50 research outputs found

    Ihmisen T-soluleukemiavirus tyyppi 1 ja aikuisen T-soluleukemia/lymfooma

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    TiivistelmÀ. Tutkielma kÀsittelee ihmisen T-soluleukemiaviruksen tyyppiÀ 1 (HTLV-1) ja sen infektiosta aiheutuvaa syöpÀÀ, aikuisen T-soluleukemiaa/lymfoomaa (ATL). Tutkielma esittelee HTLV-1-viruksen esiintyvyyttÀ, koodaamia proteiineja, leviÀmistÀ, sekÀ invaasiota soluun ja solussa tapahtuvaa patogeneesia. ATL esitellÀÀn sen taudinkuvan puolesta, sekÀ kertomalla miten diagnostiikka ja oireet eroavat taudin eri alatyyppien kesken. Taudin syntyÀ ja etenemistÀ kÀsitellÀÀn molekulaarisella tasolla immunohistologian, geneettisten ja epigeneettisten muutosten luvuissa. Lopuksi kerrotaan ATL:n erilaisista hoitokeinoista

    Obstructive Jaundice in Polycystic Liver Disease Related to Coexisting Cholangiocarcinoma

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    Although jaundice rarely complicates polycystic liver disease (PLD), secondary benign or malignant causes cannot be excluded. In a 72-year-old female who presented with increased abdominal girth, dyspnea, weight loss and jaundice, ultrasound and computed tomography confirmed the diagnosis of PLD by demonstrating large liver cysts causing extrahepatic bile duct compression. Percutaneous cyst aspiration failed to relief jaundice due to distal bile duct cholangiocarcinoma, suspected by magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and confirmed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Coexistence of PLD with distal common bile duct cholangiocarcinoma has not been reported so far

    Aspiration–sclerotherapy Results in Effective Control of Liver Volume in Patients with Liver Cysts

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    Purpose To study the extent to which aspiration–sclerotherapy reduces liver volume and whether this therapy results in relief of symptoms. Results Four patients, group I, with isolated large liver cysts, and 11 patients, group II, with polycystic livers, underwent aspiration–sclerotherapy. Average volume of aspirated cyst fluid was 1,044 ml (range 225–2,000 ml) in group I and 1,326 ml (range 40–4,200 ml) in group II. Mean liver volume before the procedure was 2,157 ml (range 1,706–2,841 ml) in group I and 4,086 ml (range 1,553–7,085 ml) in group II. This decreased after the procedure to 1,757 ml (range 1,479–2,187 ml) in group I. In group II there was a statistically significant decrease to 3,347 ml (range 1,249–6,930 ml, P = 0.008). Volume reduction was 17.1% (range −34.7% to −4.1%) and 19.2% (range −53.9% to +2.4%) in groups I and II, respectively. Clinical severity of all symptoms decreased, except for involuntary weight loss and pain in group II. Conclusion Aspiration–sclerotherapy is an effective means of achieving liver volume reduction and relief of symptoms

    English as a global language in the Finnish National Core Curriculum (2014):teachers’ perspective to the implementation of the Curriculum’s objectives and contents

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    This thesis promotes the role of English as a global language and examines how it is taken into consideration in the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL) in Finland. Languages are learned to be used. Therefore, the language user’s needs are the starting point of language learning. For this reason, the usability should become before language form. In addition to this, the Finnish National Core Curriculum 2014 for basic education emphasises cultural diversity and the role of English as a language of global communication, and it recognises the global position and varieties of the English language. Therefore, EFL teaching must take these aspects into consideration in Finnish EFL classrooms. Thus, theoretically this thesis builds on the examination of the Core Curriculum, the phenomenon of English as a global language, and post-method pedagogy. Post-method pedagogy can be seen useful in the implementation of the objectives and contents of the Core Curriculum, which relate to the status of English as a global language. Empirically, the research in this thesis builds on the observations collected with an online questionnaire directed at Finnish EFL teachers. The purpose of the questionnaire is to answer the following research questions: How do the EFL teachers implement the objectives and contents of the Core Curriculum as they concern English as a Lingua Franca? What affects the implementation? How important are the objectives and contents from the teachers’ point of view? The teachers’ responses are analysed with a qualitative data-based content analysis. The purpose of the analysis is to categorise the responses in order to find consensus and further to make conclusions. The main findings of the thesis are as follows: The global aspect of English is important to take into consideration in EFL teaching because it promotes diversity and equality among English users and is emphasised in the National Core Curriculum 2014, which is the basis of Finnish basic education. Finnish EFL teachers are generally aware of the phenomena of global English and understand the terminology connected to it. However, in practice their view on English is rather Anglo- and Americentric. When it comes to the above-mentioned objectives and contents of the Core Curriculum, the teachers find them important but often, due to lack of time, they must prioritise and omit them in teaching. For the same reason, they also rely much on teaching materials in the implementation of the objectives. Finally, the main conclusion is that due to the lack of resources — largely time constraints — the objectives and contents of the National Core Curriculum, which relate to the status of English as a global language, are not thoroughly implemented in Finnish EFL classrooms.TĂ€mĂ€ pro gradu esittelee Englannin asemaa globaalina kielenĂ€ ja sitĂ€, kuinka se otetaan huomioon englannin opetuksessa Suomessa. KieliĂ€ opetellaan, jotta niitĂ€ voisi kĂ€yttÀÀ ja tĂ€stĂ€ johtuen kielenkĂ€yttĂ€jĂ€n tarpeet ovat kielenopiskelun lĂ€htökohta. TĂ€mĂ€n takia myös kĂ€ytettĂ€vyyden tulisi olla kielen muotoa tĂ€rkeĂ€mpÀÀ. Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa 2014 korostuvat kulttuurinen monimuotoisuus ja englannin rooli maailman laajuisen viestinnĂ€n kielenĂ€ ja siinĂ€ tunnistetaan englannin maailman laajuinen asema ja erilaiset variantit. NĂ€mĂ€ asiat tĂ€ytyy siis ottaa myös englannin opetuksessa huomioon. TĂ€mĂ€n pro gradun teoreettinen tausta kĂ€sittelee tĂ€ten opetussuunnitelmaa 2014, englannin asemaa globaalina kielenĂ€ ja lisĂ€ksi postmetodia pedagogiikkaa, jonka voi nĂ€hdĂ€ hyödyllisenĂ€ vĂ€lineenĂ€ opetussuunnitelman globaalia englantia koskevien tavoitteiden ja sisĂ€ltöjen toteuttamisessa. Pro gradun tutkimusosio on toteutettu sĂ€hköisen kyselylomakkeen avulla. Kyselylomakkeeseen vastasi suomalaisia englannin opettajia. Kyselylomakkeen tarkoitus on vastata tutkimuskysymyksiin, joita ovat miten englannin opettajat toteuttavat edellĂ€ mainittuja opetussuunnitelman tavoitteita ja sisĂ€ltöjĂ€, mikĂ€ vaikuttaa niiden toteuttamiseen ja kuinka tĂ€rkeinĂ€ opettajat pitĂ€vĂ€t niitĂ€? Vastaukset analysoidaan laadullisella aineistolĂ€htöisellĂ€ sisĂ€llönanalyysillĂ€. Analyysin tarkoitus on luokitella vastaukset, jotta niistĂ€ löydetÀÀn yhtenevĂ€isyyksiĂ€, joiden perusteella voi tehdĂ€ johtopÀÀtöksiĂ€. Tutkimuksen keskeiset tulokset ovat: on tĂ€rkeÀÀ ottaa englannin globaali asema huomioon englannin opetuksessa koska se edistÀÀ monimuotoisuutta ja tasa-arvoa ja koska se korostuu myös opetussuunnitelmassa, joka on suomalaisen perusopetuksen lĂ€htökohta. LisĂ€ksi, suomalaiset englannin opettajat ovat yleisellĂ€ tasolla tietoisia englannin globaalista asemasta ja he ymmĂ€rtĂ€vĂ€t siihen liittyvĂ€ terminologiaa mutta kĂ€ytĂ€nnössĂ€ heidĂ€n nĂ€kökulmansa on melko anglo- ja Pohjois-Amerikka keskinen. EdellĂ€ mainittuja opetussuunnitelman tavoitteita ja sisĂ€ltöjĂ€ opettajat pitĂ€vĂ€t tĂ€rkeinĂ€, mutta ajanpuutteesta johtuen he joutuvat usein priorisoimaan opetuksen sisĂ€ltöjĂ€ ja jĂ€ttĂ€mÀÀn ne pois opetuksesta. Ajan puutteen takia opettajat myös tukeutuvat paljon valmiisiin oppimateriaaleihin tavoitteita ja sisĂ€ltöjĂ€ toteuttaessaan. Lopulta keskeisin tulos ja johtopÀÀtös on, ettĂ€ resurssien, joista suurimpana aika, puutteesta johtuen opetussuunnitelman globaalia englantia koskevia tavoitteita ja sisĂ€ltöjĂ€ ei toteuteta kattavasti suomalaisessa englannin opetuksessa

    Communicative language teaching as English pronunciation teaching method:developing exercises

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    This thesis pursues to apply communicative language teaching (CLT) into English pronunciation teaching in the context of Finnish school and curriculum for grades 7.-9. CLT is the theoretical basis of this thesis and the research question is: How can CLT be applied to English pronunciation teaching to promote learner autonomy and motivation in order to achieve more effective learning results? This question is answered in the form of communicative pronunciation tasks (CPTs) which aim to realise the principles of the theory of CLT. Research methods used in this thesis are ethnographical observations and experience, and ideation based on the theory of CLT. The analysis resulted in three communicative pronunciation tasks which each include communicative features. However, each of the tasks also face challenges in realising the principles of CLT and are therefore examples on how to begin developing new language tasks, rather than finished model examples of communicative pronunciation tasks. Further research should be conducted in order to prove the functionality of the CPTs presented in this thesis, and to develop them further