13 research outputs found


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    Using NMR analysis, the composition of the aqueous extracts of pot marigold inflorescence of cultivars “Geisha”, “Mahrovy 2000”, “Dragon”, “Prince of India” were investigated. Inflorescences of pot marigold were used for the analysis. Plants were grown in the experimental area of the Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology of Plants of Central Botanical Garden of the NAS of Belarus. Inflorescence of “Mahrovy 2000” was collected in July 2013–2016, other varieties – in 2016. The raw materials were air dried and kept in the dark, then crushed in an agate mortar or in a coffee grinder. The extraction was performed with distilled and deuterated water (D2O) at a ratio of plant raw material : extractant = 1 : 15. As a result, the qualitative and quantitative composition of aqueous extracts of cultivars was determined. In the investigated samples 11 aminoacids: alanine, γ-aminobutyric acid, asparagine, valine, glutamine, isoleucine, leucine, proline, tyrosine, threonine and phenylalanine were determined, asparagine and proline prevailed. Monosaccharides, such as 2 isoforms of glucose and 3 isoforms of fructose, were determined as well. Analysis of the spectra on 31Р showed that phosphate is present in significant amounts in the aqueous extract of pot marigold flowers. “Geisha”, “Mahrovy 2000” and “Prince of India” varieties were shown to have similar qualitative and quantitative composition of carbohydrates and sugars. Spectrum of extracts of the variety “Dragon” was different from the others with the asparagine predomination in the pool of amino acids, and the content of β-fructopyranose lower in comparison with other varieties.  Методом ЯМР исследован состав водных экстрактов соцветий календулы лекарственной сортов «Гейша», «Махровый 2000», «Дракон», «Принц Индии». Для анализа использовали соцветия календулы. Растения выращивали на экспериментальном участке отдела биохимии и биотехнологии растений Центрального ботанического сада НАН Беларуси. Соцветия сорта «Махровый 2000» собирали в июле 2013–2016 гг., остальных сортов – в 2016 г. Сырье высушивали до воздушно-сухого состояния и хранили в темноте, а затем измельчали в агатовой ступке либо в кофемолке. Экстракцию осуществляли дистиллированной и дейтерированной водой (D2O) в соотношении расти-тельное сырье : экстрагент = 1:15. В результате установлены качественный и количественный составы водных экстрактов изучаемых сортов. В исследованных образцах обнаружено 11 аминокислот: аланин, γ-аминомасляная кислота, аспарагин, валин, глутамин, изолейцин, лейцин, пролин, тирозин, треонин и фенилаланин, среди которых преоблада-ли аспарагин и пролин. Кроме того, определены моносахариды: 2 изоформы глюкозы и 3 изоформы фруктозы. Анализ спектров на ядрах 31Р показал, что в водном экстракте цветков календулы в заметных количествах присутствуют и фосфаты. Показано, что сорта календулы «Гейша», «Махровый 2000», «Принц Индии» имели сходный качественный и количественный составы углеводов и сахаров. Спектрально отличались экстракты сорта «Дракон», в пуле аминокислот преобладал аспарагин, а содержание β-фруктопиранозы было понижено по сравнению с другими сортами. 

    The incidence of acute myeloid leukemia in Calgary, Alberta, Canada: a retrospective cohort study

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    Abstract Background The incidence rate of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) was determined in the Calgary Metropolitan Area, a major Canadian city. Methods Data from all patients diagnosed with AML between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2015 were retrieved from a single, centralized cancer cytogenetics laboratory for bone marrow samples, the sole diagnostic facility of its kind in Southern Alberta. Results The calculated incidence rate was 2.79 cases per 100,000 person-years with a median age of 60, slightly lower than previously published data. The age-standardized incidence rate for Canada was 3.46 cases per 100,000 person-years. The higher value is reflective of Calgary’s younger population compared to the rest of Canada. Higher male incidence and greatest incidence occurring at approximately the age of 85 is similar to data from other developed countries. The lower incidence rates and median age of diagnosis, in comparison with that of other high-income nations, may be due to differences in the proportion of aging citizens in the population. Conclusion This is the first published incidence rate of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in Canada across all age groups

    Multiple-motor based transport and its regulation by Tau

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    Motor-based intracellular transport and its regulation are crucial to the functioning of a cell. Disruption of transport is linked to Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases. However, many fundamental aspects of transport are poorly understood. An important issue is how cells achieve and regulate efficient long-distance transport. Mounting evidence suggests that many in vivo cargoes are transported along microtubules by more than one motor, but we do not know how multiple motors work together or can be regulated. Here we first show that multiple kinesin motors, working in conjunction, can achieve very long distance transport and apply significantly larger forces without the need of additional factors. We then demonstrate in vitro that the important microtubule-associated protein, tau, regulates the number of engaged kinesin motors per cargo via its local concentration on microtubules. This function of tau provides a previously unappreciated mechanism to regulate transport. By reducing motor reattachment rates, tau affects cargo travel distance, motive force, and cargo dispersal. We also show that different isoforms of tau, at concentrations similar to those in cells, have dramatically different potency. These results provide a well defined mechanism for how altered tau isoform levels could impair transport and thereby lead to neurodegeneration without the need of any other pathway