60 research outputs found

    Publicism through the prism of history of russian journalism

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    In that article the authors attempted to comprehend the role of literary criticism in formation of genre and compositional priorities of Russian journalism. The result of analysis of critical articles and reviews of V. Belinsky, N. Polevoy, N. Chernyshevsky shows which influence of their works left on refinement to the sphere of journalist's activity and criteria towards assessment of journalist's professional skills and also on further development of the whole periodical press.В статье сделана попытка осмыслить роль литературно-художественной критики в формировании жанровых и содержательно-композиционных приоритетов русской журналистики. В ходе анализа критических работ и рецензий В. Белинского, Н. Полевого, Н. Чернышевского получены выводы о том, какое влияние их творчество оказало на уточнение сферы деятельности журналиста и критериев оценки его профессионального мастерства, на дальнейшее развитие всей периодической печати


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    The article highlights evidence of the effectiveness eliminate of Cobalt  deficit by using different levels of mixed lygand cobalt complex, and their effects on digestibility to obtain clean milk from highly productive Holstein cows of German selection. Tested cows were fed with small component forage mixture composed with concentrated feed–sulfate salts of copper, zinc, sodium selenite and mixed lygand cobalt complex. Sulfate salts of copper, zinc was introduced to cover the deficit of trace elements in a given feed mixture to normal, and selenium concentration was adjusted to 0,3 mg / kg diet dry matter and depending on the circuit experiment different doses of mixed lygand cobalt complex. Control was dose of mixed lygand cobalt complex, which covered the deficit by 75 % to normal. The experiments were conducted on Holstein cows and research groups have used doses of mixed lygand cobalt complex, which covered the deficit in cobalt on 85, 70, 55 and 40 %. Based on data obtained during the scientific and economic experiment, it was found that the elimination of the deficit cobalt in the forage mixture of 70 % by mixed lygand complex of cobalt in the diets of dairy cows of Holstein breed in the dry period and the first 100 days of lactation, provided the cow from the 3rd research group of this element and contributed to the highest digestibility of nutrients in the forage mixture compared with the control group, the 2nd,  the 4th and the 5th research groups. Digestibility coefficient for dry matter was higher by 2,5 % compared to the control, 2.7% against the 2nd experimental group, 1,2 % against the 4th and 3,2 % against the 5th respectively 1,4% organic, 1,0 %, 0,6 % and 1,5 %, protein – 1,4 %, 2,0 %, 0,8 % and 2,4 %, fat – 4,8 % 5,7 % , 0,7 % and 6,1 % fat – 3,0%, 3,5 %, 1,9 % and 3,9 %, MAR – 5,8 %, 4,4 %, 0,9 % and 1,4 %. Based on data obtained during the scientific and economic experiment proved that the best realized genetic potential  of highly productive cows of Holstein breed German selection in the forest–steppe zone of Ukraine to the elimination of zinc deficiency by 70 % through the use of  mixed lygand complex of  this element.  На основании данных, полученных при проведении научно-хозяйственного опыта, установлено, что ликвидация дефицита кобальта в кормосмеси на 70% за счет смешаннолигандных комплекса кобальта в рационах дойных коров голштинской породы в сухостойный период и первые 100 дней лактации, обеспечило коров 3-й исследовательской группы этим элементом и способствовало высокой переваримости питательных веществ кормосмеси по сравнению с контрольной группой и 2-й, 4-й и 5-й дослвиднимы группами. Коэффициент переваримости по сухому веществу был выше на 2,5% против контроля, 2,7% против 2-й опытной группы, 1,2% против 4-й и 3,2% против 5-й, соответственно органической 1,4% , 1,0%, 0,6% и 1,5%, протеина - 1,4%, 2,0%, 0,8%, и 2,4%, жира - 4,8%, 5,7% , 0,7%, и 6,1%, клетчатки - 3,0%, 3,5%, 1,9% и 3,9%, МАР - 5,8%, 4,4%, 0,9 %, и 1,4%.На підставі даних, отриманих під час проведення науково–господарського досліду, встановлено, що ліквідація дефіциту Кобальту в кормосуміші на 70 % за рахунок змішанолігандного комплексу Кобальту в раціонах дійних корів голштинської породи у сухостійний період і перші 100 днів лактації, забезпечило корів 3–ї дослідної групи цим елементом і сприяло найвищої перетравності поживних речовин кормосуміші порівняно з контрольною групою та 2–ю, 4–ю і 5–ю дослвідними групами. Коефіцієнт перетравності по сухій речовині був вищим на 2,5 % проти контролю, 2,7 % проти 2–ї дослідної групи, 1,2 % проти 4–ї і 3,2 % проти 5–ї, відповідно органічної 1,4 %, 1,0 %, 0,6 % і 1,5 %, протеїну – 1,4 %, 2,0 %, 0,8 %, і 2,4 %, жиру – 4,8 %, 5,7 %, 0,7 %, і 6,1 %,  клітковини – 3,0 %, 3,5 %, 1,9 %, і 3,9 %, БЕР – 5,8 %, 4,4 %, 0,9 %, і 1,4 %. &nbsp

    Scientific doctrine as a source of law in international law and legal systems of the world

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    The term “doctrine” is often used in science, law-making and law enforcement processes, but its semantic meaning has not yet been determined, which makes it difficult to define the role of legal doctrine as a source of law. The aim of the article is to study legal doctrine as a special source of law, clarify the specifics of its formation and analyze the regulatory role and its potential, paying special attention to international law, as well as Romano-Germanic, Anglo-Saxon and religious legal systems. The research is based on such methods as analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy, deduction, induction, abstraction. The inductive method made it possible to generalize and formulate the approaches of scientists, and the deductive method made it possible to consistently argue the author’s position. The authors draw conclusions that the definition of a legal doctrine as a source of law can be formalized legislatively. It is normatively permissible to reveal the notion of legal doctrine, determine a doctrine as a source of law and establish mechanisms for resorting to this source in law enforcement

    Сaptured by time: innovative verbal practices within the communicative Internet environment

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    В центре внимания статьи — описание коммуникативно-речевых характеристик публикаций в мессенджере «Telegram». В качестве объекта анализа выбраны имеющие высокий рейтинг канал «Незыгарь» и канал главного редактора радиостанции «Эхо Москвы» А. Венедиктова. Размещенные в этих каналах авторские материалы рассматриваются как нетрадиционные тексты, композиционно-стилистическое своеобразие которых предполагает новые подходы к осмыслению функций и качеств медиаречи.The article is centered around communication and verbal characteristics in the «Telegram» messenger. The highly rank channel «Nezigar» and the channel of the editor-in-chief of the radio station «Ekho Moskvy» A. Venediktov were chosen as the object of analysis. Author’s stories, published in these channels are considered as untraditional texts with compositional stylistic originality. This enables us to reinterpret the functions and qualities of speech in media environment

    Polymerization of Lactic Acid Using Microwave and Conventional Heating

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    The polymerization of lactic acid (LA) has been investigated by two methods: conventional heating and under microwave irradiation. The reactions of polymerization have been carried out in two stages: at the beginning water is removed and oligomer is obtained; then, the catalysts/co-catalysts are added and reactions are carried out. Tin octoate, toluene sulfonic acid, 2-aminopropanoic acid (alanine) have been investigated as polymerization catalysts and the derivatives of 2,4,6,8- tetramethilol -2,4,6,8- tetraazabicyclo[3.3.0]octane -3,7-dion (Tetraol), comprising atoms of Mg, Zn, Al have been synthesized for the first time. The structure of the synthesized catalyst has been investigated using the method of IR, {1}H NMR. It has been shown that the process of obtaining polylactic acid (PLA) by microwave irradiation proceeds hundreds of times faster. PLA samples synthesized by this method have the same optical characteristics as the PLA obtained by conventional heating

    Results of screening for antibodies to varicella-zoster virus in healthcare workers of a multidisciplinary hospital in Moscow

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    Introduction. Given the unfavorable epidemic situation with chickenpox and shingles in Russia, there is a high risk of virus introduction and spread in healthcare settings, including among medical staff who are not immune to varicella zoster virus (VZV). The objective of this study is to assess the immunity of employees of a multidisciplinary hospital in Moscow to VZV. Materials and methods. A selective screening study was carried out. Venous blood serum samples were taken from 1546 hospital employees as material for detection of IgG antibodies to VZV antigens using a commercial solid-phase enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) test system "Vecto VZV-IgG". All employees were questioned to obtain information about their infectious and vaccine history in relation to VZV. Results and discussion. Screening for antibodies to VZV in the hospital workers revealed that 6.3% of those workers are not immune to VZV. The proportion of seronegative individuals was the highest (12.6 ± 2.4%) in the age group of 29 years and younger. VZV seronegative healthcare workers were found in various departments, but the presence of non-immune individuals among the staff of the obstetrics and gynecology departments (6.5%) is of epidemiologic concern. The results of the survey showed that documented data on infection and vaccination history cannot be used to assess the protection of healthcare workers against VZV infection. Conclusion. The results of serologic screening for antibodies to VZV made it possible to identify a significant number of susceptible employees of the multidisciplinary hospital. In order to prevent the formation of multiple epidemic foci of varicella in medical organizations, it is advisable to include anti-VZV testing of medical staff in the state prevention programs with subsequent vaccination of non-immune individuals

    Materials of scientific and practical conference «Dietoogy In Practice Of Endocrinologist» at the VIII (XXV) Russian Diabetology Congress With International Participation «Diabetes Mellitus – XXIth Century Pandemia»

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    The scientific-practical conference Dietoogy In Practice Of Endocrinologist was held during the VIII Russian diabetology congress with international participation “Diabetes Mellitus – XXIth Century Pandemia”. It was chaired by Academician of RAS M.V. Shestakova (Moscow), Professors L.A. Ruyatkina (Novosibirsk ) and L.A. Suplotova (Tyumen). The expediency of this event was dictated by the necessity to create a unified national regulated guidelines for the diet therapy of obesity and associated diseases for the medical community and patients. The program of the meeting included a discussion about the formation of a healthy diet and its effect on the body, starting from the pregnant women, fetal development, the breastfeeding period, in the period of perimenopause and postmenopause, in the presence of concomitant pathology of heart and kidneys

    Особенности эпидемиологического анамнеза пациентов с иксодовым клещевым боррелиозом в г. Москве

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    In the treatment of Lyme borreliosis (LB), early diagnosis is a key component. The epidemiological history of the patient plays one of the leading roles in suspected borreliosis and at the same time is an important criterion for clinical diagnosis.Purpose. Analysis of epidemiological history data in outpatient cases of LB in Moscow.Material and methods. We conducted a retrospective, non-randomized, single-center cohort study, based on the analysis of data from 660 outpatient records of patients, referred by local physician with tick bite or suspicion of LB, and consulted by an infectious disease specialist on the basis of the Infectious clinical hospital No.1 in Moscow. For further analysis, patients were divided by age and the presence or absence of LB. Confirmation of LB was based on clinical and/or laboratory criteria using methods of enzyme immunoassay and immune blot.Results. We have updated the epidemiological features of the LB for Moscow, such as: the relative number of cases in the administrative districts of Moscow, places and seasonality of tick bites. Among children, compared with adults, cases of a tick bite without the development of LB was predominant, which must be taken into account in order to avoid overdiagnosis of LB. In patients with LB, an indication of the fact of tick bite in the anamnesis was much less common than going to its habitats.Conclusion. Our data clarify the epidemiological features of LB for residents of Moscow. In the absence of a history of indications of tick bite, an informative sign for clinical diagnosis is a visit to its habitats, including not only trips to wooded areas, but also to suburban areas and parks.Ключевым компонентом успешного лечения иксодового клещевого боррелиоза (ИКБ) является его ранняя диагностика, важным критерием которой служат данные эпидемиологического анамнеза.Цель работы — анализ данных эпидемиологического анамнеза у пациентов с ИКБ в амбулаторно-поликлинических условиях в г. Москве.Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное, нерандомизированное, одноцентровое когортное исследование, основанное на анализе данных 660 амбулаторных карт пациентов, консультированных врачом-инфекционистом на базе ГБУЗ «ИКБ №1 ДЗМ» по направлению участкового врача в связи с присасыванием клеща и/или подозрением на ИКБ. Для анализа эпидемиологического анамнеза пациенты были разделены по возрасту и наличию или отсутствию ИКБ. Подтверждение диагноза ИКБ осуществлялось по клиническим и/или лабораторным критериям с использованием методов иммуноферментного анализа и иммунного блота. Результаты. Нами актуализированы эпидемиологические особенности ИКБ для г. Москвы, такие как количество заболевших в административных округах г. Москвы, география и сезонность нападения клещей. Проведено сравнение данных эпиданамнеза в возрастных группах. Среди детей, по сравнению со взрослыми, преобладают обращения по поводу присасывания клеща без развития ИКБ, значимо чаще встречаются присасывания клещей на коже головы. В анамнезе у пациентов с ИКБ значительно чаще было указание на посещение ареалов обитания клеща, чем указание на факт присасывания клеща.Заключение. Полученные нами данные уточняют эпидемиологические особенности иксодового клещевого боррелиоза для жителей г. Москвы. В клинической диагностике при отсутствии в анамнезе указания на присасывание клеща информативным признаком является посещение ареалов его обитания, включая не только выезды в лесистую местность, но и на загородные участки, в парковые зоны. Учитывая особенности локализации присасывания клещей, при поиске мигрирующей эритемы у детей следует обязательно осматривать волосистую часть головы

    Определение антител к B. Burgdorferi методом иммуноферментного анализа у пациентов с иксодовым клещевым боррелиозом

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    The detection of antibodies to borrelia by enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) significantly depends on the time from the onset of the disease.Purpose: analysis of the results of antibodies determination to borrelia by ELISA in children and adults with Lyme borreliosis (LB) at various periods from the onset of the disease.Material and methods. We conducted a retrospective, non-randomized, single-center cohort study, based on the analysis of data from 178 outpatient records of patients with a confirmed diagnosis of LB and the presence of antibody detection results by ELISA. Immunological confirmation of the diagnosis of LB was carried out by using ELISA and western blot test systems registered in the territory of the Russian Federation for the separate determination of immunoglobulins to Borrelia burgdorferi antigens of classes M and G. Results. When counting from the date of the onset of the disease, IgM and/or IgG were determined in 76% of patients at 4-6 weeks, and starting from the 7th week – in 95%. When counting from the date of tick bite, IgG with or without IgM was determined in 83% of patients starting from 7th week. At the same time, a significantly large proportion of seronegative patients among children was revealed. We have clarified the duration of antibody persistence after antibacterial therapy. In the interval from 1 to 6 months, antibodies are detected in 73% of patients. For a period of 6 months or more, antibodies can be detected in 42% of patients.Conclusion. The optimal time for detecting antibodies from the disease onset is 4-6 weeks. Antibodies after antibiotic therapy can persist for a long time, in a third of patients up to 6 months or more.Обнаружение антител к боррелиям методом иммуноферментного анализа (ИФА) значительно зависит от сроков дебюта заболевания.Цель: изучение результатов определения антител к боррелиям методом ИФА у детей и взрослых с иксодовым клещевым боррелиозом (ИКБ) на различных сроках от дебюта заболевания.Материалы и методы. Проведено ретроспективное, нерандомизированное, одноцентровое когортное исследование, основанное на анализе данных 178 амбулаторных карт пациентов с подтвержденным диагнозом ИКБ и наличием результатов определения антител методом ИФА. Иммунологическое подтверждение диагноза ИКБ проводилось с использованием зарегистрированных на территории РФ тест-систем для раздельного определения иммуноглобулинов к антигенам Borrelia burgdorferi классов M и G методами ИФА, иммунного блота.Результаты. При отсчете от даты начала заболевания, IgM и/или IgG определялись у 76% на 4-6 неделях, а начиная с 7-й недели – у 95% пациентов. При отсчете от даты присасывания клеща IgG с/без IgM определялись у 83% пациентов начиная с 7-й недели. При этом, выявлена значимо большая доля серонегативных пациентов среди детей. Уточнены сроки персистенции антител после проведения антибактериальной терапии. В интервале от 1 до 6 месяцев антитела определялись у 73% пациентов. На сроке 6 и более месяцев от окончания терапии антитела выявлялись у 42% пациентов.Заключение. Оптимальный срок для выявления антител от появления клинических симптомов – 4-6 недель. Антитела после проведенной антибиотикотерапии могут персистировать длительно, у трети пациентов до 6 и более месяцев