2,989 research outputs found

    Amalan pengurusan keselamatan bengkel kemahiran hidup (KHB) Sekolah Menengah Harian Daerah Batu Pahat

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji sejauhmanakah persepsi pelajar terhadap amalan pengurusan keselamatan dari aspek keselamatan alatan dan bahan, diri dan rakan serta keselamatan am di bengkel Kemahiran Hidup sekolah menengah harian daerah Batu Pahat. Kajian berbentuk kuantitatif dilaksanakan di empat buah sekolah menengah harian daerah Batu Pahat iaitu SMK Datin Onn Jaafar, SMK Banang Jaya, SMK Dato Onn dan SMK Seri Gading. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 350 orang pelajar tingkatan dua yang mengambil matapelajaran KHB dan data dikumpul menggunakan instrumen borang soal selidik. Dapatan kajian dianalisis menggunakan perisian Winsteps Version dengan pendekatan Model Pengukuran Rasch sepenuhnya. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis diskriptif dan analisis inferensi iaitu ujian-t bagi menguji hipotesis kajian. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa amalan pengurusan keselamatan di bengkel diamalkan secara sederhana bagi ketiga-tiga aspek tersebut. Terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara pelajar di bandar dan luar bandar iaitu t=-4.08 dan p=0.000 di mana nilai min ukuranya pula ialah -.19. Beberapa cadangan telah dikemukakan bagi penambahbaikkan seperti mengadakan kempen kesedaran dan menyediakan sudut standard operasi amalan pengurusan keselamatan agar pelajar sentiasa mematuhi peraturan semasa berada di bengkel Kemahiran Hidup

    Identifikasi Resiko Ergonomi Pada Pekerja Di PT. Asaba Industry

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan identifikasi resiko ergonomi pada pekerja di PT. Asaba Industry yang bergerak di bidang pembuatan sendok dimana sebagian besar proses produksi dilakukan secara manual. Penelitian dilakukan melalui tahapan sebagai berikut : 1) mengidentifikasi stasiun kerja yang paling bermasalah menggunakan survey QEC; 2) mencari faktor penyebab ketidaknyamanan kerja; 3) mengidentifikasi area tubuh yang dikeluhkan sakit oleh pekerja menggunakan kuesioner Nordic Body Map; 4) melakukan pengukuran denyut jantung pekerja untuk menghitung konsumsi energi dan konsumsi oksigen; dan 5) mengidentifikasi aktivitas pada stasiun kerja yang paling bermasalah menggunakan tool pada ERGOWEBâ JET dan RULA. Hasil perhitungan berdasarkan survey QEC menunjukkan bahwa stasiun kerja yang terdapat pada PT. Asaba Industry rata – rata mempunyai nilai Percent Exposure Level yang tinggi (96,09%). Selanjutnya, dengan menggunakan diagram Ishikawa, dapat diketahui bahwa pada bagian gerinda operator bekerja dengan kurang nyaman. Adapun penyebab utama timbulnya ketidaknyamanan bersumber pada posisi kerja operator yang kurang nyaman, peralatan/fasilitas kerja yang kurang memadai dan tidak ergonomis, sehingga menimbulkan metode kerja yang kurang baik. Berdasarkan kuesioner Nordic Body Map diketahui bahwa keluhan yang banyak diderita para pekerja adalah pada leher bagian atas, pinggang, dan bokong, dan lutut sebelah kiri. Hasil pengukuran denyut jantung menunjukkan bahwa ketiga operator memiliki tren denyut jantung yang hampir sama. Pengukuran konsumsi energi menunjukkan rata-rata operator berada pada level heavy work. Stasiun kerja gerinda dengan aktivitas mengangkat pallet berdasarkan rekomendasi dari NIOSH, diharuskan untuk dilakukan pengawasan secara teknikal. Kata kunci : resiko ergonomi, Percent Exposure Level, pengawasan secara teknikal This study aims to identify the ergonomics\u27 risk in PT. Asaba Industry deals with the production of spoon where the majority of the production process is done manually. This research is done through the following phases: 1) identify the most problematic work station using QEC survey, 2) explore factors that causes work inconvenience, 3) identify the areas of the body which is complained by workers, using the Nordic Body Map questionnaire, 4) do the measurement of worker\u27s heart rate to calculate the consumption of energy and oxygen, and 5) identify the activities in the most problematic work station using tool of ERGOWEB ® JET and RULA. The Calculation\u27s result based on the QEC survey shows that work stations that are on the PT. Asaba Industry, in average, have a high Percent Exposure Level\u27s value (96.09%). Then, by using the Ishikawa diagram, it can be known that operator work with less convenient in the grindstone department. The main cause of the occurrence of this inconvenience brought on the less convenient position, less ergonomic and inadequate equipment / facilities, then finally cause a less work methods. Based on the Nordic Body Map questionnaire, it has been noted that the most complains that the workers suffered are at the top of the neck, waist, and buttocks, and the left knee. The result from the heart rate measurement shows that three operators have an almost the same heart rate trend. The measurement of the energy consumption shows that operator averagely on the level of heavy work services. The activity of lifting pallet in the grindstone work station recommended by NIOSH, are required to do the technical supervision

    Perancangan Kursi Pada Stasiun Kerja Gerinda Di PT Asaba Industry

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merancang fasilitas kerja berupa kursi yang dapat diatur ketinggiannya/posisinya sesuai dengan posisi tubuh pekerja pada stasiun kerja gerinda untuk aktivitas menggerinda di PT Asaba Industry. Perancangan dilakukan melalui 4 tahapan yaitu : 1) identifikasi kebutuhan ; 2) menetapkan target dan spesifikasi; 3) mendesain rancangan kursi; dan 4) memilih rancangan kursi. Pada tahap desain rancangan kursi diperoleh 64 rancangan, sedangkan hasil dari screening rancangan menunjukkan hanya 10 rancangan yang dapat dipertimbangkan lebih lanjut. Dari 10 rancangan terdapat 3 rancangan kursi yang terpilih melalui scoring sebagai alternatif yaitu rancangan 26,27 dan 28. Dengan menggunakan metode Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP) yang melibatkan para expert, yaitu Manejer Perusahaan, Pengawas Lantai Produksi dan pekerja pada bagian stasiun kerja gerinda diperoleh rancangan kursi yang terpilih adalah rancangan 28, yaitu kursi dengan bahan rangka besi, bahan dudukan kursi menggunakan busa, kaki kursi dapat diatur ketinggiannya, lengan kursi tidak ada, letak tempat peralatan kerja menempel pada dudukan kursi, dan memiliki pijakan kaki yang dapat diatur posisinya dengan bobot 48,1495 %. Adapun kriteria yang digunakan dalam pemilihan adalah kemudahan penggunaan, bahan, disain, Kenyamanan, keamanan, dan biaya pembuatan.Kata Kunci : screening, scoring, Fuzzy AHP This study aims to design facilities of seats that can be set height / position with the position of the body workers working on the station to activity in PT. Industry Asaba. The design is done through 4 stages, namely: 1) Identify the needs: 2) Setting targets and specifications 3) Design chair design: and 4) Selecting a design chair. At the design stage of the design obtained 64 seats design, while the results of the draft bahwahanya 10 shows the design that can be considered further. 10 of the draft there are 3 chair design that was selected through a scoring as an alternative design, namely 26.27 and 28. By using the method of Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (Fuzzy AHP), which involve the expert, the Company Manager, Floor Supervisor Produksidan workers at the iron in order, the holder of the seat foam, seat legs can be adjusted height, arm chair does not exist, the disposition of equipment stick to the seat holder and have feet that can be arranged with the position weight 48.1495%. The criteria used in selection is ease of use, materials, design, comfort, safety, and cost of making

    Characterization of erbium doped photonic crystal fiber

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    Photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) are a new emerging research area, and have been undergoing rapid development in recent years due to their unique and excellent optical properties and features. Studies on the characteristics of various types of PCFs have been reported. However, characterization on erbium-doped PCF has not previously been investigated. Therefore, in this paper, we have modeled an erbium-doped core PCF which has 7 rings of hexagonal air holes. The PCF structure, with a perfectly matched layer (PML), is modeled and simulated using Finite Element Method (FEM) via COMSOL software. The PML is optimized by varying the radius and thickness of the layer. Modal properties of the PCF have been investigated in terms of its effective index of the supported fundamental mode, confinement loss and thickness of the perfectly matched layer. This erbium-doped PCF has a confinement loss of 1.0E-6 at 1500 nm and a maximum effective refractive index of 1.476. This paper gathers useful data, which could be used for studying the characteristics of a PCF

    Cure from the rhizomes: the medicine behind the Indian saffron Curcumin

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    Indian system of medicine has always focused on cure from the nature. Plant products from the Indian household have been used as medicine to cure myriad of ailments since ancestral times. Curcumin is a polyphenol, an active ingredient found in turmeric. In Southeast Asia, turmeric has been used as a coloring, flavoring and as a therapeutic agent. The use of turmeric to treat ailments dates back to the times of Charaka and Shushrutha. It has been widely used as an antiseptic for cuts, burns, and bruises, and as an antibacterial agent. Modern medicine has begun to understand its importance in recent times. Unfortunately its poor solubility, limited absorption and enhanced metabolism limits its bioavailability for its extended therapeutic use. Integration of nanotechnology in drug design and development has led the way to development of nanocurcumin with improved pharmacological properties. A precise understanding of effective dose, safety, and mechanism of action is required for the rational use of turmeric in the treatment of human diseases. This review focuses on the molecular actions of curcumin and its possibility to be used as a therapeutic agent in conditions affecting oral mucosa