518 research outputs found

    Toward a Universal Model of Breaking Waves on Shallow Water

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchive

    Channeling of high energy beams in nanotubes

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    We present simulations of particle beam channeling in carbon nanotubes and evaluate the possibilities for experimental observation of channeling effect in straight and bent nanotubes at IHEP and LNF. Different particle species are considered: protons of 1.3 and 70 GeV, and positrons of 0.5 GeV. Predictions are made for the experiments, with analysis of requirements on the quality of nanosamples and resolution of the experimental set-up. Based on Monte Carlo simulations, the capabilities of nanotube channeling technique for particle beam steering are discussed

    Photoproduction of electron-positron pairs in bent single crystals

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    The process of photoproduction of electron-positron pairs in bent single crystals is considered in this paper. In particular, it is shown that the probability of the process for gamma-quanta with energies from 100 GeV on is significantly higher than the one in an amorphous medium. A possible scenario for the experimental validation of the process is discussed and the positive features of the photoproduction in bent crystals compared to straight ones are underlined from the point of view of possible applications.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    High-voltage pulse discharge as factor of the methanogenesis initiation

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    Results of scientific research on influence of the high-voltage pulse discharge on process of bioorganic waste methane sludge fermentation in agricultural production are given in the article. Powerful infra- and ultrasonic fluctuations leading to emergence of shock waves exert strong impact on processes: disinfecting, cleanings and deflocculation of bioorganic mix, as well as on activity of various physical and chemical changes of synthesis products. Selecting the modes of high-voltage pulse processing, it is possible to provide highly productive anaerobic bacteria. At the same time "artificial selection" as a result of which weak microorganisms perish is observed, and the strong group remains. Viable species of microorganisms, having received at the order nutrient medium, as a result of destruction and death of weak microorganisms, begin to breed quickly, increasing growth of a biofilm responsible for a biogas exit. For the analysis of experimental data on development of technological process for anaerobic sludge fermentation the method of trans-resonant functional topography which provided informational content of the active environment concerning ions and free radicals arising in the course of modifying the organic substratum was used.Keywords: biogas unit, anaerobic sludge fermentation, electro technology, methanogenesis,pulse discharge, bioorganic waste, water substratum, organic fertilizers, processing, ecology

    The lichens of Pukhtolova Gora (St. Petersburg, Russia)

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    The lichen diversity of the proposed protected area Pukhtolova Gora counts 252 species, including 232 lichenized, 12 lichenicolous, and 8 non-lichenized saprobic fungi. Micarea laeta, M. pusilla, and Pyrenidium actinellum s. lat. are new to North-Western European Russia; Parmelia serrana, Rhizocarpon cinereovirens, and Stereocaulon taeniarum are new to St. Petersburg. Altogether 13 species recorded in the study area are red-listed in St. Petersburg, with two of them known only from historical collections. Pukhtolova Gora is an area with a high conservation value; the lichen biota of this area is one of the richest within the city limits due to the well-preserved forest habitats