102 research outputs found

    Correction of Y-Branches on Proton-exchanged Waveguides in Lithium Niobate By Femtosecond Writing Technology

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    Correction Y-branches power dividers of the multi-function integrated optics chips on proton-exchanged waveguides in lithium niobate by the technology of direct femtosecond laser writing were investigated. Optimal correction parameters and their influence on temperature stability of Y-splitter are determined. Keywords: lithium niobate, Y-splitters, proton exchange, femtosecond writing, refractive index, integrated optics

    Определение отраслевых показателей финансового анализа предприятий (на примере отрасли по добыче сырой нефти и природного газа)

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    The aim of the study is the development of theoretical and methodological principles of the analysis of industry financial indicators. The relevance of the topic is confirmed on the one hand by the demand for industry indicators for all persons interested in financial and comparative analysis of enterprises, on the other hand by the complexity and lack of methods for deriving industry indicators of the financial analysis of enterprises.Materials and methods. The study used a system and comparative analysis, methods of economic and financial analysis of the financial statements of enterprises in the industry, and methods of statistical evaluation of the main parameters of the sample with a lognormal distribution. The main attention is paid to the use of multivariate statistical analysis, the use of the model of lognormal distributions recommended for distributions with pronounced right-hand asymmetry. As the statistical material, the accounting data of the enterprises of the industry for the extraction of crude oil and natural gas for 2016 were used. The sample size was 185 enterprises. In the course of the study, the authors solved the following tasks: proposed stages of analysis for determining industry financial indicators, tested the hypothesis of a lognormal distribution of marginal distributions of the main financial indicators of the sample, tested the hypothesis of a jointly normal distribution of a multi-factor random vector of financial indicators of the sample, obtained the most likely values of financial analysis indicators for the industry of crude oil and natural gas production.Results. The theoretical significance of the work is the algorithm proposed by the authors for calculating industry-specific indicators of financial analysis, characterized by obtaining modal values based on the analysis of the multidimensional logarithmically normal distribution of the vector of financial indicators of a sample of enterprises. In the course of the study, the authors obtained distributions for the main indicators with a pronounced right-hand asymmetry and tested the hypothesis of the lognormal distribution of marginal distributions. The paper presents an algorithm for testing the hypothesis of joint normality of a ninedimensional random vector. Median and modal values of industry and financial indicators were obtained. The authors analyzed the differences between the median and modal results of the study. For analysis, a three-dimensional random vector is considered, including revenue, return on equity and turnover of accounts receivable. The difference between median and modal results is explained by the right-hand asymmetry of the distribution. The recommendations, given by the authors for determining industry indicators of financial analysis of enterprises in the industry for the extraction of crude oil and natural gas are practical in nature and are applicable to all industries.Conclusion. In the work, it is shown that the orientation toward generally established recommended values of coverage indicators, financial leverage, immobilization, profitability and turnover seems incorrect due to the variety of specific features of enterprises in various industries. We recommend calculating the most likely industry coefficients by groups depending on the size of the enterprise (revenue or capitalization).Целью исследования является развитие теоретических и методологических положений анализа отраслевых финансовых показателей. Актуальность выбранной темы подтверждается с одной стороны востребованностью отраслевых показателей у всех лиц, заинтересованных в финансово-сравнительном анализе предприятий, с другой стороны трудоемкостью и отсутствием методики выведения отраслевых показателей финансового анализа предприятий.Материалы и методы: В исследовании использовались системный и сравнительный анализ, методы экономического и финансового анализа финансовой отчетности предприятий отрасли и методы статистической оценки основных параметров выборки с логнормальным распределением. Основное внимание уделено применению многомерного статистического анализа, использованию модели логарифмически нормальных распределений, рекомендованных для распределений с ярко выраженной правосторонней асимметрией. В качестве статистического материала были использованы бухгалтерские данные предприятий отрасли по добыче сырой нефти и природного газа за 2016 год. Объем выборки составил 185 предприятия. В ходе исследования авторами решены следующие задачи: предложены этапы анализа определения отраслевых финансовых показателей, выполнена проверка гипотезы о логнормальном распределении маргинальных распределений основных финансовых показателей выборки, реализована проверка гипотезы о совместно нормальном распределении многофакторного случайного вектора финансовых показателей выборки, получены наиболее вероятные значения показателей финансового анализа для отрасли по добыче сырой нефти и природного газа.Результаты: Теоретической значимостью работы является предложенный авторами алгоритм расчета отраслевых показателей финансового анализа, отличающийся получением модальных значений на основе анализа многомерного логарифмически нормального распределения вектора финансовых показателей выборки предприятий. В ходе исследования авторами получены распределения по основным показателям с ярко выраженной правосторонней асимметрией и проведена проверка гипотезы о логнормальном распределении маргинальных распределений. В работе приведен алгоритм проверки гипотезы о совместной нормальности девятимерного случайного вектора. Получены медианные и модальные значения отраслевых и финансовых показателей. Авторами проведен анализ различий между медианными и модальными результатами исследования. Для анализа рассмотрен трехмерный случайный вектор, включающий выручку, рентабельность собственного капитала и оборачиваемость дебиторской задолженности. Отличие медианных и модальных результатов объяснятся правосторонней асимметрией распределения. Данные авторами рекомендации для определения отраслевых показателей финансового анализа предприятий отрасли по добыче сырой нефти и природного газа носят практический характер и применимы для других отраслей.Заключение. В работе показано, что ориентация на общеустановленные рекомендуемые значения показателей покрытия, финансового рычага, иммобилизации, рентабельности и оборачиваемости представляется некорректной в силу разнообразия специфических особенностей деятельности предприятий различных отраслей. Рекомендуем рассчитывать наиболее вероятные отраслевые коэффициенты по группам в зависимости от масштаба предприятия (выручки или капитализации)

    A filosofia da linguagem de V. Voloshinov e o conceito de ideologia

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    Este trabalho trata da concepção de ideologia que atravessa e constitui a filosofia da linguagem de V. Voloshinov, um dos membros do Círculo de Bakhtin. Ele tem por objetivo lançar novas luzes sobre alguns pontos complexos e delicados da concepção global de ideologia sustentada por Voloshinov, acerca dos quais os estudiosos do grupo russo ainda não chegaram a uma definição ou a um consenso. A exposição se organiza em torno de três pontos: 1) a ideologia enquanto elemento estrutural da sociedade; 2) a ideologia enquanto campo dos signos; 3) a ideologia enquanto representações do real. A reflexão centra-se nas formulações nas quais Voloshinov avança com base naquilo que suas fontes teóricas já haviam proposto, principalmente no que tange à articulação da ideologia com a linguagem. Espera-se que o trabalho possa chamar a atenção para a importância de uma recuperação desse conceito e de sua articulação com outros formulados ao longo da trajetória teórica do Círculo de Bakhtin, como o de diálogo, com vistas a um enriquecimento cada vez maior dos trabalhos de análise do discurso de orientação bakhtiniana


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    Neural modeling often doesn't guarantee performance of the principle of a community – the neural model trained on one data set can be not adequate when giving on its entrance of data from other set. Therefore when using neural modeling procedure of testing of the received results by means of the method of ridge regression based on the theory of regularization incorrectly of objectives is necessary. The being of the offered method of adaptation of a neural network with fixing of shifts (ABNS) is as follows: 1. Instead of a two-layer neural network for adaptation the single-layer neural network more fully answering to use of a method of characteristic points as which the weighed sums of separate groups of signs get out is recommended. 2. For elimination of a problem of the ambiguity caused by a traditional choice of casual entry conditions, initial values of scales and shifts of neurons get out equal to zero. 3. For methodological unity of the solution of a straight line and the return problem of examination, on weight and shift of a neural network the following restrictions are programmatically imposed: the weight [0, 1], and shifts forcibly rely equal to zero by an adaptation speed parameter choice. 4. Results of neural modeling can often be doubtful owing to violation of the principle of a community and check of its observance requires obligatory testing of the received results, for example, by means of a method of ridge regression. As appears from the presented results, in all cases it is necessary to use the offered methods of consecutive and group adaptation with fixing of shifts of neurons, as thus there is a possibility of restoration of initial regression model. When fixing zero shifts of neurons their found weight gain values from the range [0, 1] that provides methodological unity of the solution of a straight line and return problem of examination


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    The paper presents the results on numerical modelling of the quality of opto-electronic detectors. In order to demonstrate a successful application of the proposed method of the object base extension, we use examples of hierarchy analysis of generalized quality index and integrated quality-price index. The proposed methodology allows reliable analysis the number of objects up to 21-24, that is enough for the most practical cases of examinationВ работе представлены результаты численного моделирования качества оптико-электронных извещателей. Продемонстрирована успешность применения предложенного метода расширения объектовой базы на примерах анализа иерархий обобщенного показателя качества и комплексного показателя качество-цена. Предложенная методика позволит проводить достоверный анализ до количества объектов 21-24, что покрывает потребности большинства практических случаев экспертиз

    Comparison of estimates of a financial condition of the enterprises by methods of Biver’s indicators and scoring analysis

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    Among foreign methods of assessment of degree of proximity to bankruptcy the method of system of Biver indicators and the scoring analysis are the most popular. The financial coefficients counted for the concrete enterprise often contradict each other or don't satisfy to normal restrictions what results in ambiguity of assessment of a financial state. For elimination of this ambiguity the generalized indicator of a financial state as rating number which variable (signs) are normalized by division into the corresponding borders of normal restrictions for each financial coefficient is entered. The scoring analysis defines a technique of formation of the mentioned rating number, but the standard Biver’s method estimates only separate financial coefficients. Therefore in work the method of calculation of rating number for this method with determination of weight coefficients by a modern method of the analysis of hierarchies is offered. For the presented these balances of 10 concrete enterprises the generalized indicators of a financial state are calculated, schedules are constructed and the most unsuccessful enterprises are defined. Further very important problem about communication of the estimates received by the Biver’s method with results of assessment of a financial state on a method of the scoring analysis is solved. Comparison of the corresponding schedules shows high-quality coincidence, and for quantitative confirmation of communication the correlation analysis is used. The coefficient of correlation of Pearson for the considered enterprises is equal 0,827, and the coefficient of rank correlation of Spirmen used for check of orderliness of numerical estimates is equal 0,818 that demonstrates close correlation connection of the results received by method of the generalized indicator of the Biver’s system and method of the scoring analysis