400 research outputs found

    Nonmatrix varieties of nonassociative algebras

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    A variety of associative algebras is called nonmatrix if it does not contain the algebra of 2 x 2 matrices over the given field. Nonmatrix varieties were introduced and studied by V.N.Latyshev in relation with the Specht problem. Some characterizations of nonmatrix varieties were obtained in the paper [10]. In the given paper the notion of nonmatrix variety is extended for nonassociative algebras, and the characterization from [10] is generalized for alternative, Jordan, and some other varieties of algebras

    Control of the magnitude and spatial distribution of interference energy flows in near fields of systems of identical radiators

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    The problem of active control for both the magnitude and spatial distribution of individual components of the interference component of the Poynting vector within the near zone of a system of radiators is studied. The characteristic size of this zone is on the order of the wavelength and is characterized by the presence of evanescent (nonpropagating) fields, which are formed due to the interference interaction of radiators. Using multipole expansions for fields and special summation formulas for such expansions allows one to obtain concise expressions convenient in carrying out numerical calculations. The results of calculations confirm the feasibility of the above-mentioned control in principle in solving problems of medium and object sensing

    The role played by evanescent fields in the process of formation of radiation of combined radiating systems

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    The problem of active controlling of the structure of fields of combined radiating systems within their near zone is studied. The characteristic size of this zone is on the order of the wavelength and is characterized by the presence of evanescent (nonpropagating) fields, which are formed, among other things, due to the interference interaction of radiators of the system. Using multipole expansions for fields and special summation formulas for such expansions allows one to obtain concise expressions convenient in carrying out numerical calculations. The results of calculations confirm that the evanescent fields’ structure plays a significant part in the process of the formation of the radiation field

    Зловживання пасивним правом у виборчому процесі

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    Шестаков, С. В. Зловживання пасивним правом у виборчому процесі / С. В. Шестаков // Право і Безпека. - 2009. - № 2. - С. 37-41.У статті аналізується зміст пасивного виборчого права, що дозволяє визначити найбільш суттєві види зловживань виборцями його складниками, пропонуються правові та організаційні заходи щодо недопущення зазначених суспільно шкідливих діянь. В статье анализируется содержание пассивного избирательного права, что позволяет определить наиболее существенные виды злоупотреблений избирателями его составляющими, предлагаются правовые и организационные меры по недопущению указанных общественно вредных деяний. The content of passive suffrage that allows to define the most essential types of abuses by electors is analyzed in the article. Legal and organizational measures on exclusion such social harmful actions are offere

    Деякі проблеми правового регулювання заходів адміністративного припинення спеціального призначення

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    Шестаков, С. В. Деякі проблеми правового регулювання заходів адміністративного припинення спеціального призначення / С. В. Шестаков // Вісник Національного університету внутрішніх справ.- 2003.- Вип. 22.- С. 109 - 115Проаналізовано чинне законодавство, що регулює застосування працівниками міліції заходів адміністративного припинення спеціального призначення, та виробити рекомендації щодо удосконалення мети, підстав, процедур їх застосування з метою наближення їх до потреб правоохоронної діяльності міліції. Проанализировано действующее законодательство, регулирующее применение сотрудниками милиции мер административного пресечения специального назначения и выработать рекомендации по совершенствованию цели, оснований, процедур их применения с целью приближения их к потребностям правоохранительной деятельности милиции. The current legislation regulating the application of special purpose administrative termination measures by police officers is analyzed, and recommendations for improving the purpose, grounds, and procedures for their application in order to bring them closer to the needs of police law enforcement are developed

    Поняття зловживання правом у виборчому процесі

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    Шестаков, С. В. Поняття зловживання правом у виборчому процесі / С. В. Шестаков // Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. - 2008. - Вип. 41. - С. 16-19.Розкрито сутність та особливості зловживання правом у виборчому процесі, його співвідношення з суміжними правопорушеннями та правомірним спричиненням шкоди. Раскрыта сущность и особенности злоупотребления правом в избирательном процессе, его соотношение со смежными правонарушениями и правомерным причинением вреда. The essence and peculiarities of abuse of law in the electoral process, its correlation with related offenses and the legitimate infliction of harm are revealed

    Measurement of tensor analyzing powers in deuteron photodisintegration

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    New accurate measurement of tensor analyzing powers T20, T21 and T22 in deuteron photodisintegration has been performed. Wide-aperture non-magnetic detectors allowed to cover broad kinematic ranges in a single setup: photon energy = 25 to 600 MeV, proton emission angle in CM = 24 to 48 deg. and 70 to 102 deg. New data provide a significant improvement of a few existing measurements. The angular dependency of the tensor asymmetries in deuteron photodisintegration is extracted for the first time.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    One-year periodization of training loads of Russian and Norwegian elite cross-country skiers

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    The study intended to compare the training load volume (TrV) distribution of elite Russian (RuXC) and Norwegian (NorXC) cross-country skiers in a one-year macrocycle. Daily TrV of 11 RuXC skiers averaged for the period 2014/15–2017/18. The NorXC skiers’ TrV obtained from the study by Sandbakk (2017). RuXC skiers had a lower volume of low-intensity (LIT, below aerobic threshold) and high-intensity (HIT, above anaerobic threshold) endurance training. They used a “pyramidal” model of intensity ratio during the entire macrocycle and did not decrease the volume of moderate-intensity (MIT) endurance training in competition periods (CPs). Conversely, NorXC skiers followed the “pyramidal” model of intensity in the preparation period (PP) but the “polarized” model in CP, significantly reducing the volume of MIT and increasing that of HIT. RuXC skiers increased TrVs more rapidly at the beginning of PPs, achieving TrV peak in June, and then gradually decreased them by March. NorXC skiers increased TrVs gradually by July and then maintained this approximate volume until November. RuXC skiers had peak volumes of LIT and strength training simultaneously in June; NorXC skiers engaged in large amounts of strength training in May and June until reaching maximum endurance loads. RuXC skiers had two “blocks” of strength training; NorXC skiers had three. A comparative analysis of the TrV distributions among the RuXC and NorXC skiers revealed significant similarity. Therefore, they can consider as models of the modern annual periodization of training loads for this kind of sport