42 research outputs found

    A Human Factors Analysis of Work in Food Pantries: A Case Study of Two Local Pantries

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    A Human Factors Analysis of Work in Food Pantries: A Case Study of Two Local Pantries Nicholas A. Higgins, B.S., Danielle S. Vanderhill, Keshia D. Pierre, Jeremy DaCruz, Nicholas W. Fraulini & Andrew B. Talone University of Central Florida ABSTRACT The goal of the present study was to investigate the work environment and main work processes in two small food pantries from a human factors perspective. Current research on enhancing food pantries in general is very limited, especially with a focus on human factors improvements. This study specifically aimed to understand and evaluate food pantry design (i.e., the environment and workflow), potential physical demands on worker performance (e.g., heavy lifting), and cognitive components of human-machine interaction for main tasks (e.g., perceptual-motor skills, disuse or misuse of the equipment, mental workload, decision-making, and error-recovery strategies). Findings were then used to identify improvements for current procedures and optimize the work environment and worker performance (i.e., increased comfort and efficiency) for both pantries through the application of human factors principles. The study was conducted over the course of six months. Across both locations, 37 workers were observed in total (16 volunteers and 1 supervisor, 18 student volunteers and 2 supervisors; respectively). Two investigators for each location observed daily tasks and procedures within the pantry and conducted interviews with the pantry supervisors using techniques of ethnography (c.f., Wimmer & Dominick, 2006) and task analysis (c.f., Mayhew, 1999). Interviews addressed which tasks were the most or least common, the easiest or most difficult to perform, any issues workers had in general or specifically with the equipment, and clarification of observation notes. Then a more in-depth analysis was conducted on what were determined to be the main tasks for each pantry (i.e., obtaining pantry items, organizing pantry items, distributing pantry items to clients). Suggestions for enhancing the human-machine interaction (e.g., enhancing the interface used for inputting volunteer and food information) and work environment (e.g., reducing clutter) are provided. It should be noted that sustainable improvement may be difficult to implement in small food pantries given the often transitional nature of the workers. Additional investigations should be implemented to further support small non-profit organizations such as these where there is a great need. Contact Information Nicholas A. Higgins 3609 Stonefield Drive Orlando, FL, 32826 Phone: 850-524-1875 Email: [email protected] University Affiliation: University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Danielle S. Vanderhill Department of Psychology 4000 Central Florida Blvd Orlando, FL, 32816 Phone: 407-371-7077 Email: [email protected] University Affiliation: University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Keshia D. Pierre Department of Psychology 4000 Central Florida Blvd Orlando, FL, 32816 Phone: 407-361-8035 Email: [email protected] University Affiliation: University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Jeremy DaCruz Department of Psychology 4000 Central Florida Blvd Orlando, FL, 32816 Phone: 434-213-0345 Email: [email protected] University Affiliation: University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Nicholas W. Fraulini Department of Psychology 4000 Central Florida Blvd Orlando, FL, 32816 Phone: 617-968-0496 Email: [email protected] University Affiliation: University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL Andrew B. Talone Department of Psychology 4000 Central Florida Blvd Orlando, FL, 32816 Phone: 407-362-8492 Email: [email protected] University Affiliation: University of Central Florida, Orlando, F

    QUIN 2.0 - new release of the QUaternary fault strain INdicators database from the Southern Apennines of Italy

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    QUIN database integrates and organizes structural-geological information from published and unpublished sources to constrain deformation in seismotectonic studies. The initial release, QUIN1.0, comprised 3,339 Fault Striation Pairs, mapped on 445 sites exposed along the Quaternary faults of central Italy. The present Data Descriptor introduces the QUIN 2.0 release, which includes 4,297 Fault Striation Pairs on 738 Structural Sites from southern Italy. The newly investigated faults span ~500 km along the Apennines chain, with strikes transitioning from ~SE to ~SW and comprehensively details Fault Striation Pairs’ location, attitude, kinematics, and deformation axes. Additionally, it offers a shapefile of the fault traces hosting the data. The QUIN 2.0 release offers a significant geographic extension to the QUIN 1.0, with comprehensive description of local geometric-kinematic complexities of the regional pattern. The QUIN data may be especially relevant for constraining intra-Apennine potential seismogenic deformation patterns, where earthquake data only offer scattered or incomplete information. QUIN’s data will support studies aimed at enhancing geological understanding, hazard assessment and comprehension of fault rupture propagation and barriers

    ”Use of aids in treatment of neuropsychomotor diseases during childhood”

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    Three-dimensional-DCT pipe coding

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    The paper reports on a video sequence coding method taking advantage of the generic video- communication layout: some moving objects on a still background. The algorithm operates on groups of frames in which the whole digital video sequence is divided, that implies the synchronization requirements' satisfaction and an acceptable level of compatibility with standard video coding (H.261, MPEG, etc.). An analysis of the spatial-temporal continuum, represented by each group of frames, is performed, in order to detect a tridimensional segmentation that identifies the moving objects by means of spatial regions. These regions can spread, as a sort of `pipes,' through the whole group of frames in the temporal direction. Various pipes' construction and coding strategies, including techniques based on object recognition and coding, are allowed. In this work a pipes' identification method based on fixed size moving blocks and their coding by means of a 3D-DCT transform is reported. The above method allows adjacent starting pipes to part themselves, leaving uncoded stripes at their boundaries. The proposed method does not imply the stripes coding, while it minimizes their number and the amount of the artifacts generated by their presentation. As a final topic, the paper reports some considerations on the coding efficiency related to the quality of the reconstructed sequences and on the compatibility characteristics

    Legislazione e programmi di controllo nella tubercolosi bovina

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    Nel contributo \ue8 individuata ed esaminata la legislazione nazionale e dell'UE sulla tubercolosi bovina. In aprticolare sono trattati gli aspetti legati a:le metodiche di diagnosi ufficiale di tbc, la definizione di animale infetto e sospetto d'infezione, i provvedimenti per gli animali sospetti ed infetti conseguenti alla denuncia di focolaio, le modalit\ue0 e tempi per il ripopolamento dell'allevamento, la definizione di allevamento ufficialmente indenne da tbc, la sospensione e la revoca della qualifica di allevamento ufficialmente indenne da tbc, le disposizioni particolari, i laboratori ufficiali di riferimento, la sistuazione epidemiologica ed i territiori italiani indenni, l'indenniot\ue0 di abbattimento, le norme sulla movimentazione di animali tra paesi UE e per l'importazione da paesi terzi, gli aspetti di sicurezza alimentare

    Legislazione e programmi di controllo nella tubercolosi bovina

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    Nel contributo \ue8 individuata ed esaminata la legislazione nazionale e dell'UE sulla tubercolosi bovina. In aprticolare sono trattati gli aspetti legati a:le metodiche di diagnosi ufficiale di tbc, la definizione di animale infetto e sospetto d'infezione, i provvedimenti per gli animali sospetti ed infetti conseguenti alla denuncia di focolaio, le modalit\ue0 e tempi per il ripopolamento dell'allevamento, la definizione di allevamento ufficialmente indenne da tbc, la sospensione e la revoca della qualifica di allevamento ufficialmente indenne da tbc, le disposizioni particolari, i laboratori ufficiali di riferimento, la sistuazione epidemiologica ed i territiori italiani indenni, l'indenniot\ue0 di abbattimento, le norme sulla movimentazione di animali tra paesi UE e per l'importazione da paesi terzi, gli aspetti di sicurezza alimentare

    Approfondimenti diagnostici in 33 cani boxer adulti apparentemente privi di alterazioni cardiache

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    A thorough cardiac investigation was carried out in 33 adult boxer dogs without overt cardiovascular disorders. After physical examination, routine 10-lead and 24 h-ambulatory electrocardiographic examination, survey thoracic radiography with calculation of the vertebral heart score (VHS), and echocardiographic (2-dimensional real time, M-mode and Doppler) examination were performed. Only 14/33 boxers (42,4%) were considered free of any cardiovascular disease. Different cardiovascular disorders, including atrial septal defect, quadricuspid aorta, mild subaortic or pulmonic stenosis, persistent left cranial vena cava, mild mitral and/or tricuspid regurgitation and heart base tumour were diagnosed in the remaining 19 dogs. The VHS (mean ± SD) in the 14 boxers free of cardiovascular disorders was 11,0 ± 0,4