91 research outputs found

    High grade lymphoma in the nasopharynx presented as sudden onset of bilateral blindness

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    BACKGROUND: Sudden onset of bilateral blindness is rare; hysteria, cortical infarction or bilateral central retinal arterial occlusion can cause this. CASE PRESENTATION: The authors describe a single case of sudden onset bilateral blindness in a patient with nasopharyngeal carcinoma, which is unusual. Biopsy revealed a high-grade lymphoma. After treatment the patient made a complete visual recovery, with no evidence of visual sequelae and no clear reasons for this complete recovery. CONCLUSION: CT and MR imaging did not demonstrate any lesions invading any part of the visual pathway or even indeed the occipital cortex. High dose steroids may have reduced the mass effect of the tumour or the blindness may have been hysterical but is unlikely

    Secure Cloud using RGB value and Homomorphic Encryption for Shared Data in Cloud

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    Cloud computing is a promise computing technology where all the services are provided via Internet. Recent Years have seen increasing attractiveness of storing and managing personal data on the cloud. Preserving confidentiality of personal data while offering efficient functionalities thus becomes an important and pressing research issue. We all know the demand for privacy of information of enterprise has increased tremendously. For this, technologies such as data encryption methods are used. However a critical problem arises when there is a need of computation on encrypted data where privacy is established. At this situation homomorphic encryption can be applied. In this paper we propose the application that perform the operation on encrypted data and provides the same result on raw data as well as encrypted data when calculation to be performed. We also use RGB value for accountability purpose and proxy re-encryption technique for preventing chosen cipher text attacks. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150613

    Changes in Physicochemical Properties of Soil Encourage the Invasion Establishment and Carbon Dynamics of Lantana Camara From Doon Valley, Western Himalaya, India

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    - Lantana camara L. is a recognized weed of worldwide significance due to its widespread distribution and impacts on nature conservation. In this study physicochemical properties of soil were analysed from different high and low Lantana infested areas. Significant site effect was frequently observed than effect due to invasion status. The present study tested the impact of soil properties in the measured and calculated attributes of Lantana by randomly sampling soil from the highly invaded and less invaded sites in different habitats using the Modified Whittaker plot design. Ten samples were collected at high invaded and ten at less invaded sites per habitat totalling to 120 which were obtained and analysed. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) results indicated that edaphic factors such as soil pH, total nitrogen, soil organic carbon, Phosphorus and Potassium content positively influenced the growth of Lantana and helped in the further invasion process. These factors were also positively influencing the measured and calculated attributes of Lantana such as canopy coverage, average crown diameter, shrub canopy area, phytovolume and biomass from all sites. However some attributes like shrub height and stem diameter were negatively influenced by these soil factors. The level of these soil nutrients was found elevated in all Lantana invaded sites as compared to less invaded sites. The present results reveal that Lantana invasion can not only significantly improve the soil nutrient level but also positively increase the chances of its further invasion with more copious plant attributes

    A non-Gaussian limit for linear eigenvalue statistics of Hankel matrices

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    This article focuses on linear eigenvalue statistics of Hankel matrices with independent entries. Using the convergence of moments we show that the linear eigenvalue statistics of Hankel matrices for odd degree monomials with degree greater than or equal to three does not converge in distribution to a Gaussian random variable. This result is a departure from the known results, Liu, Sun and Wang (2012), Kumar and Maurya (2022), of linear eigenvalue statistics of Hankel matrices for even degree monomial test functions, where the limits were Gaussian random variables.Comment: 22 Pages, 3 figure

    Case Study based on Inequality Indices for the Assessments of Industrial Fleets

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    3rd IFAC Workshop on Advanced Maintenance Engineering, Services and Technology AMEST 2016: Biarritz, France, 19—21 October 2016. - IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 49, Issue 28, 2016, Pages 250-255This contribution illustrates the advantages of measures and indicators based on the notions of Shannon entropy which is widely implemented in thermodynamics, information theory, econometrics, and biology. The presented case study applies these indicators to a fleet of industrial assets, introducing innovatively the entropy concept to the field of availability. There is no reason to deal the effect of performance variables in assets independently without taking into account disparities in terms of reliability, operation hours, applied maintenance, operating conditions, and usage profiles, etc. Therefore, the characteristic of the method and their independence from the heterogeneity of the sample that compares is intended to be promising for applications in availability analysis. In other words, this research presents a derivation from well-known concepts such as the Gini, Hoover and Theil indices illustrating their application by the support of an example where attributes for different groups of assets are compared. To illustrate the application we are using two relevant and innovative scenarios as case study examples

    Institutional History of Watershed Research: The Evolution of ICRISAT’s Work on Natural Resources in India ICRISAT.Global Theme on Agroecosystems Report no. 12

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    In recent years international agricultural research centers had to respond to changed mandates with a more explicit focus on poverty reduction and environmental sustainability from an earlier focus on improved agricultural productivity. Natural resource management (NRM) research has been an important area that has witnessed several institutional changes within the CGIAR system for the fulfillments of these goals. Most research centers have sought and promoted innovations through concepts such as participatory research, partnerships and alternatives to the transfer of technology approach. In this report we argue that while these changes have indeed contributed to a greater poverty focus of the CG centers, there is a greater need to understand the practice of science amongst these centers and the underlying institutional constraints that hinder or enhance learning in the proposed transition of these research centers into learning organizations. In this study the institutional history of a CG center has been used as a tool to promote institutional learning and change. It demonstrates that research managers in the CG system have not adequately accessed the institutional innovations of its own scientists in facilitating changes under newer mandates. By tracing the various ups and downs of ICRISAT’s thirty-year involvement in NRM research, this report points to the need for greater sensitivity in research design towards institutional constraints that prevent faster learning and the need for evolving mechanisms to enable real time learning in projects. This publicatio
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