^{3}Q\bar{Q} configurations with negative parity

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    Spectrum of low-lying five-quark configurations with strangeness quantum number S=−3S=-3 and negative parity is studied in three kinds of constituent quark models, namely the one gluon exchange, Goldstone Boson exchange, and instanton-induced hyperfine interaction models, respectively. Our numerical results show that the lowest energy states in all the three employed models are lying at ∼\sim1800 MeV, about 200 MeV lower than predictions of various quenched three-quark models. In addition, it is very interesting that the state with the lowest energy in one gluon exchange model is with spin 3/2, but 1/2 in the other two models.Comment: Version published in Phys. Rev.

    Separator plugs for liquid helium

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    Work performed during Summer 1984 (from June to Sept. 30) in the area of porous media for use in low temperature applications is discussed. Recent applications are in the area of vapor - liquid phase separation, pumping based on the fountain effect and related subsystems. Areas of potential applications of the latter are outlined in supplementary work. Experimental data have been developed. The linear equations of the two-fluid model are inspected critically in the light of forced convection evidence reported recently. It is emphasized that the Darcy permeability is a unique throughput quantity in the porous media application areas whose use will permit meaningful comparisons of data not only in one lab but also within a group of labs doing porous plug studies

    Horizon Mass Theorem

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    A new theorem for black holes is found. It is called the horizon mass theorem. The horizon mass is the mass which cannot escape from the horizon of a black hole. For all black holes: neutral, charged or rotating, the horizon mass is always twice the irreducible mass observed at infinity. Previous theorems on black holes are: 1. the singularity theorem, 2. the area theorem, 3. the uniqueness theorem, 4. the positive energy theorem. The horizon mass theorem is possibly the last general theorem for classical black holes. It is crucial for understanding Hawking radiation and for investigating processes occurring near the horizon.Comment: A new theorem for black holes is establishe

    The non-Newtonian heat and mass transport of He 2 in porous media used for vapor-liquid phase separation

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    This investigation of vapor-liquid phase separation (VLPS) of He 2 is related to long-term storage of cryogenic liquid. The VLPS system utilizes porous plugs in order to generate thermomechanical (thermo-osmotic) force which in turn prevents liquid from flowing out of the cryo-vessel (e.g., Infrared Astronomical Satellite). An apparatus was built and VLPS data were collected for a 2 and a 10 micrometer sintered stainless steel plug and a 5 to 15 micrometer sintered bronze plug. The VLPS data obtained at high temperature were in the nonlinear turbulent regime. At low temperature, the Stokes regime was approached. A turbulent flow model was developed, which provides a phenomenological description of the VLPS data. According to the model, most of the phase separation data are in the turbulent regime. The model is based on concepts of the Gorter-Mellink transport involving the mutual friction known from the zero net mass flow (ZNMF) studies. The latter had to be modified to obtain agreement with the present experimental VLPS evidence. In contrast to the well-known ZNMF mode, the VLPS results require a geometry dependent constant (Gorter-Mellink constant). A theoretical interpretation of the phenomenological equation for the VLPS data obtained, is based on modelling of the dynamics of quantized vortices proposed by Vinen. In extending Vinen's model to the VLPS transport of He 2 in porous media, a correlation between the K*(GM) and K(p) was obtained which permits an interpretation of the present findings. As K(p) is crucial, various methods were introduced to measure the permeability of the porous media at low temperatures. Good agreement was found between the room temperature and the low temperature K(p)-value of the plugs

    Study of helium transfer technology for STICCR: Fluid management

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    The Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF) is a long life cryogenically cooled space based telescope for infrared astronomy from 2 to 700 microns currently under study and planned for launch in the mid 90's. SIRTF will operate as a multi-user facility, initially carrying 3 instruments at the focal plane. It will be cooled to below 2 K by superfluid liquid helium to achieve radiometric sensitivity limited only by the statistical fluctuations in the natural infrared background radiation over most of its spectral range. The lifetime of the mission will be limited by the lifetime of the liquid helium supply, and is currently baselined to be 2 years. Candidates are reviewed for a liquid management device to be used in the resupply of liquid helium, and for the selection of an appropriate candidate

    Vapor-liquid phase separator studies

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    Porous plugs serve as both entropy rejection devices and phase separation components separating the vapor phase on the downstream side from liquid Helium 2 upstream. The liquid upstream is the cryo-reservoir fluid needed for equipment cooling by means of Helium 2, i.e Helium-4 below its lambda temperature in near-saturated states. The topics outlined are characteristic lengths, transport equations and plug results

    XMM-Newton Observations of High Redshift Quasars

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    We report on our XMM observations of the high redshift quasars BR 2237--0607 (z=4.558) and BR 0351--1034 (z=4.351), together with 14 other z>4 objects found in the XMM public archive. Contrary to former reports, we do not find high redshift radio-loud quasars to be more absorbed than their radio-quiet counterparts. We find that the optical to X-ray spectral index alpha-ox is correlated with the luminosity density at 2500 A, but does not show a correlation with redshift. The mean 2-10 keV power-law slope of the 9 high redshift radio-quiet quasars in our sample for which a spectral analysis can be performed is alpha-x1.23+-0.48, similar to alpha-x=1.19 found from the ASCA observations of low redshift Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s), and significantly different from alpha-x=0.78 found for low redshift Broad-Line Seyfert galaxies. While the optical/UV spectra of low to high redshift quasars look remarkably similar, we find a first indication of a difference in their X-ray spectrum. The steep X-ray spectral index suggests high Eddington ratios L/L_Edd. These observations give credence to the hypothesis of Mathur (2000) that NLS1s are low luminosity cousins of high redshift quasars, both likely to be in their early evolutionary stage.Comment: 25 pages, AJ, in press (Jan 2006

    H-Dihyperon in Quark Cluster Model

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    The H dihyperon (DH) is studied in the framework of the SU(3) chiral quark model. It is shown that except the σ\sigma chiral field, the overall effect of the other SU(3) chiral fields is destructive in forming a stable DH. The resultant mass of DH in a three coupled channel calculation is ranged from 2225 MeVMeV to 2234 MeVMeV.Comment: 9 pages, emte
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