418 research outputs found

    How often is a random quantum state k-entangled?

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    The set of trace preserving, positive maps acting on density matrices of size d forms a convex body. We investigate its nested subsets consisting of k-positive maps, where k=2,...,d. Working with the measure induced by the Hilbert-Schmidt distance we derive asymptotically tight bounds for the volumes of these sets. Our results strongly suggest that the inner set of (k+1)-positive maps forms a small fraction of the outer set of k-positive maps. These results are related to analogous bounds for the relative volume of the sets of k-entangled states describing a bipartite d X d system.Comment: 19 pages in latex, 1 figure include

    Non-additivity of Renyi entropy and Dvoretzky's Theorem

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    The goal of this note is to show that the analysis of the minimum output p-Renyi entropy of a typical quantum channel essentially amounts to applying Milman's version of Dvoretzky's Theorem about almost Euclidean sections of high-dimensional convex bodies. This conceptually simplifies the (nonconstructive) argument by Hayden-Winter disproving the additivity conjecture for the minimal output p-Renyi entropy (for p>1).Comment: 8 pages, LaTeX; v2: added and updated references, minor editorial changes, no content change

    On the mean width of log-concave functions

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    In this work we present a new, natural, definition for the mean width of log-concave functions. We show that the new definition coincide with a previous one by B. Klartag and V. Milman, and deduce some properties of the mean width, including an Urysohn type inequality. Finally, we prove a functional version of the finite volume ratio estimate and the low-M* estimate.Comment: 15 page

    Passive tracer in a flow corresponding to a two dimensional stochastic Navier Stokes equations

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    In this paper we prove the law of large numbers and central limit theorem for trajectories of a particle carried by a two dimensional Eulerian velocity field. The field is given by a solution of a stochastic Navier--Stokes system with a non-degenerate noise. The spectral gap property, with respect to Wasserstein metric, for such a system has been shown in [9]. In the present paper we show that a similar property holds for the environment process corresponding to the Lagrangian observations of the velocity. In consequence we conclude the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem for the tracer. The proof of the central limit theorem relies on the martingale approximation of the trajectory process

    Monotone graph limits and quasimonotone graphs

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    The recent theory of graph limits gives a powerful framework for understanding the properties of suitable (convergent) sequences (Gn)(G_n) of graphs in terms of a limiting object which may be represented by a symmetric function WW on [0,1][0,1], i.e., a kernel or graphon. In this context it is natural to wish to relate specific properties of the sequence to specific properties of the kernel. Here we show that the kernel is monotone (i.e., increasing in both variables) if and only if the sequence satisfies a `quasi-monotonicity' property defined by a certain functional tending to zero. As a tool we prove an inequality relating the cut and L1L^1 norms of kernels of the form W1W2W_1-W_2 with W1W_1 and W2W_2 monotone that may be of interest in its own right; no such inequality holds for general kernels.Comment: 38 page

    Electronic stress tensor analysis of hydrogenated palladium clusters

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    We study the chemical bonds of small palladium clusters Pd_n (n=2-9) saturated by hydrogen atoms using electronic stress tensor. Our calculation includes bond orders which are recently proposed based on the stress tensor. It is shown that our bond orders can classify the different types of chemical bonds in those clusters. In particular, we discuss Pd-H bonds associated with the H atoms with high coordination numbers and the difference of H-H bonds in the different Pd clusters from viewpoint of the electronic stress tensor. The notion of "pseudo-spindle structure" is proposed as the region between two atoms where the largest eigenvalue of the electronic stress tensor is negative and corresponding eigenvectors forming a pattern which connects them.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, published online, Theoretical Chemistry Account