20 research outputs found

    Financial Risks of Russian Oil Companies in Conditions of Volatility of Global Oil Prices

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    The development of scientific approaches to assessing and diagnosing the financial risks of oil industry in the Russian Federation becomes a high priority task in conditions of high level of volatility in oil prices in the world energy market and preservation of sanctions regime. The article shows the main threats to financial stability of oil companies in Russia. Using cluster analysis, a system of indicators is proposed that determines the level of financial risk of oil companies in Russia. Based on the method of expert assessments and fuzzy sets, the classification of financial risk levels of oil industry is proposed. The integrated financial risk level of oil industry was calculated and scenarios of its development for 2018–2020 were forecast by means of regression modeling. The system of measures to improve the stability of oil companies and prevent functional financial risks is argued. The practical implementation of research results will be the basis for timely diagnosis of financial risks and qualitative development of preventive measures to neutralize them in the oil industry of Russia. Keywords: Oil Industry, Oil Companies, Financial Risks, Oil Prices, Financial Stability of Oil Industry JEL Classifications: Q43; Q41; G32; L52 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.735

    Автоматизация спектрометра ферромагнитного резонанса

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    A method of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) is described. It has been verified and substantiatied that the parameters of FMR can be used for studying of dislocation structure of surface of ferromagnetics at depth of 10-6-10-7 m. The schematic and the electric circuit of the FMR radiospectrometer is described. The monotonous change of magnetic field of inductive coil of FMR spectrometer by change of tension from five to three hundred volts is carried out. A software is developed and with use of the analog-digital converter (ADC) automation of the registered parameters is carried out.Описан метод ферромагнитного резонанса (ФМР). Обоснована методика изучения дислокационной структуры поверхности ферромагнетиков на глубине 10-6-10-7 м методом ФМР. Описаны принципиальная и электрическая схемы разработанного радиоспектрометра ФМР. С использованием разработанного электронного устройства осуществлено монотонное изменение величины постоянного магнитного поля на индуктивной катушке спектрометра ФМР путем варьирования величины напряжения от 1 до 300 В. Разработано программное обеспечение с применением аналого-цифрового преобразователя (АЦП) и осуществлена автоматизация регистрируемых параметров

    Improving the economic performance of Russia's energy system based on the development of alternative energy sources

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    An upward trend in conventional energy consumption and the exhaustibility of its resources, volatility of the prices for hydrocarbons in the global energy market update the development of scientific approaches to justification of the commercial efficiency of alternative energy in the Russian Federation. Integrated economic performance and environmental safety coefficients for generating companies in Russia were calculated through taxonomic analysis. Trends in the expenditure level for energy production in the context of alternative and conventional energy resources were forecasted by means of neural modeling technologies. Using an integrated assessment method, global priorities for the use of energy resources in Russia that would enhance the national energy system operation efficiency were identified. A forecasting integrated model of the Russian energy system development was elaborated, taking into account the commercial efficiency of alternative energy. Measures to stimulate energy production based on the use of alternative energy sources were proposed. Practical implementation of the research findings would contribute to Russia's energy system restructuring and meeting the energy needs of the national economy to the fullest extent possible. Keywords: Alternative Energy Sources, Alternative Energy, Energy System, Economic Performance of Energy Production, Energy Resources, Conventional Energy JEL Classifications: L98; L16; O25 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.702


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    The advantages of using an atomic force microscopy in manufacturing of submicron integrated circuits are described. The possibilities of characterizing the surface morphology and the etching profile for silicon substrate and bus lines, estimation of the periodicity and size of bus lines, geometrical stability for elementary bus line are shown. Methods of optical and atomic force microcopies are combined in one diagnostic unit. Scanning  probe  microscope  (SPM  200)  is  designed  and  produced.  Complex  SPM  200  realizes  nondestructive control of microelectronics elements made on silicon wafers up to 200 mm in diameter and it is introduced by JSC «Integral» for the purpose of operational control, metrology and acceptance of the final product.Описаны преимущества использования атомно-силовой микроскопии для контроля технологических процессов при изготовлении интегральных микросхем субмикроэлектроники. Показана возможность визуализации морфологии поверхностей и профиля травления, оценки периодичности гребенок шин, определения стабильности размеров для одной шины. Выполнены работы по совмещению оптической и атомно-силовой микроскопии, разработан и изготовлен сканирующий зондовый микроскоп. Комплекс внедрен для промышленного неразрушающего контроля субмикроэлектроники, выполненной на кремниевых  пластинах диаметром  до  200 мм, с целью осуществления  операционного контроля, метрологических измерений и приемки качества готовой продукции


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    The aim of this study was to analyze drug therapy of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) in Russia. Methods. Findings of the Russian National Register of CF patients, 2014, were used in this study. The 2014 Register included data for 2,131 patients (2,092 alive and 39 died) from 74 regions of Russia. The median age was 10.2 (15.2) years, 29.2% of patients were aged 18 years and older. We analyzed administration of bronchodilators, inhaled corticosteroids (ICS), systemic steroids, dornase alfa, hypertonic saline solution, macrolides, systemic and inhaled antibiotics, pancreatic enzymes, ursodeoxycholic acid, and fat-soluble vitamins. Results. Drug administration rates were as follows: bronchodilators, 65.9%; ICS, 21.7%; systemic steroids, 5.5%; macrolides, 32.4%; dornase-alfa, 92.8%; hypertonic saline solution, 45.9%; intravenous antibiotics, 62.3%; oral antibiotics, 73.3%; inhaled antibiotics, 41.3%; pancreatic enzymes, 93.3%; ursodeoxycholic acid, 91.4%; and fat-soluble vitamins, 88.3%. Conclusion. Compared to treatment of CF patients in the Western Europe, there is higher rate of administration of pancreatic enzymes, ursodeoxycholic acid, dornase alfa, hypertonic saline solution and intravenous antibiotics in Russia. Compared to treatment strategy in USA, there is higher rate of administration of pancreatic enzymes and lower rate of administration of bronchodilators, hypertonic saline solution and inhaled antibiotics in Russia. Муковисцидоз (МВ) – тяжелое мультисистемное заболевание, требующее комплексного медикаментозного и немедикаментозного лечения. Особенностям лекарственной терапии разнородных по числу и возрасту групп больных МВ, проживающих в разных регионах России, посвящено ограниченное число работ, однако общий анализ данных большой группы пациентов в рамках единого регистра ранее не проводился. Цель. Выявление особенностей медикаментозной терапии больных МВ в России по данным национального Регистра (2014). Материалы и методы. Использованы сведения о пациентах (n = 2 131; 2 092 живых и 39 умерших) из 74 регионов России, состоящих в национальном Регистре больных муковисцидозом (2014). Медиана возраста пациентов составила 10,2 (15,2) года, доля взрослых (не моложе 18 лет) – 29,2 %. Проанализирована частота назначения лекарственной терапии бронходилататорами, ингаляционными (иГКС) и системными (сГКС) глюкокортикостероидами (ГКС), дорназой альфа, гипертоническим раствором натрия хлорида, макролидами, системными и ингаляционными антибактериальными препаратами (АБП), панкреатическими ферментами, урсодезоксихолевой кислотой (УДХК), жирорастворимыми витаминами. Результаты. Частота применения медикаментозной терапии по России распределена следующим образом: бронходилататоры – 65,9 %; иГКС – 21,7 %; сГКС – 5,5 %; макролиды – 32,4 %; дорназа альфа – 92,8 %; гипертонический раствор натрия хлорида – 45,9 %; внутривенные АБП – 62,3 %; пероральные АБП – 73,3 %; ингаляционные АБП – 41,3 %; панкреатические ферменты – 93,3 %; УДХК – 91,4 %; жирорастворимые витамины – 88,3 %. Отмечено, что взрослым больным наиболее часто назначаются бронхолитические препараты, АБП и ГКС; реже применяются панкреатические ферменты и УДХК. Заключение. Среди особенностей терапии российских больных по сравнению со странами Западной Европы можно выделить высокую долю назначения панкреатических ферментов, УДХК, дорназы альфа, гипертонического раствора и внутривенных АБП. По сравнению с США чаще назначаются панкреатические ферменты, реже – бронходилататоры, гипертонический раствор натрия хлорида и ингаляционные АБП

    Power estimation of the full set of alternatives to Paret's subgraphs in a graph

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    In practice problems of creation of an optimum subgraph of a certain look in a given graph count often meet. As possible annexes problems of search of optimum structure of technological networks, design of architecture of computers, modeling of artificial intelligence and many others are used. More and more relevant are multicriteria options of the specified tasks. An essential limiting factor of improvement of methods of multicriteria optimization on graphs is the problem of their exponential computing complexity caused by big dimension of a task. A number of data demonstrates that the theoretical assessment of complexity constructed for methods of full search isn't true, and the drawn conclusions have no sufficient justification. Among effective decisions the so-called complete set of alternatives which power can be lower on orders, than the power of the Pareto set is of the greatest interest. Taking into account the listed facts in this work the result of researches consisting in creation of assessment from above for the power of a complete set of alternatives of a problem of stay is stated pareto-optimal subgraphs for a given graph


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    Summary. Optimal control of existing systems can be reduced to the problem of multi-criteria step by step choice of effective solutions in discrete systems. Their structure can be described as a directed graph with a given vector weights in its arches. The problem of choice can be reduced to the problem of search of optimal ways on the graph. Available methods of search are used only for linear systems whose structure is described by acyclic graphs. Nonlinear structures contain branches and/or return process streams. The methods of multi-criteria step by step choice are not applicable for them. To solve such problems we propose the model of decomposition of a graph that describes the structure of the system, into acyclic subgraphs and the synthesis model of effective integrated ways. The latter will be implemented by the consistent integration of their fragments i.e. effective ways found in acyclic subgraphs, and narrowing down through the choice function by taking into account the conditions of the system integrity. Further on, the article dwells upon a numerical realization of decomposition model and synthesis of integrated solutions. The proposed models were tested on the example of optimization of crystallization process in the sugar industry. The task was to select from a variety of possible control actions some set of alternatives, optimal in 3 additive performance criteria. At each stage of the process the appropriate control actions were selected and graph options of control actions with the given its arches quantitative estimates of the efficiency criteria was developed. As a result of application of the developed models numerous effective integrated ways, consisting of 38 options were received. Each such decision was corresponding to the option value of control impacts on the stages of the process