21,990 research outputs found

    Form-factors of the sausage model obtained with bootstrap fusion from sine-Gordon theory

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    We continue the investigation of massive integrable models by means of the bootstrap fusion procedure, started in our previous work on O(3) nonlinear sigma model. Using the analogy with SU(2) Thirring model and the O(3) nonlinear sigma model we prove a similar relation between sine-Gordon theory and a one-parameter deformation of the O(3) sigma model, the sausage model. This allows us to write down a free field representation for the Zamolodchikov-Faddeev algebra of the sausage model and to construct an integral representation for the generating functions of form-factors in this theory. We also clear up the origin of the singularities in the bootstrap construction and the reason for the problem with the kinematical poles.Comment: 16 pages, revtex; references added, some typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Free field representation for the O(3) nonlinear sigma model and bootstrap fusion

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    The possibility of the application of the free field representation developed by Lukyanov for massive integrable models is investigated in the context of the O(3) sigma model. We use the bootstrap fusion procedure to construct a free field representation for the O(3) Zamolodchikov- Faddeev algebra and to write down a representation for the solutions of the form-factor equations which is similar to the ones obtained previously for the sine-Gordon and SU(2) Thirring models. We discuss also the possibility of developing further this representation for the O(3) model and comment on the extension to other integrable field theories.Comment: 14 pages, latex, revtex v3.0 macro package, no figures Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Explicit computation of Drinfeld associator in the case of the fundamental representation of gl(N)

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    We solve the regularized Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation and find an explicit expression for the Drinfeld associator. We restrict to the case of the fundamental representation of gl(N)gl(N). Several tests of the results are presented. It can be explicitly seen that components of this solution for the associator coincide with certain components of WZW conformal block for primary fields. We introduce the symmetrized version of the Drinfeld associator by dropping the odd terms. The symmetrized associator gives the same knot invariants, but has a simpler structure and is fully characterized by one symmetric function which we call the Drinfeld prepotential.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures; several flaws indicated by referees correcte

    Analytic Results for Massless Three-Loop Form Factors

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    We evaluate, exactly in d, the master integrals contributing to massless three-loop QCD form factors. The calculation is based on a combination of a method recently suggested by one of the authors (R.L.) with other techniques: sector decomposition implemented in FIESTA, the method of Mellin--Barnes representation, and the PSLQ algorithm. Using our results for the master integrals we obtain analytical expressions for two missing constants in the ep-expansion of the two most complicated master integrals and present the form factors in a completely analytic form.Comment: minor revisions, to appear in JHE

    Iteration of Planar Amplitudes in Maximally Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory at Three Loops and Beyond

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    We compute the leading-color (planar) three-loop four-point amplitude of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory in 4 - 2 epsilon dimensions, as a Laurent expansion about epsilon = 0 including the finite terms. The amplitude was constructed previously via the unitarity method, in terms of two Feynman loop integrals, one of which has been evaluated already. Here we use the Mellin-Barnes integration technique to evaluate the Laurent expansion of the second integral. Strikingly, the amplitude is expressible, through the finite terms, in terms of the corresponding one- and two-loop amplitudes, which provides strong evidence for a previous conjecture that higher-loop planar N = 4 amplitudes have an iterative structure. The infrared singularities of the amplitude agree with the predictions of Sterman and Tejeda-Yeomans based on resummation. Based on the four-point result and the exponentiation of infrared singularities, we give an exponentiated ansatz for the maximally helicity-violating n-point amplitudes to all loop orders. The 1/epsilon^2 pole in the four-point amplitude determines the soft, or cusp, anomalous dimension at three loops in N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory. The result confirms a prediction by Kotikov, Lipatov, Onishchenko and Velizhanin, which utilizes the leading-twist anomalous dimensions in QCD computed by Moch, Vermaseren and Vogt. Following similar logic, we are able to predict a term in the three-loop quark and gluon form factors in QCD.Comment: 54 pages, 7 figures. v2: Added references, a few additional words about large spin limit of anomalous dimensions. v3: Expanded Sect. IV.A on multiloop ansatz; remark that form-factor prediction is now confirmed by other work; minor typos correcte
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