156 research outputs found

    Calibration of ac and dc magnetometers with a Dy2O3 standard

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.The ac susceptibility and magnetization curves of a glued Dy2O3 powder sample are measured by an ac susceptometer and a dc superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer, both of which have been calibrated previously. It is shown that the magnetic moment of the paramagnetic sample as a function of field and temperature may be accurately expressed by a combination of the Curie-Weiss law and the Langevin function at T > 45 K with three adjusting parameters, so that the dc magnetization curves and the magnitude and phase of ac susceptibility at different values of dc bias field measured by any magnetometer can be calibrated by using Dy2O3 as a standard. The expressions are empirical and cannot be justified in the entire field and temperature range by existing theories of paramagnetism. Below 10 K, indication of approaching a possible phase transition is found. It is shown that pure Dy2O3 powder may be used as a primary standard, with susceptibility [13.28(T + 17)]−1 emu/Oe/g at T > 50 K and H < 10 kOe, in consistency with the Curie-Weiss law and the quantum mechanical theory of paramagnetism

    Shell-driven magnetic stability in core-shell nanoparticles

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    The magnetic properties of ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic Co-CoO core-shell nanoparticles are investigated as a function of the in-plane coverage density from 3.5% to 15%. The superparamagnetic blocking temperature, the coercivity, and the bias field radically increase with increasing coverage. This behavior cannot be attributed to the overall interactions between cores. Rather, it can be semiquantitatively understood by assuming that the shells of isolated core-shell nanoparticles have strongly degraded magnetic properties, which are rapidly recovered as nanoparticles come into contact

    Microstructural characterization of L10 FePt/MgO nanoparticles with perpendicular anisotropy

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    L10 FePt nanoparticles with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy were fabricated on a heated MgO substrate by using an atomic deposition technique. The microstructure of the FePt nanoparticles was studied by transmission electron microscopy and high resolution transmission electron microcopy. The as-made L10 FePt nanoparticles are isolated and have a faceted morphology with a bimodal distribution of particle size as small as 2.5 nm. A semicoherent atomic interface between the FePt nanoparticles and the MgO substrate is observed. The room temperature coercivity of these FePt nanoparticles was measured via both superconducting quantum interference device and magneto-optical Kerr effect techniques and found to be as high as 6.7 kOe

    Collective magnetism at multiferroic vortex domain walls

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    Topological defects have been playgrounds for many emergent phenomena in complex matter such as superfluids, liquid crystals, and early universe. Recently, vortex-like topological defects with six interlocked structural antiphase and ferroelectric domains merging into a vortex core were revealed in multiferroic hexagonal manganites. Numerous vortices are found to form an intriguing self-organized network. Thus, it is imperative to find out the magnetic nature of these vortices. Using cryogenic magnetic force microscopy, we discovered unprecedented alternating net moments at domain walls around vortices that can correlate over the entire vortex network in hexagonal ErMnO3 The collective nature of domain wall magnetism originates from the uncompensated Er3+ moments and the correlated organization of the vortex network. Furthermore, our proposed model indicates a fascinating phenomenon of field-controllable spin chirality. Our results demonstrate a new route to achieving magnetoelectric coupling at domain walls in single-phase multiferroics, which may be harnessed for nanoscale multifunctional devices.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    Shockwave synthesis of a thallium-based superconductor with a novel defect microstructure

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    We report the shock-wave synthesis at a yield ≳80% by volume of the single copper layer thalliumsuperconductor of composition Tl2Ba2CuO6. The as-synthesized material displays zero resistance near 55 K and a diamagnetic onset to bulk superconductivity at 70 K. Lattice imaging indicates that the superconducting microcrystals consist of a novel defect microstructure involving an intergrowth of two copper-oxygen layers probably interleaved by partial thallium and barium occupancy

    Magnetic structures and reorientation transitions in noncentrosymmetric uniaxial antiferromagnets

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    A phenomenological theory of magnetic states in noncentrosymmetric tetragonal antiferromagnets is developed, which has to include homogeneous and inhomogeneous terms (Lifshitz-invariants) derived from Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya couplings. Magnetic properties of this class of antiferromagnets with low crystal symmetry are discussed in relation to its first known members, the recently detected compounds Ba2CuGe2O7 and K2V3O8. Crystallographic symmetry and magnetic ordering in these systems allow the simultaneous occurrence of chiral inhomogeneous magnetic structures and weak ferromagnetism. New types of incommensurate magnetic structures are possible, namely, chiral helices with rotation of staggered magnetization and oscillations of the total magnetization. Field-induced reorientation transitions into modulated states have been studied and corresponding phase diagrams are constructed. Structures of magnetic defects (domain-walls and vortices) are discussed. In particular, vortices, i.e. localized non-singular line defects, are stabilized by the inhomogeneous Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in uniaxial noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnets.Comment: 18 pages RevTeX4, 13 figure

    Genotoksičnost metalnih nanočestica: osvrt na podatke istraživanja In vivo

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    With increasing production and application of a variety of nanomaterials (NMs), research on their cytotoxic and genotoxic potential grows, as the exposure to these nano-sized materials may potentially result in adverse health effects. In large part, indications for potential DNA damaging effects of nanoparticles (NPs) originate from inconsistent in vitro studies. To clarify these effects, the implementation of in vivo studies has been emphasised. This paper summarises study results of genotoxic effects of NPs, which are available in the recent literature. They provide indications that some NP types cause both DNA strand breaks and chromosomal damages in experimental animals. Their genotoxic effects, however, do not depend only on particle size, surface modifi cation (particle coating), and exposure route, but also on exposure duration. Currently available animal studies may suggest differing mechanisms (depending on the duration of exposure) by which living organisms react to NP contact. Nevertheless, due to considerable inconsistencies in the recent literature and the lack of standardised test methods - a reliable hazard assessment of NMs is still limited. Therefore, international organisations (e.g. NIOSH) suggest utmost caution when potential exposure of humans to NMs occurs, as long as evidence of their toxicological and genotoxic effect(s) is limited.S povećanjem proizvodnje i primjene niza različitih nanomaterijala (NM) raste i potreba istraživanja njihovih mogućih citotoksičnih i genotoksičnih učinaka kao i drugih štetnih učinaka na zdravlje u uvjetima profesionalne ili opće izloženost ljudi. Indikacije potencijanog oštećenja DNA kojeg uzrokuju nanočestice u velikoj mjeri proizlaze iz nedosljednih in vitro ispitivanja. Kako bi se razjasnili ti učinci, naglašena je potreba provedbe in vivo ispitivanja. Ovaj pregledni rad sažima rezultate procjene genotoksičnih učinaka nanočestica koji su objavljeni u novijoj stručnoj i znanstvenoj literaturi. Navedeni rezultati pokazuju da određene nanočestice uzrokuju lomove u molekuli DNA i oštećuju kromosome u eksperimentalnim životinjama. Njihovi genotoksični učinci ne ovise samo o veličini čestice, modifi kaciji površine (oblaganje čestice) i načinu izlaganja, već i o trajanju izloženosti nanočesticama. Postojeća istraživanja provedena na životinjama upućuju na različite mehanizme koji ovise o trajanju izlaganja i pomoću kojih živi organizmi reagiraju na doticaj s nanočesticama. Međutim postoje brojne nedosljednosti u novijoj literaturi, a standardne testne metode nisu dostupne pa je stoga pouzdanija procjena opasnosti od izlaganja nanomaterijalima u ljudi još uvijek veoma ograničena. Stoga se u međunarodnim dokumentima savjetuje oprez prilikom svakog izlaganja ljudi nanomaterijalima kako bi se spriječili mogući opći toksični genotoksični učinci

    Exchange Bias in Fe@Cr Core–Shell Nanoparticles

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    We have used X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and magnetometry to study isolated Fe@Cr core−shell nanoparticles with an Fe core diameter of 2.7 nm (850 atoms) and a Cr shell thickness varying between 1 and 2 monolayers. The addition of Cr shells significantly reduces the spin moment but does not change the orbital moment. At least two Cr atomic layers are required to stabilize a ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic interface and generate the associated exchange bias and increase in coercivity