35 research outputs found

    «Наследие Художественного театра» в открытом доступе

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    The author reveals the significance of the Digital Project «Heritage of the Arts Theater», which presents in the form of E-books over 40 publications of the Moscow Arts Theater named after A. Chekhov. There are described the features of the project and the details of information organization, associated mainly with the large amounts of material. The results of the work are presented in the form of references, electronic publications and programs.Раскрывается значение цифрового проекта «Наследие художественного театра», представляющего в виде электронных книг более 40 изданий МХТ им. А.П. Чехова. Обозначены особенности проекта и организации информации, связанные в основном с большими объемами материала. Приведены результаты проделанной работы в виде ссылок, электронных изданий и программ

    Prospects of photocatalysis in diesel fraction purification

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    The photocatalysis process is widely used for removal of toxic chemical compounds from water and air. Oxides, sulfides of semiconductor materials are used as catalysts in photochemical processes, one of which is titanium dioxide. The manufacturing of an effective catalyst – nanotubes of titanium dioxide and the study of its physicochemical characteristics are considered in this paper. The behavior of titanium dioxide with various structures in the course of removing sulfur-containing organic compounds from diesel oil fractions is investigated. It is found out that titanium dioxide nanotubes (NT) are the most efficient catalysts for the photooxidation. Photocatalytic treatment of diesel fractions allows efficient and simple purification of oil products from unwanted components

    COVID - 19 as a challenge to the economy, society, politics

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    The article examines the main aspects of economic, social and political problems, the formation and development of which is due to the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The negative aspects and consequences of the pandemic for the world economy are revealed.В статье рассмотрены основные аспекты экономических, социальных и политических проблем, формирование и развитие которых обусловлено мировым кризисом вызванных пандемией COVID-19. Выявлены негативные стороны и последствия пандемии для мировой экономики

    Population readiness for economic behavior under electronic health

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    The aim of the study – to аssess the characteristics of consumer behavior in an e-health environmentЦель исследования - оценить особенности поведения потребителя в условиях электронного здравоохранения

    The influence of the spectral composition of light on the morphophysiological characteristics of red-leaved basil in hydroponic culture

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    In this work, morphophysiological reactions to the use of LED-based lamps as a radiation source when grown in an artificial climate on a hydroponic installation are studied using the example of basil plants. Basil plants were grown to technological ripeness. In the experimental samples, the indicators of the accumulation of raw and dry biomass, the area of the leaf surface, etc. were determined. It was found that basil plants can be grown to the stage of technological ripeness in an artificial climate based on light-emitting diodes

    Effect of the low light intensity and ultraviolet radiation on the productivity of Karmesi lettuce

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    Plants of the red - leaved form of Karmezi lettuce varietie was grown at three irradiation levels of 80.60 and 25 mmol m-2 • s-1 with subsequent transfer of part of the plants To a high level of illumination with additional ultraviolet light. The production process, gas exchange and accumulation of anthocyanins were studied. It was shown that ultraviolet and high irradiation (80 mmol m-2 • s-1) stimulate the formation of anthocyanins in the lettuce plants

    Features of the state anti-crisis program implemented in the conditions of COVID-19 prevalence

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    The article discusses the main approaches and measures taken by the government of the Russian Federation to support the country's economy in the context of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. The main focus is on the areas: support for the population, support for small and medium-sized businesses, especially affected sectors of the economy. State support was noted for medical workers involved in combating the spread of the new coronavirus infection.В статье рассмотрены основные подходы и меры, предпринятые правительством Российской Федерации для поддержания экономики страны в условиях кризиса, вызванного пандемией коронавирусаCOVID – 19. Основное внимание уделено направлениям: поддержка населения, поддержка малого и среднего бизнеса, особо пострадавших отраслей экономики. Отмечена государственная поддержка медицинских работников, привлеченных для борьбы с распространением новой коронавирусной инфекции

    Development of competences for the application of digital technologies by medical workers

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    The purpose of the study – determine the features of the formation of digital competencies for healthcare workers.Цель исследования – определить особенности формирования цифровых компетенций для работников сферы здравоохранения

    To the question about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the media market

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    The article examines the features of the development of the modern media market under the constraints associated with the COVID - 19 pandemic. Companies in the media market have suffered both profits and losses. The forecast of media consumption, advertising and access to the Internet system is outlined for the post-view perspective of the restoration of the media market industryВ статье рассмотрены особенности развития современного медиа рынка в условиях ограничений, связанных с пандемией COVID – 19. Компании сферы медиа рынка потерпели как прибыли, так и убытки. Обозначен прогноз медиапотребления, рекламы и доступа в систему интернет постковидной перспективы восстановления индустрии медиа рынка