6,064 research outputs found
Kajian Fasilitas Pembatas Kecepatan pada Komplek Perumahan di Kota Pontianak
Alat pengendali kecepatan atau yang lebih dikenal dengan polisi tidur merupakan salah satu alat rekayasa lalu lintas yang berfungsi untuk mengendalikan kecepatan kendaraan yang melintas di suatu ruas jalan, terutama di kawasan Perumahan guna melindungi pejalan kaki, pengendara sepeda, anak – anak maupun lanjut usia.Akan tetapi banyak sekali variasi bentuk yang dibuat oleh masyarakat sehingga menyebabkan alat pengendali kecepatan ini tidak nyaman untuk dilewati oleh pengendara kendaraan. Selain itu, pemasangan alat pengendali kecepatan ini tidak disertakan dengan pemasangan tanda dan rambu sehingga menyebabkan efek kejut pada pengendara. Pada Penelitian ini dilakukan analisis tentang tinggi, sudut kemiringan Speed Bumps, Kenyamanan pengendara kendaraan dan pengamatan pemasangan tanda dan rambu sebagai perlengkapan Speed Bumps pada setiap kompleks yang menjadi lokasi penelitian. Metode Penilitian ini menggunakan metode survei untuk mengambil sampel bentuk Speed Bumps, sebaran kecepatan kendaraan pada kompleks Perumahan yang dipasang Speed Bumps, dan penurunan kecepatan kendaraan saat melewati Speed Bumps setiap kecamatan yang ada di Kotamadya Pontianak Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan variasi tinggi Speed Bumps tertinggi pada lokasi penelitian adalah 13 cm, sedangkan variasi tinggi Speed Bumps terendah adalah 3 cm dengan berbagai variasi kemiringan ≥ 15% dengan bentuk sinusoidal. Kenyamanan berkendara bagi para pengendara tidak begitu menyenangkan, karena berkisar antara 2 – 5 km/jam. Hal ini menunjukkan hasil yang tidak ideal dan dipersulit dengan tidak adanya pemasangan rambu dan markah. Dinyatakan pemasangan Speed Bumps tersebut ideal dan baik apabila memiliki tinggi ≤12 cm dan sudut kemiringan ≤ 15 % serta dilengkapi dengan pemasangan rambu dan tanda sebagai peringatan bagi pengendara kendaraan
Study on Changes of Sperm Head Morphometry and Dna Integrity of Freeze-dried Bovine Spermatozoa
Changes of sperm heads morphometric and DNA integrity of freeze-dried bovine spermatozoa were investigated. Freeze-dried spermatozoa had stored in the refrigerator at 4°C for 2 years. Computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) was used in this study to identify sperm head morphometry, while for DNA integrity analysis using acridine orange staining. Samples were smeared on glass slides, fixed for 2 h in acetic alcohol and stained with acridine orange solution. After staining, each slide was examined at x400 magnification in a fluorescence microscope with axio vision (Zeiss Company, Germany). Proportion of fluorescence red and green emissions of the sperm head were examined and scored. These results indicated that sperm head had enlarged significantly (P<0.05) after freeze-drying process. However, freeze-dried sperm heads morphometry significantly (P<0.05) decrease after incubation for 3 and 6 hours. Changes of DNA integrity of freeze-dried spermatozoa significantly (P<0.05) decrease after incubation for 6 hours. In the present study concluded that (1) freeze-drying spermatozoa caused sperm head morphometric enlarged, whereas incubation time caused sperm heads decreased, (2) DNA integrity of freeze-dried sperm head is still intact during incubation 3 hours, and decreased DNA integrity occur in incubation for 6 hours
Frekuensi Gangguan Terhadap Kinerja Sistem Proteksi Di Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara
— PT PLN (Persero) P3B JB APP Semarang, Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara merupakan pusat pengatur kebutuhan beban tenaga listrik dan berfungsi sebagai pusat pengamanan peralatan-peralatan sistem tenaga listrik dan sebagai pusat proses penormalan terhadap gangguan-gangguan yang ada di wilayah Jepara. Sistem penyaluran tenaga listrik tersebut tidak menutup kemungkinan terjadi gangguan, terutama gangguan yang disebabkan oleh alam. Adanya gangguan yang tidak dapat diprediksi maka diperlukan suatu peralatan pengaman (sistem proteksi) yang tepat dan dapat diandalkan agar mampu meningkatkan penyaluran tenaga listrik ke beban (konsumen). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kuantitas gangguan dan keandalan sistem proteksi area trafo tenaga di Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara dari tahun 2007 sampai 2012. Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah dapat memberikan informasi ilmiah sebagai bahan pertimbangan untuk menyikapi kuantitas gangguan dan kinerja sistem proteksi area trafo tenaga di Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penilitian deskriptif kualitatif yang sifatnya eksploratif untuk mengetahui pengaruh gangguan terhadap kinerja sistem proteksi area trafo tenaga di Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara dari tahun 2007 sampai 2012. Hasil penelitian diketahui, pesentase gangguan yang mempengaruhi sistem proteksi area trafo tenaga 1 di Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara adalah gangguan nonteknis sebesar 50% dan gangguan yang tidak diketahui penyebabnya sebesar 50%. Sistem proteksi area trafo tenaga 1 di Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara memiliki persentase keandalan rele sebesar 91,67%. Pesentase gangguan yang mempengaruhi sistem proteksi area trafo tenaga 2 di Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara adalah gangguan teknis sebesar 50% dan gangguan yang tidak diketahui penyebabnya sebesar 50%. Sistem proteksi area trafo tenaga 2 di Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara memiliki persentase keandalan rele sebesar 91,67%. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, gangguan yang sering mempengaruhi sistem proteksi area trafo tenaga di Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara dari tahun 2007 sampai 2012 adalah gangguan nonteknis dan gangguan yang tidak diketahui penyebabnya, yang mengakibatkan Short Circuit Feeder (SCF) pada Saluran Kabel Tegangan Menengah (SKTM) tertimpa pohon. Sistem proteksi area trafo tenaga di Gardu Induk 150 KV Jepara dari tahun 2007 sampai 2012 memiliki keandalan dengan predikat cukup baik dalam mengatasi kuantitas gangguan.Keywords— Gangguan Gardu Induk, sistem proteksi Gardu Induk, PL
Peranan Orang Tua dalam Mendidik Anak di Rumah Desa Pulau Lawas Kecamatan Bangkinang Kabupaten Kampar
This research is based on the less notice of the parents to children around age 6-12 years old in Lawas Island Village, Bangkinang subdistrict, Kampar regency. The aim of this research is about how is the parents role in educating their children at Lawas island, bangkinang subdistrict , Kampar regency. The purpose of this research is to determine the role of parents in educating their children at lawas, bangkinang subdistrict , Kampar regency.The population of this research are 143 participants an the sample of this research are 30 participants which is took by random sampling technique. The data collection instrument is by questionaire around 90 statements and after the trial there are 80 statements left that can be used for research instruments. The analysis data is quantitative descriptive . the result of this research is the role of parentsin educating their children at lawas island, bankinang subdistrict , kampar regency by recapitulation of presentation value, the result is high level by (SS-S) 82,9 % and (KD)11,1 % and (SR+P) 5 % with mean value 4.0 in high level
X-ray Synthesis Based on Triangular Mesh Models Using GPU-Accelerated Ray Tracing for Multi-modal Breast Image Registration
For image registration of breast MRI and X-ray mammography we apply detailed biomechanical models. Synthesizing X-ray mammograms from these models is an important processing step for optimizing registration parameters and deriving images for multi-modal diagnosis. A fast computation time for creating synthetic images is essential to enable a clinically relevant application. In this paper we present a method to create synthetic X-ray attenuation images with an hardware-optimized ray tracing algorithm on recent graphics processing units’ (GPU) ray tracing (RT) cores. The ray tracing algorithm is able to calculate the attenuation of the X-rays by tracing through a triangular polygon-mesh. We use the Vulkan API, which enables access to RT cores. One frame for a triangle mesh with over 5 million triangles in the mesh and a detector resolution of 1080×1080 can be calculated and transferred to and from the GPU in about 0.76 s on NVidia RTX 2070 Super GPU. Calculation duration of an interactive application without the transfer overhead allows real time application with more than 30 frames per second (fps) even for very large polygon models. The presented method is able to calculate synthetic X-ray images in a short time and has the potential for real-time applications. Also it is the very first implementation using RT cores for this purpose. The toolbox will be available as an open source
Komunikasi Antarpribadi Mahasiswa di Pondokan X Rt1/rw3 Kelurahan Simpang Baru Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru
Based on the result observation on 7 June 2014 at Pondokan X RT1/RW3 the village Simpang Baru subdistrict Tampan city of Pekanbaru, there are: (1) some occupants unfriendly, (2) founded some of groups among occupants. The aim of this research is to know the interpersonal communication colleger at Pondokan X RT1/RW3 the village Simpang Baru subdistrict Tampan city of Pekanbaru, kind of the communication are: (i) communication among two persons or more, (ii) informal situation, (ii) kind of focuse interaction, (iv) exchange of verbal and non verbal signal, (v) feed back. The focuse of this research are include of some aspects, there are place, actor, and the activity that was done by the occupants of Pondokan X RT1/RW3 the village Simpang Baru subdistrict Tampan city of Pekanbaru. This research used qualitative from fenomenology, fenomenology is let something become real as look live a real. The research get an information from the owner, of Pondokan X as key informant, and the visitor as control informant. The research get the data by using observation method, interview, and documentation. Accumulation and analysis the are: (1) domain analysis, (2) taksonomy analysis, (3) componential analysis, (4) culture analysis
The Impact of Special Autonomy on the Convergence of Regional Economic Growth in Aceh, Indonesia
This study aims to assess the impact of special autonomy on the convergence of regional economic growth in Aceh, as well as factors that affect the convergence of economic growth before and after the enactment of special autonomy in Aceh. The independent variable in this study is the initial GDP per capita, working population, poor people, school duration, life expectancy, gross fixed capital formation, local revenue, equalization fund, and total receipts. The dependent variable is economic growth. The data used is secondary data in the form of panel data of the 23 districts / cities in Aceh from 1991 to 2012. The model used is panel data regression model which are grouped into two part of analysis which is before special autonomy (1991-2001) and after special autonomy (2002-2012). The estimation results indicate that there is sigma convergence of Aceh\u27s regional economic growth which is shown by the decreasing value of standard deviation from 0.7698 before special autonomy to 0.5411 after special autonomy. In absolute terms, it is also ensued that there is a significant convergence of regional economic growth in Aceh in which the value of half-life of convergence to non-oil is about 27 years. While the speed of convergence after the special autonomy is increased. Conditionally, the exogenous variables that have a significant effect was only local revenues and school duration. Entire period takes 30 years half-life convergence with the speed of convergence on average 2.30 percent per year towards a steady state. The development program in the future should be oriented in creating many more employment opportunities, reducing poverty significantly, the enhancement of life expectancy, increasing people\u27s education to a higher level, as well as reducing the development gap in each district in Aceh
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