65 research outputs found

    Interpretation of Airborne Magnetic Data of Upper Benue Trough, Northeastern Nigeria

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    Compilation of the airborne magnetic data was conducted by digitizing along the flight line, picking the contour values across each flight line over the upper Benue Trough, Northeastern Basement complex Nigeria. It shows complicated arrangement of long wavelength anomalies, with significant magnetic low. The study of airborne magnetic data revealed some features that are interpreted in terms of deep geologic structures with variation in susceptibility of the basement rocks of thick Cretaceous sediments. The NE-SW trending of the lineament map identifies the same trending of the Benue Trough. Such same trending may be inferred to have the same subsurface structural control. The residual magnetic anomaly map towards the SW region which is the location of Dong and Numan is smoother, which is masked off by the effect of the stronger magnetic basement likely to be a sedimentary basin. The NE-SW revelation shows that this basement region is polygenetic and has experienced magmatism, metamorphism, and structural deformations caused by Pan-Africa Orogeny

    Noise Level Investigation and Control of Household Electric Power Generator

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    Electric power generator is an essential household facility particularly in developing countries. It exists in various capacities and makes in shops, offices, workshops and factories. The attendant environmental risks of this source of power supply are major challenges to users both at household and industrial level. Efforts through research and development are still on-going to mitigate the prevailing health hazards. This study investigates noise level of typical portable generator (2 kW/220 V) and the sound absorbance capacity of an acoustic enclosure developed from a multilayer panel made of locally sourced galvanized metal sheet (0.90 mm), Polyurethane acoustic foam (7.50 mm), Particle board (35.0 mm) and plywood (10.0 mm). The noise produced by the generator when on load and no load were considered for cases of it being placed inside and outside the enclosure and compared with acceptable OSHA safe thresholds noise level for the school environment where the study was carried out. The result shows a significant reduction of noise produced indicating a shift from very laud threshold (average of 86.23 dB (A)) for no load and no enclosure to moderately low region (average of 69.34 dB (A)) for the case of no load using enclosure. Likewise considering loaded scenario similar trend was recoded with average acoustic capacity of the enclosure of 23.20 dB (A). The effect of the enclosure is positive and the potential benefits of improved noise absorption panels to enhance better performance of the developed enclosure for office and household generators was established. Keywords: Electric Generator, Enclosure Panel, Noise control, Load, Household


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    226Ra concentrations were studied to represent the radiological risk of groundwater of the Giri and Kuje areas of Abuja, North-Central Nigeria. Two borehole water samples were collected from the Giri and Kuje areas of Abuja with a hand-dug well and Abuja Water Board as control. Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) was used to measure the concentrations of radionuclide of 226Ra exposed to the dwellers. The activity concentrations of 226R in groundwater supplies for drinking and domestic purposes ranges from 44


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    This study measured the concentrations of toxic carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic elements present in groundwater using Inductively Coupled-Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). The concentration values obtained were used to calculate the life average daily dose (LADD) exposure of the people whom rely on groundwater for consumption in Abuja, Nigeria. The highest LADD for the carcinogenic toxic element chromium (Cr) was 2.7 x 10-5 μg kg‒1 day‒1, whereas it was 3.3 x 10-4 μg kg‒1 day‒1 for the non-carcinogenic toxic element lead (Pb), identified in water samples collected by the Water Board. These LADD magnitudes of 10-5 and 10-4 for both carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic toxic elements in groundwater are far below the International Reference Dose according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) in 2008, which has a value of 10-1. The low magnitudes found in water samples may not pose significant health risks to the local population. The relevant authorities should, therefore, continue to monitor the impact of human activities on metal pollution in this area and take effective measures to control contamination of the public water suppl

    Computational analysis of conductive heat transfer in a rectangular slab of stable boundary using Monte Carlo method

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    Heat transfer is of immense importance in many engineering studies. Monte Carlo technique are broadly utilized in the operation research fields and atomic physics in which difficult problems above the existing tools of theoretical mathematics were resolved. The target of this study is to confirm the short duration in which heat transfer occurs in a quadrilateral slab where the temperature is provided throughout the borderline. An effort was made towards providing appropriate condition for the explanation of the heat transfer in a substance. The Shrinking Periphery Monte Carlo technique was utilized to obtain heat transfer in a helical pattern, upward and downward movement, which was compared with the standard Monte Carlo technique. The result of the study showed that the dimension of the quadrilateral slab determines the duration to calculate temperature dissemination in the system. The study revealed that the helical pattern is the shortest route in computing run time for temperature dispersal in a slab. The helical pattern is paramount in determining temperature distribution in a quadrilateral slab of stable state. The application of this technique to examine the conduction of heat in quadrilateral slabs produced good outcomes

    Therapeutically engineered induced neural stem cells are tumour-homing and inhibit progression of glioblastoma

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    Transdifferentiation (TD) is a recent advancement in somatic cell reprogramming. The direct conversion of TD eliminates the pluripotent intermediate state to create cells that are ideal for personalized cell therapy. Here we provide evidence that TD-derived induced neural stem cells (iNSCs) are an efficacious therapeutic strategy for brain cancer. We find that iNSCs genetically engineered with optical reporters and tumouricidal gene products retain the capacity to differentiate and induced apoptosis in co-cultured human glioblastoma cells. Time-lapse imaging shows that iNSCs are tumouritropic, homing rapidly to co-cultured glioblastoma cells and migrating extensively to distant tumour foci in the murine brain. Multimodality imaging reveals that iNSC delivery of the anticancer molecule TRAIL decreases the growth of established solid and diffuse patient-derived orthotopic glioblastoma xenografts 230- and 20-fold, respectively, while significantly prolonging the median mouse survival. These findings establish a strategy for creating autologous cell-based therapies to treat patients with aggressive forms of brain cancer

    Determination of a spark ignition engine's performance parameters using response surface methodology

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    combustion engines are concerned, emission is the important parameters for which the other design and operating parameters have to be optimized. This paper studies the use of RSM (Response Surface Methodology) to optimize the performance parameters of a 4-stroke spark ignition engine. In this work, a description of the facilities developed for conducting experimental work on the test engine experiment was conducted. Theoretical evaluation, experimental evaluation, prediction of performance parameters using RSM and statistical evaluation of SI engine were performed. The study also explained how to build an analytical model for the complicated problem. The development of the incombustible gases concentration (part per million-ppm) as a function of engine speed (rpm), loading condition (%) and operating time (seconds) was done via 23 factorial designs of the experiment (DoE )and RSM. The results obtained from HC, CO and NOx emission models showed that the engine speed, loading condition and time were found to have significant influence on the emission. The HC, CO and NOx emission models have also proved positive response from the regression analysis of actual and predicted responses. In the error estimation with 95% confidence interval the equations are within the ranges. Thus, the response surface methodology provides useful informatio
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