2,188 research outputs found

    Quantum and Classical Aspects of Deformed c=1c=1 Strings.

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    The quantum and classical aspects of a deformed c=1c=1 matrix model proposed by Jevicki and Yoneya are studied. String equations are formulated in the framework of Toda lattice hierarchy. The Whittaker functions now play the role of generalized Airy functions in c<1c<1 strings. This matrix model has two distinct parameters. Identification of the string coupling constant is thereby not unique, and leads to several different perturbative interpretations of this model as a string theory. Two such possible interpretations are examined. In both cases, the classical limit of the string equations, which turns out to give a formal solution of Polchinski's scattering equations, shows that the classical scattering amplitudes of massless tachyons are insensitive to deformations of the parameters in the matrix model.Comment: 52 pages, Latex

    Kernel Formula Approach to the Universal Whitham Hierarchy

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    We derive the dispersionless Hirota equations of the universal Whitham hierarchy from the kernel formula approach proposed by Carroll and Kodama. Besides, we also verify the associativity equations in this hierarchy from the dispersionless Hirota equations and give a realization of the associative algebra with structure constants expressed in terms of the residue formulas.Comment: 18 page

    Toda Lattice Hierarchy and Generalized String Equations

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    String equations of the pp-th generalized Kontsevich model and the compactified c=1c = 1 string theory are re-examined in the language of the Toda lattice hierarchy. As opposed to a hypothesis postulated in the literature, the generalized Kontsevich model at p=1p = -1 does not coincide with the c=1c = 1 string theory at self-dual radius. A broader family of solutions of the Toda lattice hierarchy including these models are constructed, and shown to satisfy generalized string equations. The status of a variety of c1c \le 1 string models is discussed in this new framework.Comment: 35pages, LaTeX Errors are corrected in Eqs. (2.21), (2.36), (2.33), (3.3), (5.10), (6.1), sentences after (3.19) and theorem 5. A few references are update

    Dispersionless scalar integrable hierarchies, Whitham hierarchy and the quasi-classical dbar-dressing method

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    The quasi-classical limit of the scalar nonlocal dbar-problem is derived and a quasi-classical version of the dbar-dressing method is presented. Dispersionless KP, mKP and 2DTL hierarchies are discussed as illustrative examples. It is shown that the universal Whitham hierarchy it is nothing but the ring of symmetries for the quasi-classical dbar-problem. The reduction problem is discussed and, in particular, the d2DTL equation of B type is derived.Comment: LaTex file,19 page

    Unknotting numbers and triple point cancelling numbers of torus-covering knots

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    It is known that any surface knot can be transformed to an unknotted surface knot or a surface knot which has a diagram with no triple points by a finite number of 1-handle additions. The minimum number of such 1-handles is called the unknotting number or the triple point cancelling number, respectively. In this paper, we give upper bounds and lower bounds of unknotting numbers and triple point cancelling numbers of torus-covering knots, which are surface knots in the form of coverings over the standard torus TT. Upper bounds are given by using mm-charts on TT presenting torus-covering knots, and lower bounds are given by using quandle colorings and quandle cocycle invariants.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures, added Corollary 1.7, to appear in J. Knot Theory Ramification

    Critical Point of a Symmetric Vertex Model

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    We study a symmetric vertex model, that allows 10 vertex configurations, by use of the corner transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG), a variant of DMRG. The model has a critical point that belongs to the Ising universality class.Comment: 2 pages, 6 figures, short not

    On a class of multidimensional integrable hierarchies and their reductions

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    A class of multidimensional integrable hierarchies connected with commutation of general (unreduced) (N+1)-dimensional vector fields containing derivative over spectral variable is considered. They are represented in the form of generating equation, as well as in the Lax-Sato form. A dressing scheme based on nonlinear vector Riemann problem is presented for this class. The hierarchies connected with Manakov-Santini equation and Dunajski system are considered as illustrative examples.Comment: Talk at NLP5 conference, Gallipoli. 8 pages. Formulae for the second flows of Dunajski equation hierarchy corrected (page 6