Secure Cloud using RGB value and Homomorphic Encryption for Shared Data in Cloud


Cloud computing is a promise computing technology where all the services are provided via Internet. Recent Years have seen increasing attractiveness of storing and managing personal data on the cloud. Preserving confidentiality of personal data while offering efficient functionalities thus becomes an important and pressing research issue. We all know the demand for privacy of information of enterprise has increased tremendously. For this, technologies such as data encryption methods are used. However a critical problem arises when there is a need of computation on encrypted data where privacy is established. At this situation homomorphic encryption can be applied. In this paper we propose the application that perform the operation on encrypted data and provides the same result on raw data as well as encrypted data when calculation to be performed. We also use RGB value for accountability purpose and proxy re-encryption technique for preventing chosen cipher text attacks. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150613

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